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Kelly J Jerrold

Commission: both

Zip: 80117

Submittted: September 21, 2021


We share nothing in common with Boulder or Craig. We are not interested either. KEEP DISTRICTS THE SAME. It seems like these things happen when the left doesn't think that due process, voting and legal means will serve their plans.

Mark A. Finley

Commission: legislative

Zip: 80909

Submittted: September 21, 2021


You can be assured my comments will not be redundant and repetitive. I find it curious that redistricting decisions all end up in favor of Democrats. I have not seen one of these that favor Republicans and I do not believe this is truly a bi-partisan commission, just one more from the Democrats dirty bag of tricks. This while our failed school superintendent now senator sponsors a bill to make sure the Democrats never lose in Congress. The dishonesty in this redistricting is clear to anyone with a brain (probably not redundant on this commission). Go ahead and Californicate our once great state. I hope you all step in a pile of it.

Paige Backlund Jarquin

Commission: both

Zip: 80020

Submittted: September 21, 2021


Broomfield is a small community and should stay together! Please do not separate Broomfield into two or multiple different districts.

Sameer Shah

Commission: both

Zip: 80020

Submittted: September 21, 2021


Broomfield is one community of interest that should NOT be divided!

Rhonda Loertscher

Commission: congressional

Zip: 80020

Submittted: September 21, 2021


"Broomfield is one community of interest that should NOT be divided.

Jean Stracy

Commission: congressional

Zip: 80220

Submittted: September 21, 2021


As a professional facilitator and mediator, I encourage the Commissioners to use small to large group facilitation to best understand interests and needs in order to come to a resolution. Utilizing professional facilitators can help the process. Thank you.

Nicholas Heimann

Commission: congressional

Zip: 80524

Submittted: September 21, 2021


I live in Fort Collins, and was disappointed to see that Fort Collins was recommended for inclusion in CO3, along with the eastern plains and Castle Rock. Now, I'm very happy to see Fort Collins included in CO2 with Boulder and north-central Colorado. Fort Collins is very frequently compared to Boulder and think of one another as thought partners. In fact, our City organization often compares Fort Collins to Boulder and other similar peer communities in other states. We share very little in common with communities on the eastern plains. I see now that Loveland is recommended for inclusion in CO3, which I think is a much better recommendation than including Fort Collins in CO3. Fort Collins is a progressive community. Our City Council is 6-1 women, and 6-1 progressives. We are one of five Platinum designated Bicycle Friendly Communities, along with Boulder. We have adopted aggressive climate action plans and other plans that value climate action, community engagement, and innovation. We are prioritizing affordable housing policies, have created programs to assist people at risk of eviction and an legal defense fund for immigrants. We value democracy. Fort Collins feels more connected to the northern mountains than the eastern plains. Our playgrounds include Horsetooth Reservoir and Open Space, both places that wouldn't see the same representation as the community if included in CO3. We're proud of RMNP which we see from our homes. Finally, we're an increasingly diverse community with huge growth in Hispanic and Latino populations over the last 10 years. We should to represented by someone who shares our values in diversity, equity, and inclusion, plus progressive ideals as the county seat of Larimer County. I support Fort Collins' inclusion in CO2.

Donna Russo

Commission: congressional

Zip: 80487

Submittted: September 21, 2021


It seems that you do not understand Routt County by the fact that you continue to combine our House District with Boulder. Please take the time to look at our rural area vs Boulder’s. We are not likeminded with common interests at all. As of now you are doing a disservice to Routt Co. Please reconsider this current map. Thank you.

victoria m livigni

Commission: both

Zip: 80020-1519

Submittted: September 21, 2021


Please leave Broomfield County in one piece. It is part of the reason I moved here because of the tax base.

Collenette Corson

Commission: both

Zip: 81415

Submittted: September 21, 2021


The First Staff Plan map released on September 3rd ignores the needs of rural America by removing rural counties in the current Third Congressional District that include Moffat, Rio Blanco, Routt, Garfield, Jackson and Grand counties and lumping them in with Boulder and Larimer, two counties with which they have little to nothing in common. This drastic departure from our current districts is a disservice to both the residents of the Second and Third Congressional Districts. The September 3rd first Staff Plan map should be scrapped.