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Nancy Roberts

Commission: both

Zip: 80023

Submittted: September 20, 2021


As a Broomfield resident I am strongly against you dividing us into separate districts. We have shown United community of interest in fighting oil & gas, development, and other high impact issues unique to us. It does not make any sense to turn our voices mute by dividing us up unless you are politically motivated to silence us. Move on to areas that are less United in their views

Karen Artell

Commission: legislative

Zip: 80526

Submittted: September 20, 2021


I agree with keeping Fort Collins whole and in Senate District 14. Fort Collins is the largest city in northern Colorado and is best served by a Senator familiar with the City's issues including growth, housing, water quantity and quality, and open space. Please keep this Senate boundary from the First Staff Plan. I agree with House Districts boundaries for 52 and 53. Please keep these district boundaries from the First Staff Plan.

Annalisa Wells

Commission: both

Zip: 80020

Submittted: September 20, 2021


All of Broomfield is a north metro suburban community of interest. We have many interests in common with southeast Boulder County: transportation (Hwy 7, US 36, Light Rail or other train service), employment, air quality, housing and economic issues. It might make sense for Broomfield to be part of a CD-8 that includes parts of eastern Boulder County with a larger suburban population and a smaller rural component. We are not a rural community.

Rebecca Schwarz

Commission: both

Zip: 80918

Submittted: September 20, 2021


I would like to know who is on the Colorado Independent Redistricting Commissions and I would like to know how each of them are registered to vote. We have a right to know who is making these decisions and if they have a political agenda. There is no such thing as Independent, they are making decisions based on the party they are working for. Period. Are all of them registered as Democrats? What is the breakdown, we as citizens, have a right to know.

Dave Whittlesey

Commission: legislative

Zip: 81419

Submittted: September 20, 2021


I am a rancher/farmer in Delta County and I am concerned with how the counties and agricultures interests are split by the latest maps. My first concern is that senate district 8 would include three counties on the east slope. This district would be huge and would be hard to physically serve due to geography. A better solution would be to add Jackson, Grand, and Clear Creek as well as Gunnison county to Senate District 5 and add Mesa and Montrose counties to Senate District 8. For the House, the splitting of Delta County for the past 2 redistricting cycles has meant the people of the east side of Delta County have been very poorly served. The whole of Delta County should be with Mesa County. We have many shared communities of interest including cattle ranching, fruit farms, as well as the Grand Mesa and all the water and recreation there. Further, the line as drawn in Delta county splits the K-8 as well as the high school in Hotchkiss. 26% of the work force in Delta county works in Mesas County particularly from the east end of the county since the coal mines have shut down in east Delta County.

Karen Artell

Commission: congressional

Zip: 80526

Submittted: September 20, 2021


Please keep Larimer County whole and in CD 2. Keep the eastern Cities of the County with Larimer County and in the same Congressional District - CD2. Larimer County is one of the fastest growing Colorado counties as are it's front range cities, Fort Collins, Loveland and Wellington. I agree with keeping Fort Collins with Larimer County in CD 2 and am thankful the Commissioners are doing so. I ask that Loveland and Wellington be kept in Larimer County and CD 2. These growing cities along the front range have issues in common with the County including population growth, potential water quality and quantity issues related to forest fires to the west due to climate change, emissions from oil and gas drilling to the east contributing to high ozone levels up against the foothills where the cities are located. The Big Thompson River flows from the mountains through Loveland and the Poudre River flows from the mountains through Fort Collins. The head waters and water sheds of these 2 rivers are in the Arapaho and Roosevelt National Forests and Rocky Mountain National Park. These cities with Larimer County are collaborating on forest restoration and protection after two of the largest fires in Colorado history in 2020. Please keep Larimer County whole and keep it in CD 2.

Stu Parker

Commission: legislative

Zip: 80129

Submittted: September 20, 2021


I'm baffled as I try to figure out how it was decided that latest (9/13) legislative maps should revert back to maps that have much resemblance to the final 2011 maps. These maps made Colorado one of the most gerrymandered states in the country. They were the reasons that voters create this committee with such a strong margin. The June maps created very competitive. There should have been few, if any, large changes to those aps. I would propose that the committee move back to the June maps and make small tweaks to that, including ensuring that the Windcrest Retirement homes that lie in the southeast corner of Santa Fe and C-470 remain whole and connected to Highlands Ranch. Thank you for your time.

Teresa Wadleigh

Commission: congressional

Zip: 81050

Submittted: September 20, 2021


I grew up in Crowley County and have lived all of my adult life in Otero County. Otero and Crowley are part of the six-county Southeast Colorado Region, with Otero being the largest county. It is not fair to separate the most populous county in the Region from the other counties. The Western Slope economy and interests are based primarily on tourism, recreation, hunting, fishing, and natural resources. Otero and Crowley’s economies, like the other counties of Eastern Colorado, are almost entirely agricultural (cattle feed yards, livestock auctions, farming of alfalfa, corn, wheat, other grains, and vegetables). Agriculture policies are a major concern for the Eastern Plains. The climate and terrain of the Western Slope (wet and rugged) and the Eastern Plains (dry and flat) are very different. Water policies are extremely important to the Eastern Plains. Otero and Crowley are very much part of the Eastern Plains, and have almost nothing in common with the Western Slope. Routt County belongs with the Western Slope; Otero and Crowley belong with our neighbors on the Eastern Plains.


Commission: congressional

Zip: 80020

Submittted: September 20, 2021


Do not redistrict Broomfield. Broomfield is one.

Sue Whittlesey

Commission: legislative

Zip: 81419

Submittted: September 20, 2021


Senate District Map- Delta County should be kept whole and placed with all of Mesa County. They share the same watershed and most of the Grand Mesa. They are much more unified communities of interest. Place Montrose County with Gunnison County, they have more shared areas of interest. More than 20% of the workers in Delta County work in Mesa County. House District Map- Once again, all of Delta County should be kept whole and placed with Mesa County. The house map does not take geography into consideration and currently makes it very difficult in numerous proposed HD to travel within the various districts. For example having the east end of Delta County with Montrose and Gunnison will make it very difficult to get a representative to visit the east Delta area because of the mountains and canyons. Also, the east end of Delta is more of a community of interest with Mesa County than with Montrose, Gunnison, etc. A good part of the population of the eastern Delta County work in Mesa County, since the closing of the coal mines. Thank you for considering my comments