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Kathryn Serabia

Commission: both

Zip: 81323

Submittted: September 20, 2021


The Western Slope’s agricultural, industrial, water and recreational economies rely On well-informed local representatives to protect our community’s interests at the federal levels. To split the Western Slope in any way would not be wise. There is a clear divide between the Western Slope and front range communities, clearly designating western Colorado as a community with unique federal interests. Though many of our communities do not have the tax base of their front range counterparts, These challenges are not experienced by front range communities where virtually no federally owned lands exist. While federal lands are preserved for the benefit of all Americans, the day-to-day responsibilities of preservation fall upon those who live closest to those lands. These lands are managed for multiple uses – from livestock grazing ,to outdoor recreation. Over generations, communities on the Western Slope have worked with federal agencies to develop and demonstrate best practices for multi-use lands for the country; these uses are limited to county border. Keep the West Slope whole.

Ari Carol

Commission: both

Zip: 80020

Submittted: September 20, 2021


Hello, I am writing to request that Broomfield not be split when redistricting takes place. This community is small enough that it can stand together. Thank you, Ari Carol

David Neuman

Commission: both

Zip: 80020

Submittted: September 20, 2021


Why are you trying to divide us? There is no need for this! Leave it alone!

Sue Tripathi

Commission: both

Zip: 80023

Submittted: September 20, 2021


To the Commission members: Broomfield is one community, there is zero need to redistrict this. We have shared resources and welcome improvements that benefit all citizens living in this community, including access to services, good roads, schools, libraries etc. Redistricting impacts access to care, services and indirectly creates issues around equity and inclusion. Redistricting is not the issue, the issues are about improving the lives of the people and communities, irrespective of race, gender and religion, keeping our communities safe, utilizing and optimizing public resources and creating opportunities for all. What we do today will impact future generations.


Commission: both

Zip: 81631

Submittted: September 20, 2021


The Western Slope of Colorado needs representation of it's own. Keep Eagle County within the Western Slope, the community where it is geographically located.

Kevin J Brauer

Commission: legislative

Zip: 80205

Submittted: September 20, 2021


Hello, The destruction of House District 8 by you is unnecessary, it is violent racism, and it robs a proud community of color the tiny amount of political power we can muster in these harsh times. Please keep House District 8 intact as is. Adjusting boundaries of surrounding districts will be far less detrimental to everyone. Please cease and desist this avoidable act of racism, this attack on House District 8 and those of us who call it home. Kevin Brauer 2322 Franklin St Denver Colorado 80205

Johnna Miller

Commission: both

Zip: 80023

Submittted: September 20, 2021


Broomfield is a community as well as a city and it should remain as such in all political schematics. Please keep the city of Broomfield intact during Colorado redistricting.

Carroll McCorkle

Commission: both

Zip: 80304

Submittted: September 20, 2021


Please maintain Boulder county as 1 district. Sincerely, Carroll McCorkle

Julie Worley

Commission: both

Zip: 81050

Submittted: September 20, 2021


Congressional Redistricting: The counties of Las Animas, Crowley and Otero need to be combined into Congressional District Four. The communities of interest in LasAnimas, Crowley and Otero counties more specifically align with District Four than with District Three. Las Animas, Crowley and Otero are canyons and plains counties. Many of the counties in District Three have mountains and tourism -- and we have very little of that in Southern and Southeast Colorado. The geographic area in Congressional District Three - as it is laid out on these maps - would prohibit any sort of collaboration among the counties due to the expanse of the district. It is common for Las Animas, Crowley and Otero counties to do business with, and travel to and fro, in counties in the District Four area, but we very rarely travel west and north to do business. Schools in Las Animas, Crowley and Otero routinely travel to schools in the District Four area for athletic and school events. Very rarely do our schools in Las Animas, Crowley and Otero counties travel to the mountain schools for events. Agriculture in Las Animas, Crowley and Otero counties aligns more closely with the agriculture and crops raised in District Four than it does with agriculture and crops raised in District Three.

Patsy Thompson

Commission: both

Zip: 80023

Submittted: September 20, 2021


“WE ARE, BROOMFIELD”. This is a common saying throughout the city/county of Broomfield, CO. As residents of Broomfield for over 40 years we have been a part of many changes, including the creation of Broomfield County. Divided by four different counties we, as a community, were able to bring all of us together. IF the state is allowed to divide the County of Broomfield into two districts it is not only separating our community, it is splitting neighborhoods, HOAs, and school populations. Please listen to those of us who are a part of this amazing city. DO NOT split Broomfield!!