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Jenny Hetei

Commission: congressional

Zip: 81631

Submittted: September 20, 2021


I believe it is in the best interest of the communities on the western slope stay as we are now. Our needs are different than those of Boulder County or other eastern Colorado communities.

Victoria Roach Archuleta

Commission: both

Zip: 81241

Submittted: September 20, 2021


I agree with the comments submitted by our three Gunnison County Commissioner in their analysis of our community interests and concerns, primarily our educational basis with Western Colorado University being an economic driver and a essential element of our County. I believe that our districts would be best served combined with other such communities. We are also a tourist economy and have many concerns aligned with other mountain communities, such as housing and public lands.

Sharon Jost

Commission: both

Zip: 81639

Submittted: September 20, 2021


Thank you for allowing public comment on the redistricting of Routt County. I have lived in Hayden, Routt County for 20 years and moved here for the rural living. I have lived on the front range, years ago, before the population boom. We live on a 260 acre ranch that is a working ranch with alfalfa production. Currently, families are moving to Routt County for the rural life, away from the busyness of the front range. Should the redistricting separate Steamboat from rural Routt County, it would silence the voice of rural voters. There is nothing that Routt County has in common with the front range counties of Boulder and Larimer. Both of these counties are college counties, while Routt County is agricultural, ski town, hunting and tourism driven. I believe it would be very difficult for congressional and legislative representation to be fair, should the redistricting take place. Thank you again. Sharon Jost

Michael Griffith

Commission: congressional

Zip: 80104

Submittted: September 20, 2021


NO to a north / south split. boulder has no connection to Craig & Rifle. uber liberal college town doesn't know anything about ranching and farming on the western slope. put Douglas County back together as one community. your proposal is pure partisan gerrymandering for the democrats what happened to the non-partisan that was voted for by citizens?

Angie Keenan

Commission: legislative

Zip: 81526

Submittted: September 20, 2021


To Whom it Concerns, There is no reason what so ever that you could ask a representative to have a district that includes East and West Slope concerns dealing with Energy, Water, or Agriculture on the I-70 corridor. There are guidelines listed on your web site as to communities of interest which has apparently been totally ignored. Placing Fruita and Palisade with Eagle County, Summit County and Clear Creek can be only viewed as a slap in the face to those of us in Mesa County. Please review your guidelines and rethink the as I understand it to be, is in my mind and attempt to destroy the lives and lively hood of Western Colorado. Thank You and God bless you all in doing the right thing for Colorado Citizens. Angie Keenan

Thomas McKenna

Commission: congressional

Zip: 81008

Submittted: September 20, 2021


When Redistricting Congressional Districts there is only one thing that matters! Population And nothing else Matters but Population The Total Population of South-Central Colorado 1,007,805 Enough population to form 1.4 Congressional Districts. So why are you commissioners having a difficult time making the decision to form the South-Central Congressional District? What you don’t believe us, then review the next 3 documents* based on Population by County and Population by Area. *Population documents availed on pdf We want, we need, and we Demand a South-Central Colorado Congressional District We have read many comments about the pro’s and cons of redistricting and what some people are in favor of their areas, and why are against other locales, like South-Central Colorado. With all the comments you receives the general trend is based on emotion, personal gain, and tradition. The information I have supplied on behalf of my fellow True Southern Colorado is based on research and fact. Everything we have suggested, the population figures, the history, and geographical data have research and documentation to support our claims. The information and data that you have received from us has been summitted based on reality and not on conjecture, emotion, or any evasive attempt to sway your decision. We are very factual. Prepared by Thomas McKenna on behalf of the Concerned Citizens of True Southern Colorado

Connie Ohlson

Commission: congressional

Zip: 80524

Submittted: September 20, 2021


Dear Colorado Independent REdistricting Commission, You are on the right track with the latest map. However, you could make it so much better if you kept all Larimer County in District #2. All the communities along the northern I25 corridor are so well linked with common roads, trails and bus routes that have a mutual transportation priorities and problem solving. An example would be to encourage and enhance the expansion of the Northern Colorado Regional Airport. We have shared issues like pollution and managed growth. Larimer County has a county parks and open spaces tax fund which we are committed to need to work on together. It would be best if we could work on these issues in a coordinated and consolidated way for optimal planning and funding. Being united as one contiguous group of communities would better to keep us together, not split us up, and not separate our priories. If you cannot keep all of Larimer County in District#2, please keep Fort Collins in no matter what and next Loveland because we are so closely tied. Thank you, Connie Ohlson Fort Collins

M Sokol

Commission: congressional

Zip: 81647

Submittted: September 20, 2021


This new map still leaves District 3 as a huge sprawling district. The new ideation nibbles away the northeastern counties, but adds three very large counties in the southeast resulting in an even bigger district than the one we have now. No one district in Colorado should be comprised of 28 out of our 64 counties. No one district in Colorado should be more than 49% of the area of our whole state. No one district in Colorado should be larger than 23 states in our Union. The previous map released on Sept. 3 made District 3 more compact and District 2 more diverse. Please reconsider that map as the latest one is untenable.

Wesley Isenhart

Commission: legislative

Zip: 80422

Submittted: September 20, 2021


I am writing in support of keeping Gilpin County in the same Senate District as Coal Creek Canyon, Nederland and Idaho Springs. I live in Gilpin County and our county has shared boundaries and interests with these communities. We are a small county in terms of population but want someone who knows our area and our issues representing us. Our gaming industry and it's problems are unique and need knowledgeable representation. Grouping us in a district foreign to our historical associations is unfeasible and unnecessary. Please keep Gilpin County with the communities of interest that we currently have with our House District. Thanks.

Amy Barrett

Commission: legislative

Zip: 81301

Submittted: September 20, 2021


As a resident of Southwest Colorado I'm writing today to support the configuration of House District 59 as proposed in the current legislative staff map. As proposed, HD59 aligns the Southwest Colorado community into a district that shares common interests such as water, commerce and transportation corridors. Our community needs the cohesive voice at the state level that I believe this map gives to our region. I would strongly encourage the commission to adopt this map of the legislative district. Thank you for your efforts.