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Kenneth Nova

Commission: congressional

Zip: 80305

Submittted: September 13, 2021


—I support the CD to map that includes all of Boulder County with Northwest Colorado. This region shares community interests around water, climate change, and wildfire. — I support Summit County being entirely together in the seventh CD. It is part of a gateway to the Rockies CD. This county should not be split in two. —The new 8th CD should be located in the northern suburbs of Denver. This supports a strong minority community of interest in that area. — The third CD encompassing Pueblo and the San Luis Valley makes good sense to me. Thank you!

Lenore Kingston

Commission: congressional

Zip: 80516

Submittted: September 13, 2021


My name is Lenore Kingston and I live in Erie, the western part that is in Boulder County. My husband and I moved to Erie to join our three daughters and seven grandchildren in Boulder County. We only considered buying a home located in Boulder County. My husband and I attend cultural events at Chautauqua, the Dairy Center, and University of Colorado. We enjoy hiking on Open Space lands throughout Boulder County. I was a volunteer naturalist for the city of Boulder for several years. I am pleased that our Erie mayor and Board of Trustees have policies that protect the environment. I feel connected to Erie, Boulder, Louisville, Lafayette, and Longmont. I share their public policies concerning the environment, education, and public health. I love gardening and have learned about Colorado native species. We have drip irrigation. We have updated our appliances to be energy efficient and use less water. Our grandchildren attend Boulder Valley and St. Vrain Valley schools and University of Colorado at Boulder. I share Boulder County's interests regarding environmental initiative, climate goals and response to natural disasters. I am aligned on public health, housing, and employments concerns. During the COVID crisis, our representatives worked district wide in a collaborative manner. Gun safety is also an important issue to me. I am hoping to be part of a congressional community that shares my public policy interests to ensure my views are represented in the U.S. House of Representatives. I am upset that one of the proposed redistricting maps splits Boulder County into three sections. Please continue a unified Boulder County in Congressional District 2. Thank you for reading my comments and considering my request.

Julie Stone

Commission: both

Zip: 80027

Submittted: September 13, 2021


I believe it is very important to leave All of Boulder County in the same District. This community shares interests in transportation, environmental concerns like wildfires and floods, and in concern for gun safety.

Nicki Haller

Commission: both

Zip: 80303

Submittted: September 13, 2021


I am against redistricting Boulder County

Roberta Reinfeld

Commission: congressional

Zip: 80027

Submittted: September 13, 2021


The map of CD2 including Boulder and the northwest support communities of interest working together on so many vitally important policies - including climate change concerns, fire and water.

Joanne Brothers

Commission: congressional

Zip: 80305

Submittted: September 13, 2021


Please consider the following when choosing a final plan for the Congressional districts: The map of CD-2 including Boulder and the North West supports communities of interest working together on policies of climate change concerns, fire, water. The map of CD-3 that includes Pueblo in the San Luis Valley supports historical ties and minority voices for Hispanic population. Suggest uniting all of Summit County into CD-7 as our gateway to the Colorado mountains Support CD-8 in the Northern suburbs to include minority influence along the I25 corridor.

Brad Ludwick

Commission: congressional

Zip: 81521

Submittted: September 13, 2021


I strongly favor the preliminary Congressional maps released in June that were the subject of thirty six (36) hearings across Colorado.

Barbara Trager

Commission: both

Zip: 80304

Submittted: September 13, 2021


I am a member of a social action committee at my Boulder-based synagogue. We discuss and support issues that pertain to local, as well as national, concerns. These include, but are not limited to, gun violence prevention, immigration reform, and responses to racism. We draw members from all over the County and work as one to affect change and improvement in our slice of the world.

Kathryn Snyder

Commission: both

Zip: 80304

Submittted: September 13, 2021


Boulder county has a shared interest in rail transportation, the environmental impact of our county, and really pulled together to fight covid. Dividing the county may not be helpful for meeting future challenges.

Ellen Wagner

Commission: congressional

Zip: 80301

Submittted: September 13, 2021


There is absolutely no good reason to split Boulder County among three districts, and there are several very important reasons to keep the county and its cities together in one district. 1. Boulder County communities share crucial interests in environmental issues such as climate goals and, especially true now with climate change on the Front Range, wildfire threats. These interests are only going to grow stronger and more important as Colorado's Front Range continues to dry out and water resources are more and more limited. The entire county is united in concern about the environment. 2. Boulder County contains two major highways that connect our county with Denver and with communities to our north: US-36 and 119, the Diagonal Highway. WE MUST be united in our approach to keeping the US-36 corridor working as commuting continues to build, and we MUST improve the function of Highway 119. These goals will only be possible if Boulder County AS A WHOLE can work together to achieve them. Breaking the county into 3 districts would irreparably harm our ability to work together on these major highways that connect our communities. 3. Boulder County is unified in its work on public health, especially on the pandemic. Our representatives worked together well to coordinate testing and vaccinations for the county as a whole. In short, WHY would our county be divided among three districts, except to prevent it from working as a whole toward the common goals of our cities and smaller communities? We have historically been unified in fighting fires in the mountains, trying to use our water resources well, and in putting our values into practice. Our community agriculture, our valuable Open Space, our common approach to housing and to working on cleaning up our air, all depend upon a unified county. To split the county up would create chaos for our community and it would certainly prevent us from working together as we have done for decades to achieve our common goals of good health, excellent transportation, and unified strategies to face the challenges of both constant wildfires and fewer water resources. The Front Range is one geographical unit and Boulder County is one crucial segment of that unit.