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Janice Bryan

Commission: congressional

Zip: 81328

Submittted: September 13, 2021


I am favorably impressed with the 1st Staff map. I want to comment on the two proposed congressional districts on the Wester Slope. I support this map as one that is fair to the communities of interest. The new map reflects communities of interest in agriculture and water. Keeping mountain resort communities, National Parks, tourism, and outdoor recreation together. Also Hispanic and Native communities of interest are included in this district as well. Thank you for listening to concerns of citizen's who wanted a southern district on the Western Slope. Removing: Fremont, Park and Teller counties, who are significantly different from the other counties in the Western Slope. These counties align with large metro counties on the Front Range, and should be grouped with them. Thanks for letting me comment. Thank you for your service.

Holly Williamson

Commission: both

Zip: 81428

Submittted: September 13, 2021


I am a resident of Paonia in the North Fork Valley of Delta County. Our valley shares the interests of organic farming, ranching, the arts and outdoor recreation including hiking, hunting, fishing and boating. Our economy is increasingly evolving to focus on the unique attributes that attract new visitors and residents to enjoy the West Elks AVA wine region, our designation as a Certified Creative District, our growing agri-tourism scene and numerous festivals and special events showcasing the valley's food and wine. We are particularly concerned with land use and not opening our public lands to additional oil and gas leasing. We must preserve our land, water and air in order to keep the North Fork an ideal place to farm, recreate, visit and live. The North Fork Valley is more aligned on goals and vision with Gunnison County than Mesa County and I ask our community interests please be considered in the redistricting process.

Constance (Connie) Ohlson

Commission: congressional

Zip: 80524

Submittted: September 13, 2021


I live in Fort Collins in the 2nd Congressional District. I was very distressed when the first draft came out and Fort Collins was placed in 4th District. We should not be moved into the largely rural eastern plains who have totally different priorities and concerns from us. Fort Collins has always identified with the mountains and rivers for recreation, tourism and economic drivers. The Poudre River is a special treasure the city relies on for so many businesses and activities such as fishing, white water rafting, kayaking and the enjoyment of parks and trails along the river. We are very protective of this valuable resource and we want to keep it healthy and not depleted from other communities. Our community is concerned with and watchful of pollution and the effects of climate change that impact the health and vitality of our city. Fires and floods are ever present worries that are particular to mountain communities. Our local industries and businesses are very different from the mostly farming economy of the plains. Fort Collins is working hard on issues like reducing fossil fuel usage, water conservation, efficient, convenient and pollution reducing transportation along the Front Range. Our link to the Front Range communities is also important to work with them on funding and coordination of commuter rail and buses and trails that connect our cities. Hiking and biking trails, parks and open space are large and popular investments using taxpayer dollars for the enjoyment of city residents and visitors. Larimer County has a lot of the same priorities as does most of the District #2 mountain communities. All of Larimer County needs to stay in District #2 and please use the boundaries of Larimer County for the east and north boundary of District #2 to keep us together. One other notable difference between Larimer County and Weld County to the east is COVID public health concerns and decisions. Their higher rates of infection and death were a lot higher in Weld County and there were many businesses that did not comply with state rules to keep people safe. A larger amount of the population in Weld County does not seem to believe the seriousness and urgency of the disease and slowing transmission. It is a clear difference in philosophy and priorities.

Harriet and Len G Boonin

Commission: congressional

Zip: 80303

Submittted: September 13, 2021


Please keep the current boundaries of CD2. Both city and rural and mountain areas share many of the same concerns and interests. We do not want to lose any of our current areas. Thank you.

Steve Pendleton

Commission: congressional

Zip: 81433

Submittted: September 13, 2021


We do not need Boulder County or any county that does not have the common overall values of the Western Slope. We have spoken loudly with our support for Lauren Boebert for example to represent our values. Do NOT include any area that is no where close to the Western Slope to represent their values over those that usually vote for the values that once represented the entire state. Steve Pendleton VC San Juan Co.

Karen Wharton

Commission: congressional

Zip: 80403

Submittted: September 12, 2021


The city of Boulder should all be in one district! The map of CD-2 including Boulder and the North West supports communities of interest working together on policies of climate change concerns, fire, water. The map of CD-3 that includes Pueblo in the San Luis Valley supports historical ties and minority voices for Hispanic population.

Kevin Baldwin

Commission: congressional

Zip: 81433

Submittted: September 12, 2021


Do not split up the western slope. Including Loren Bobert's county in with Boulder County does not make sense is a deliberate way of trying to keep her from being elected. Western Colorado from the Wyoming border to the 4 corners border should not be split up.

Deborah Ruth Bronstein

Commission: congressional

Zip: 80303

Submittted: September 12, 2021


To Whom It May Concern, I support the map of CD-2 including Boulder and the North West as it supports communities of interest. We share a concern for working together on policies of climate change, fire, and water. I appreciate the map of CD-3 that includes Pueblo in the San Luis Valley. It supports historical ties and minority voices for the Hispanic population I suggest uniting all of Summit County into CD-7 as it is our gateway to the Colorado mountains. It doesn't make sense to split Summit County up. Finally, I support CD-8 in the Northern suburbs to include minority influence along the I25 corridor. Thank you, Deborah Ruth Bronstein

Harriet Edelstein

Commission: congressional

Zip: 80304

Submittted: September 12, 2021


I urge the Commission to support the map of CD-2 including Boulder and the Northwest because it represents communities of interest working together on policies of climate change, fire and water. As a resident of a foothill community recently threatened by major wildfires and drought these critical issues unite these areas around survival.

Murray Wilkening

Commission: congressional

Zip: 80127

Submittted: September 12, 2021


Dividing up rural Colorado, including the Western slope, evidences prejudice. The Western slope and southern Colorado have their separate individual interests, to be protected according to the guidelines, yet the latest map disregards those interests. Western Colorado should be represented separately from any big city such as Boulder and Pueblo. Southern Colorado should be represented separately from the Denver suburban area. Same for eastern Colorado. At bottom, lumping any non-metro Denver area with Denver or Boulder or Colorado Springs evidences animas towards those voters and their communities. Denver and Boulder should not run our diverse and wonderful state.