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Mary Despain

Commission: congressional

Zip: 80020

Submittted: September 21, 2021


Broomfield is one community of interest that should not be divided.

Judd Moritz

Commission: both

Zip: 80023

Submittted: September 21, 2021


Broomfield is one community, please for the health of our community do NOT split us apart!

Dallas DeBell

Commission: congressional

Zip: 80023

Submittted: September 21, 2021


According to the latest redistricting map, the City and County of Broomfield would be split into different districts. We are a close knit community of interest which should not be split up. Twenty years ago the City of Broomfield was part of 4 different counties which did not provide adequate or consistent services leading to the formation of Broomfield County. Now we have one voice, our own police, health department, library, etc. We have worked as one entity on oil and gas issues while setting standards that other nearby counties have adopted. Transportation is another issue we have worked on with Boulder County. Weld County seems to have completely different interests than we do. It would be impractical for our small county to work with 2 different congressional offices. All of Broomfield is a north Metro suburban community of interest. Since we have many interests in common with SE Boulder County, it makes sense to be part of CD-8.

Sandra Roy

Commission: congressional

Zip: 80020

Submittted: September 21, 2021


Please do not split Broomfield into different districts. We worked hard to bring this 4 county city into one county. We are one community of interest and have FAR more common interests with CD2 than we have with either the Weld County proposed CD8 or with Jefferson County/southern area of CD7. If we are forced out of CD2, then CD7 would be the better choice as Broomfield is not a rural county and being grouped into Weld County CD8 simply makes no sense. We are much more a community of interest with Boulder/CD2 but in any case, Broomfield should remain united. We barely have any voice now with our 78K citizens but splitting the county between two different districts would ensure Broomfield residents have no voice at all - ever. Per your own guidlines: (2) (a) As much as is reasonably possible, the commission's plan MUST preserve whole communities of interest and whole political subdivisions, such as counties, cities, and towns. (emphasis mine) Please keep Broomfield whole and in CD2.

Andrea Lahti

Commission: both

Zip: 80020

Submittted: September 21, 2021


Please do not divide Broomfield. Thank you

Catherine R Brown

Commission: both

Zip: 81413

Submittted: September 21, 2021


All of Delta County should be placed with Mesa County. It shares the same watershed and most of the Grand Mesa. Splitting Delta County reduces its voice and places undue hardship on the citizens, businesses and governing officials of our county.


Commission: congressional

Zip: 80479

Submittted: September 21, 2021


I am a citizen of South Routt county! I would like to see Boulder removed from district 2! I am a 4th generation cattle owner. I do not believe our views in Routt County align with Boulder especially south routt. South Routt are people who primarily have depended on mining and agriculture and once timber logging for our household income! We are very proud of these industries and would like to be aligned with other people who also value these things!

Stephanie Peace

Commission: both

Zip: 80020

Submittted: September 21, 2021


As part of one community of interest, Broomfield, I think dividing the community so that part is in one district and the remainder in a different district is not the best for the community as a whole, regardless of party affiliation. It makes our voice unheard in both districts. Thank you.

Pete Wood

Commission: congressional

Zip: 80487

Submittted: September 21, 2021


Routt, Jackson, Grand, Eagle, and Summit counties must remain in united with other Western Slope neighbors and not be included with the Front Range and Boulder County. Boulder County has a population of 330,000 and continues to grow as an urban center. The needs of Boulder County center around the city of Boulder and the University of Colorado. These needs are not aligned with communities on the Western Slope. The aggregate population of the other counties in the proposed CD2 map is about 319,000. Boulder government leadership would dominate the rural Western Slope counties and would not fairly represent our communities of interest. I respectfully ask the commission to return Routt County and other Western Slope counties to CD3 because our communities of interest are very similar. A step toward making this happen would be returning Fort Collins back into CD2 and Larimer County. It is very disjointed and illogical to have Larimer County's seat in a separate district. Also, it is more of a community of interest with Boulder since they are both university towns.

Patricia Hoffman

Commission: both

Zip: 81413

Submittted: September 21, 2021


I would like for Delta County to be kept in one piece and combined with either Mesa or Montrose county. I believe our populations are similar except for Grand Junction and Montrose. We are largely a rural population area with a majority conservative mind set. We are invested in our land and its' welfare, our mountains and our forests and our water. We want sustainable jobs in agriculture and gas and oil and coal mining so our kids don't have to move out of the area to find good jobs. We don't have the same values as people in the ski areas and most of those on the Front Range. We need to be able to elect public officials that reflect our values so we can truly be represented in the state and federal legislatures. I don't see where there is an accounting for all the registered independent voters in Colorado when it comes to redistricting. Since they are now the majority of voters in our state, a method needs to be devised to include them.