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Leslie Peabody

Commission: both

Zip: 80023-4384

Submittted: September 19, 2021


Do NOT separate our city! We are ONE Broomfield and need to be treated as such. There should not be different leaders and voting for the citizens of our ONE city. Over the years, my family and I have lived in different parts of Broomfield. We want to be under the same leaders.

Barbara Kelly

Commission: both

Zip: 81601

Submittted: September 19, 2021


This is just a means of negating our voting rights. This manipulation of the districting is only to make sure, that the exceedingly liberals in the Boulder areas will totally obliterate the freedom of those that disagree with them. It is a total sham, this maneuvering has been used in the past to silence our voices. There were laws voted in to make sure that this did not happen again. These are the laws that you are trying to erase. Shameful. Barbara A Kelly

Aili Elliott

Commission: congressional

Zip: 80020

Submittted: September 19, 2021


I do NOT support splitting Broomfield. We are not a large community and need our voice heard. Splitting us up would make our voice insignificant.

Wendy Bangs

Commission: both

Zip: 80023

Submittted: September 19, 2021


I am amazed that you would consider splitting such a small city/county of less than 100,000. There has to be a better way! I haven’t missed voting in Illinois since 2068 and CO since 2014 in almost every election. Think, folks, think!

Walter W Kosik

Commission: both

Zip: 81240

Submittted: September 19, 2021


I disagree with aligning Fremont county with that the Denver area. We are not the same type of workers and we, Fremont county represent an an agricultural land and income. We have different needs for the people and the land and needs of our community are that if rural and agricultural.

Terry Stribel

Commission: both

Zip: 80020

Submittted: September 19, 2021


Please don’t let the county & city of Broomfield be divided in half on the map. Not too long ago we worked hard to create our own county so we could have our own voice. Please redraw the map so Broomfield is NOT divided. Thank you.

Patricia Bemis

Commission: both

Zip: 81413

Submittted: September 19, 2021


Please do not mix counties that do not share common interests 1) The Second Staff Plan for Colorado Congressional Districts is Fair and Balanced and please leave it alone! (and the First Staff Plan was terrible), i.e. the Western Slope should be kept whole and in CD3. 2) For the Legislative Senate District map – All of Delta should be kept whole and placed with Mesa County. We share the Grand Mesa. We are communities with the same interests. Place Montrose County with Gunnison County, they have more shared interests then Mesa and Montrose Counties. Thank you! 3) For the Legislative District map - All of Delta County should be kept whole and placed with Mesa County. It shares the same watershed and most of the Grand Mesa. As described above, splitting Delta County reduces its voice and places undue hardship on the citizens, businesses and governing officials of our county.

Clare Nordstrom

Commission: both

Zip: 80023

Submittted: September 19, 2021


Please do not split Broomfield into two districts! We are a city and county of many shared interests and needs. We need the power of one voice.

Mariah Evans

Commission: both

Zip: 80020

Submittted: September 19, 2021


Do not spilt Broomfield County!!! Broomfield needs to remain unified as ONE Community !!!

Mary Lewis

Commission: congressional

Zip: 80207

Submittted: September 19, 2021


The commission's proposals seem to be getting worse over time in terms of partisan bias. According to FiveThirtyEight (, the latest map proposal performs worst of the three maps so far on the Efficiency Gap measure and is also biased toward the Republicans by about 4.2 points on the mean-median metric (compared to only 1.8 points for the preliminary plan). Please draw a fairer plan. The best way to do this is to draw a plan with 3 strong Democrat seats, 2 strong Republican seats, and 3 competitive seats. I have seen many maps from the public that successfully achieve this balance and also keep regions like the Western slop intact.