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Dale Karlin

Commission: congressional

Zip: 80526

Submittted: September 20, 2021


Greetings Redistricting Commissioners, Thank you for all of your work and that of your staff on this challenging project. I have reviewed the Congressional Map of September 15th and find it to be very appropriate. You have kept Fort Collins <Larimer County Seat> in side Larimer County and still in Congressional District 2. This will keep us connected with our communities of interest and concern. Your work in response to the public comments after the map of September 3rd was released is most appreciated. There is much support in my community for this September 15th map adjustment.

Bill Dumler

Commission: both

Zip: 80480

Submittted: September 20, 2021


Would like to submit my comment that the district of Jackson County and other rural counties are kept together with other rural communities. Having any of these counties aligned with counties in the front range will not allow the rural voices to be heard. Rural communities have much different voices and needs compare to front range communities e.g. Boulder, Fort Collins, etc.

Lyn Beets

Commission: both

Zip: 81007

Submittted: September 20, 2021


Please keep the Western Slope whole and form two Rural Districts. This will address the need to keep common interests that are not in common with Front Range and Metro areas.

Anthonius W. Vervloet

Commission: congressional

Zip: 81415

Submittted: September 20, 2021


I'll start by saying that I have very little faith in the public comment process. In my view this is a rubber stamp process and little attention is paid to public concerns and everything is focused on political needs and wants. That said I feel so strongly, that if allowed to proceed unchecked the redistricting process will result in harm/negligence to small county (Delta), I must speak up. If you MUST redistrict please pass the "Second Staff Plan", which will keep our county whole and align Delta County with Mesa county with whom we share a common watershed. As you know water is life in western Colorado. Please do the right thing and pass the Second Staff Plan!

Barbara Irelan

Commission: congressional

Zip: 80538

Submittted: September 20, 2021


I can't believe the latest proposal for Congressional Redistricting that puts Loveland into District 4. We have nothing in common with that rural, agricultural District and everything in common with Fort Collins, Longmont, etc in the present District 4. We are culturally, socially and economically tied to Larimer County, not Weld County. We have a vibrant Tech Center, tourist interests tied to Rocky Mountain National Park and much overlap with CSU and Fort Collins. Please reconsider and find the needed population further to the southern Front Range, not Northern Colorado. Thank you. Barbara Irelan

Vickie Vogt-O'Malley

Commission: both

Zip: 80020

Submittted: September 20, 2021


Leave us as one district! One district, one voice!

Kierston Royce

Commission: both

Zip: 80020

Submittted: September 20, 2021


Broomfield is a strong community. To divide us would be a mistake. Please keep us together,

Laura Boswell

Commission: both

Zip: 80908

Submittted: September 20, 2021


We see what your doing and it's wrong. Your slicing away at Bolder and El Paso counties trying to remove certain representatives seats. This is political and not in the best interest of people!

Robert Green

Commission: both

Zip: 80911

Submittted: September 20, 2021


I thought that the redistricting was supposed to be for the good of all Coloradans and not for any political entity! I am questioning why we are concerned about setting apart hispanic areas instead of over all inclusion, after all aren't we all supposed to be Coloradans. I believe that such thoughts tend to divide us rather than bring us closer together. For my dollars worth, the peoples republic of boulder shouldn't be influencing any political decisions for the entire state. What happened to non partisan politics in Colorado!!!!!!! We are not the blue state that everybody thinks, as a matter of fact the lesser populated and rural areas of Colorado are staunchly Republican. Too bad redistricting isn't done by a states total area instead of by population. Quit reinventing the wheel, and quit making democratic and republican enclaves, keep it fair, even and balanced and make redistricting uniting rather than dividing. One thing we need to do is to stop letting out of state ideas (california especially) influence our states future.

Matt Young

Commission: congressional

Zip: 80304

Submittted: September 20, 2021


I recently learned of a proposal to divide Boulder County among 3 different Congressional districts. I do not know how serious the proposal is, but my first reaction is to oppose it. Boulder County has many interests that unite it: school district, transportation, housing, and fire prevention and climate change, to name a few. The county should be represented by a single voice in Congress.