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J. Bennett

Commission: both

Zip: 80549

Submittted: September 13, 2021


It seems pretty clear to me that the attempt to redistrict both Boulder and Larimer counties, both strong democratic counties, Republicans just want to try to split and divid the counties to gain control. It is amazing how far they will go to gain power and control that is slipping between their greedy fingers. What will they try next, god only knows!

Lisa Wade

Commission: both

Zip: 80503

Submittted: September 13, 2021


Please do NOT split Boulder County into several districts for either Congressional or Legislative districts. It makes absolutely NO sense to carve up a community in this way. The citizens of Boulder County make up a cohesive community of vastly like kind mind sets and we belong together. Splitting up districts for the purposes of splitting up a community is just one more instance of the sort of division that is plaguing out Country. Stop political gerrymandering and keep communities together.

Patricia Hood

Commission: both

Zip: 80304

Submittted: September 13, 2021


I am writing to protest the action to split Boulder County into 3 Congressional Districts! The different areas of Boulder County have always worked together to address many of the issues we are struggling with today. Our representatives have worked together this last year and a half to address the COVID crisis. We need that same spirit of collaboration to solve problems of wild fires, water shortages, homelessness, transportation, and health care, to name a few. Don’t bring the diffusiveness we see on the national level to our County.

Susana Hernansanz

Commission: congressional

Zip: 80027

Submittted: September 13, 2021


Please do not split Boulder county into 3 different congressional districts. - Boulder communities share interests regarding environmental initiatives, climate goals and response to natural disasters. We need to work together to prevent, mitigate and respond to wildfires. - The towns in Boulder need to work together on transportation goals for the US 36 corridor and Highway 119. - Boulder municipalities are aligned on public health, housing, and employment concerns. During the COVID crisis, our representatives worked district wide in a collaborative manner. Regards, /Susana Hernansanz

Janet reynolds

Commission: congressional

Zip: 80026

Submittted: September 13, 2021


Splitting up Boulder county among multiple congressional districts will add an unnecessary layer of coordination across proposed CD when Boulder county has such a strong group of communities with common interests. It's important that we maintain our Communities of Interest together: - Boulder communities share interests regarding environmental initiatives, climate goals and response to natural disasters. We need to work together to prevent, mitigate and respond to wildfires. - The towns in Boulder county need to work together on transportation goals for the US 36 corridor and Highway 119. - Boulder municipalities are aligned on public health, housing, and employment concerns. During the COVID crisis, our representatives worked district wide in a collaborative manner. - Gun safety is an important issue at the federal level and needs consistent representation.

Lee Zacha

Commission: both

Zip: 80401

Submittted: September 13, 2021


As a former and future resident and election worker in Boulder County I know how important it is that Boulder County stay united during congressional redistricting. The needs of the county are many and the interests, particularly concerning transportation, education across the county, and common interests regarding such issues as fracking and health care must be united for fairness and equal progress. I respectfully request that you keep Boulder as a united district. Sincerely, Lee Zacha

Emmorette Strand

Commission: congressional

Zip: 80302-5575

Submittted: September 13, 2021


Dear Commissioners: I believe that rural mountain communities in northwest Colorado are connected by common interests with Boulder County, notably in areas such as climate change, wildfires, water issues, and other conservation issues, so should be included in the 2nd CD. I also am in favor of the CD-3 map that supports the Hispanic minority by including Pueblo in the San Luis Valley; uniting the common interests of Summit County by including all of it in CD-7; and putting Denver’s northern suburbs into CD-8 in order to include minority influence along the I-25 corridor. Thank you.

Elaine Blechman

Commission: both

Zip: 80302

Submittted: September 13, 2021


I request that you keep Boulder County as one Congressional District given shared community interests in environmental protection and gun violence prevention.

Adrianne Middleton

Commission: congressional

Zip: 80027

Submittted: September 13, 2021


The map of CD-2 including Boulder and the North West supports communities of interest working together on crucial policies of climate change concerns, fire, water. The map of CD-3 that includes Pueblo in the San Luis Valley supports historical ties and minority voices for Hispanic population. I believe that all of Summit County should be part of CD-7, uniting several ski towns and hiking/climbing centers. Also, Dillon Reservoir is one of the most critical reservoirs in the state, and all the communities around it have strong interests in it. I support CD-8 in the Northern suburbs to include minority influence along the I25 corridor, and to give stronger representation to our fastest growing region.

Caroline Goosman

Commission: congressional

Zip: 80304

Submittted: September 13, 2021


The map of CD-2 including Boulder and the North West supports communities of interest working together on policies of climate change concerns, fire, water.