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Katy Betz

Commission: both

Zip: 80228

Submittted: September 21, 2021


Do not split up Jefferson county district! We do not believe in jerrymandering!

Roger Miller

Commission: congressional

Zip: 80023

Submittted: September 21, 2021


I have recently been made aware that the redistricting process is considering dividing Broomfield into 2 separate Congressional districts. Broomfield is a community of interest that should not be divided. The evidence of this is that Broomfield relatively recently went through a process to be consolidated into one county. The reason for this was that Broomfield was at that time divided into 4 different counties causing confusion and consistency issues about how the community would set future goals. Dividing Broomfield into 2 separate Congressional districts would cause a division of our community, when the Broomfield citizens worked hard to unite our community. Citizens of the entire state of Colorado agreed with the Broomfield citizens when they voted to support the unification of Broomfield into one county. Any division of Broomfield would be against the will of the Broomfield Citizens and the citizens of the State of Colorado. Please reconsider the division of Broomfield and keep us a united community of interest.

Christian Naranjo

Commission: both

Zip: 81004

Submittted: September 21, 2021


Thank you for listening to public comments and putting forth the September 15th Second Staff Plan map. Colorado has alot of ritual areas and they deserve a seat at the table and this map delivers that by ensuring two rural districts. The map includes continuous areas of land, has correct populations as required by the Constitution, keeps district values and interests, ensures districts are well represented and not dominated by Denver and there own interests, includes tight districts, and maximizes the number of politically competitive districts. Good job yall Thank you God bless for thinking of colorado

Andee Newton

Commission: both

Zip: 81526

Submittted: September 21, 2021


The redistricting of the Colorado congress and legislative maps should take into consideration the affects it will have on all areas of Colorado and be done in such a manner that allows all it’s citizens to be heard. For instance, Mesa County and other rural counties are largely farms and ranches. The people living in these communities have different needs and interests then those living in big cities or college communities. For instance, farms require watering to grow food whilst urban areas typically don’t. I suggest not pairing the two in the same district and not allowing partisan politics make the final decision.

Jennifer Phillips

Commission: congressional

Zip: 80020

Submittted: September 21, 2021


I want Broomfield to be in all one district. We are a tiny city and county and we would like to be ALL together.

Alyia Williams

Commission: both

Zip: 80020

Submittted: September 21, 2021


As a resident of Broomfield, Broomfield is one "community of interest" that should not be divided. It makes sense to put the whole city and county into one district.

Erica Bardeau

Commission: both

Zip: 80023

Submittted: September 21, 2021


Please keep Broomfield intact for all redistricting projects. The community banded together because of representation gaps in the past, and that’s why Broomfield is now both a city and a county. Please help us preserve our unique voice and represent our community’s interests by keeping us together. Thank you.

Kathleen Kreiselmeyer

Commission: both

Zip: 80111

Submittted: September 20, 2021


Please keep the districts divided into areas if similar interests so that politicians representing We The People understand what they are dealing with: i.e. farm vs city: crops and animals vs humans. Pretty simple, huh??!!

Jeff Rudd

Commission: congressional

Zip: 80538

Submittted: September 20, 2021


Northern Colorado is highly dependent on Oil & Gas and agriculture for our livelihood. Although there are several large technology employers in Fort Collins that share common interests with Boulder County the vast majority of Larimer County's employment base has much more in common with Weld County and other north eastern counties. Bundling us with Boulder County is going to result in a large voter base with vastly different interests determining policy for those of us in Larimer county that depend on O&G and/or agriculture for our employment. This has been exemplified by the state imposed moratoriums that failed to pass in a general election, but were subsequently foisted upon us by an idealistic state administration. We need to be free of this influence to properly determine our own destiny.

Jo Ann

Commission: both

Zip: 80020

Submittted: September 20, 2021


The City of Broomfield's citizens came together in 2001 to reduce the redundancies of living within three separate counties for government services. By creating one county, the residents were no longer plagued by the confusion of where to obtain government services. Therefore, unifying its residents, government services and elected officials to become a more identifiable and unique group of citizens. Thus, making a huge difference for the community at large and giving the community one voice for fair and effective representation. To separate this community into two federal districts will once again divide the community and reduce the essence of pride, identity and unity in which the City and County of Broomfield was founded. Furthermore, this division will nullify the community's voice of representation. As the smallest county in Colorado the City and County of Broomfield ought to remain whole ensuring the effective representation at the state and federal levels. Particularly, as a division of Broomfield is being pulled into the current congressional district where there is little shared public policy concerns i.e. more rural, agricultural and industry that are not reflected within Broomfield. In turn, this division, in my opinion, is questionable as one particular industry in the current congressional district does not have a favorable standing in Broomfield, so I have to wonder why this division is being made to begin with.