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Carol Hagele

Commission: both

Zip: 80015

Submittted: November 10, 2021


Dear Commission- Please reject any maps that are subject to GOP lobbying and support nonpartisan staff plans only.

Rip Blaisdell

Commission: congressional

Zip: 80863

Submittted: November 08, 2021


I thought this commission was supposed to mitigate gerrymandering! 1st and 6th Congressional District look like gerrymanders to me. For what? to maintain Latin neighborhood voting blocks? Rip Blaisdell, Teller County

Bernice Lieberman

Commission: legislative

Zip: 80525

Submittted: November 07, 2021


It is essential that you reject the suggested maps of rep Barnett & Rep Kottwitz and accept the maps drawn up with care by the Independent redistricting commission. Don't let a gerrymander map go through!

Katherine Tyler

Commission: both

Zip: 81631

Submittted: November 01, 2021


Eagle County needs do not align with those in Boulder. Eagle County needs to remain in CD3.

David Tyler

Commission: both

Zip: 81631

Submittted: November 01, 2021


Eagle County needs to remain in CD3.

Greg Flebbe

Commission: both

Zip: 80550

Submittted: October 27, 2021


It seems Windsor should be in the more urban area with Greeley or Ft. Collins, since Windsor is right between them, and touch both, rather than being in the eastern planes area. Otherwise, thank you for your work.

Luke Dechant

Commission: both

Zip: 80109

Submittted: October 26, 2021


I am the Elections Services Manager for Douglas County and we have some continued concerns with the most current legislative district maps for the communities of Douglas County for the administration of voter precincts and protection of voter anonymity required by Title 1. When reviewing the maps against our current active registered voter populations, the updated maps would create voter precincts of zero voters and/or very small voter populations sizes which would require extraordinary measures of protection and redaction from election reports to protect voter anonymity. Some sample map portions from Douglas County are included to demonstrate areas of concern where precinct sizes would be restricted due to the Title 1 requirement for a precinct to not cross over Federal or State Legislative district boundaries. Our office has noticed there are multiple areas where legislative lines for the State House and State Senate will run together and then diverge for very small sections of land and create these small areas that would require precincts of small sizes and populations. The lines, as drawn, create precincts of very small sizes/populations and we would ask the commission to review and adjust the boundary lines so that these zero voter/small population precincts which require zero balancing of Voter Precinct reports and possible redactions of precinct level voter records from the public record are eliminated. We ask that the Commissions coordinate, where possible, to ensure that the separate lines for each of the Congressional Districts (Federal, State Senate, and State House) run together and where they diverge by necessity that the Commission attempt to make large enough areas of divergence to include significant populations to allow for precincts of significant enough numbers (1000 - 2000 people) to allow for the protection of voter anonymity in election reporting.

Laura Boswell

Commission: both

Zip: 80908

Submittted: October 25, 2021


My concerns are the fact that their trying to do this to get rid of representative they don't own and taking our voices away. On a second note what is going on an AUDIT on 2020 elections? They stole it and everyone knows it!

Diane Hansen

Commission: both

Zip: 80231

Submittted: October 24, 2021


I recently submitted (week of October 18th) a suggestion for precinct lines to be redrawn. Unfortunately, i did not save the submission. Is there any way to access this? Diane Hansen 8871 E. Amherst Dr Unit A Denver CO

Jeff Utigard

Commission: legislative

Zip: 80121

Submittted: October 24, 2021


My family and I support strongly non-partisan, neutral and independent legislative maps in Colorado. We urge continuing fair and equitable representation for all citizens of our great state! I urge that last minute, non-disclosing and unregistered groups that submit partisan boundaries that will alter the makeup of our state senate and house be rejected. This attempt to dismantle the independent redistricting process should be stopped and called out for the mockery it is of the Colorado Independent Redistricting Commission and it's goals and values. Thank you for your attention and consideration. Jeff Utigard