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Linda Darling

Commission: both

Zip: 80023

Submittted: September 20, 2021


DO NOT DIVIDE ANTHEM Highlands and Ranch!!!!!

Connor Mitchell

Commission: congressional

Zip: 80020

Submittted: September 20, 2021


Please do not divide broomfield into two separate districts. We are a community and dividing us will make our voices insignificant in either district. Please have the entire town in only one of the districts. Thank you.

Carlos Lopez

Commission: congressional

Zip: 81082

Submittted: September 20, 2021


I would like to reiterate the comments made by a fellow Coloradoan, Carole Partin. I find them well thought our and reflective of my thoughts. Please find them attached. Carole Partin Commission: congressional Zip: 81007 Submittted: September 15, 2021 Comment: Please support Tafoya’s p.005 map, the Headwaters map. It meets the needs of those of us who live in southern Colorado. Water is life here, and this map will have one person representing us on this critical issue. The rivers of Colorado are stressed more than ever before. They are over appropriated. Blue Mesa is currently at 22% of normal. One representative from a district for which water is so important is essential to ensure that federal policy and federal aid will protect this critical resource. Coleman 4 does not address river basins and does not make this issue an important part of any one congressional district. Tafoya’s map is more competitive than what is proposed in Coleman 4. Coleman 4 defines the competitiveness of CD3 as +10. That is not competitive. If party A is +10, why campaign in areas of CD3 that lean party B? Coleman 4 is also not compact. The L is very long and very wide. It goes from border to border, north to south on the western slope, and east to west along the southern side. It was mentioned in a commission meeting that this district would need two offices, the representative would need to fly, and Zoom or something similar would need to be used for meetings. No other district in Coleman 4 needs to follow those recommendations, disadvantaging the citizens of Coleman’s CD3. Please be reminded that southern Colorado contains 13 of the 15 poorest counties in the state. It is economically disadvantaged and much of that comes from the lack of infrastructure. Southern Colorado lacks a four-lane highway running east to west, has limited broadband connectivity, and contains few municipal airports. Flying will be difficult because of lack of airports. They are either very few or no direct flights between cities. Private planes must be used along with private airports. Driving in CD 3 mandates driving through many other congressional districts to get quickly from one point to another. Craig to Durango to Lamar (driving corner to corner to corner) take 12+ hours, according to Google maps. That trip encompasses CD 3 only. If you need to go west to east or visa versa more quickly, those trips would include driving through an additional three to eight congressional districts to reach your destination. One of the three routes designed by Google maps would require driving through every single district. All routs include travel over many mountain passes and very difficult terrain. No other congressional district has this issue. Because of distances and a lack of infrastructure, a candidate or congressperson will have a difficult time meeting with constituents. What’s worse is that the constituents will have a more difficult time meeting with their congressperson. Time, costs, and lack of broadband make this extremely difficult for people living in southern Colorado. No other district in the Coleman 4 map deals with these inequities. Tafoya p.005 map, the Headwaters map, is the best option for southern Colorado. Please support it. Thank you for your time and consideration.

Lisa sauer

Commission: legislative

Zip: 80537

Submittted: September 20, 2021


Thank you for listening to input for the people. This new district would serve the interests of the rural communities and inderrepresent the urban interests of growing cities like Loveland. In Loveland we need to address growth issues, climate change, health care and public health, small business growth, the effects of immigration on medium sized communities, water issues, pollution and clean water, how to effectively manage our open spaces and address disaster mitigation. If we are lumped into a large swath of rural Colorado, those issues are often in conflict from a rural perspective to an urban perspective, just by the very nature of our differences. Having lived in Northern Colorado most of my life, I can remember the frustration of being represented by someone who doesn’t share or even understand the concerns of my city, my urban lifestyle. Please reconsider this redistrict map. We can do better.

Margaret Collins

Commission: congressional

Zip: 81252

Submittted: September 20, 2021


Custer County is in District 3. The proposal is to move it to District 7. The demographics and interests of Custer County are much more aligned with our adjacent counties in District 3 than they are with those in District 7, which includes Canon City, Salida, BROOMFIELD. Really. We do not have any cities. We have two, small towns. We are rural. We grow hay. Please do not move us to District 7.

Jennifer McPeek

Commission: both

Zip: 80487

Submittted: September 20, 2021


dear redistricting commision, Thank you for your time in this important matter. I have been watching the maps that you propose evolve and I am dismayed that you have put Routt Co, Eagle Co, Grand and Jackson Co together with Boulder and Laimer Co. Please keep all of western Colorado together, as the first map proposed. I think Mesa co and Routt co together with Eagle county will make up the population needed to be a section, if population is what you need, and this grouping is much more similar and makes more sense. Boulder co is an urban area and has completely different interests and needs than routt co. This is the third time I have written to express my opinion. So as not to repeat what I said and take up your time, I will refer you to what I have previously written as to more detailed descriptions as to why and how these differences are important to rural areas and need to be respected. Thank you again. I hope you will consider the values of rural Coloradoans. Jennifer McPeek, DO

Nancy Gilbert

Commission: both

Zip: 80538

Submittted: September 20, 2021


NO TO YOUR REDISTRICTING. I don’t want to be a part of a rural community like Weld county and I sure as hell don’t want to have boebart representing me. NO! Thank you, Mrs and Ms C and N Gilbert of LARIMER COUNTY!!!!!!

peter perry

Commission: congressional

Zip: 80488

Submittted: September 20, 2021


Routt County has no business being included with Boulder County PERIOD!

Lance Schiola

Commission: both

Zip: 80020

Submittted: September 20, 2021


By splitting Broomfield, you will dilute the voice of an entire community. Broomfield is it’s own county and should have it’s own ONE voice. I am wholeheartedly against this proposal.

Michael Hurley

Commission: congressional

Zip: 81082

Submittted: September 20, 2021


My recommendation is the Tafoya redistricting map. Thank you.