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Amy Stuber

Commission: both

Zip: 80023

Submittted: September 20, 2021


I live in the city and county of Broomfield which is drafted to be split in two. I would like to strongly disagree with this proposal and as it directly disagrees with the mission of the commission to avoid exactly this. Broomfield is a relatively small county geographically. We have many common community interests including most notably, very active natural gas drilling and collection known commonly as "fracking." Broomfield residents have worked very hard to maintain safety measures and communication with oil and gas interests on both sides both locally, state wide, and nationally. It is in Broomfield's best interests to remain together to protect our interests in representation. I am born and raised in Colorado. I live on the east side of Broomfield (east of Lowell) and we could possibly be grouped with parts of the state I have never even been to. This is non sensical and would make me feel my needs weren't being heard as a constituent. Thank you for your attention in this very important matter.

Lois Landgraf

Commission: legislative

Zip: 80921

Submittted: September 20, 2021


I am Lois Landgraf, former state Representative of House District 21, Fountain Valley and Ft. Carson. Thank you for all the difficult and time-consuming work you have put into this effort. The maps of El Paso County are pretty good with one exception and that exception is very sad. The current map removes Ft. Carson from the district and replaces it with Peterson Air Force Base. You have taken a wonderful, military community, one that for years has joined together to support one another through good times and bad and created a community that makes no sense. Fountain, Security and Widefield- the Fountain Valley- is home to thousands of Active duty and retired ARMY personnel. Located immediately adjacent to two gates with easy access to several others. The people of Fountain work at, shop at, and seek medical attention at Ft. Carson. Not Peterson Field. Fountain Valley is home to a large number “Army brats”. They are the children of men and women who have seen multiple deployments some who have lost a parent in combat. Who are transient, here today, gone tomorrow. They are students who face the accompanying trauma that goes along with having such a parent. The teachers and administrators are trained to work with these students. Not only that, but the other students understand these issues. The very name of the school district, Fountain-Fort Carson says it all. The people who work in the Fountain Valley, managers and first responders have wonderful relationships with members of Ft. Carson. They honor them and welcome them with open arms. First responders in the Fountain Valley are trained to face the high incidents of domestic abuse and suicide attempts that are happening amongst some of our active duty and retirees. I think about the Special Forces soldiers I’ve met over time and listened to their stories of instantaneous deployments, 6 month rotations and the effect its had on their families. Army people and their needs are NOTHING like those of the Air Force. I believe you, Commissioner Buckley, understand what I mean more than anyone. This community of interest isn’t about race. Race doesn’t play a role in the military. Army people stick together because of their shared interest in one thing- the Army. Their shared experiences, life styles, deployments and wars. The people of the Fountain Valley and Ft. Carson deserve to be well represented. This cannot happen with the current configuration. The people of Pettersen Air Force Base deserve the same. They deserve their “community of interest”, an Air Force community. I am asking that you revert to your previous map for this House District or adopt the map I submitted during the last opportunity I had to testify. This district should stop at the southern end of the Colorado Springs municipal airport. I was asked to comment on Commissioner Perez's latest map. As far as HD 21 goes, it still leaves out Ft. Carson. It goes too far North on the east side. If you stopped HD21 at Bradley Road you could move the west boundary of HD21 over to Hwy 115. The section of the county above Bradly could be added to HD 19. This would eliminate most, if not all, of the wrap around for HD 19 and would possibly increase the minority numbers in HD 21 given the large number of minority soldiers on Ft. Carson. It would create two districts that are more compact than they are in the Perez map. I appreciate you taking the time to consider my testimony and I would ask that you seriously consider what is being referred to as the Landgraf map. I believe this map takes into consideration every one of the constitutional requirements of the redistricting commission. I know this is a very difficult job and that you are all committed to doing what is best for Colorado. My concern is much narrower. El Paso County and specifically HD 21. Thank you.

Haley J

Commission: both

Zip: 80023

Submittted: September 20, 2021


Do not split up Broomfield! Leave it as is. Broomfield is a community, splitting it up will destroy the community’s “all for one community” feeling. Broomfield has a special small town feel to it. This will put residents against residents in measures that will be passed in the future. Do not split up Broomfield!

Zakary Kessler

Commission: both

Zip: 80138

Submittted: September 20, 2021


On the federal level, all of Douglas County should be kept together. None of the population areas (Parker, Castle Rock, Highlands Ranch) should be split or divided. Greeley does not share enough common interests with the Denver area suburbs to be included in a congressional district with Thornton, etc. Similarly on the state level, Parker and Douglas County should not be combined with other areas that to not reflect its present political and lifestyle which are much closer aligned to their rural surroundings than other suburbs around Denver. People move to Parker and Douglas County specifically because they do not agree with the politics and policies of Denver and its western suburbs.

Marcus A Button

Commission: congressional

Zip: 81212

Submittted: September 20, 2021


Our community is very different than the suburban Denver Communities. Fremont County has much more in common with its surrounding counties, especially Custer, Teller, and Park Counties. These are conservative, rural areas that do not share the worldview of those living in Jefferson County. A Conservative Republican congressman has successfully represented our area for decades, and lumping us in with anything near Denver will ensure that our voices ARE NOT heard in Washington D.C. Get rid of the map that weirdly throws us in with JeffCo. It looks like a power play by liberals who want us silenced.

bernie kirsner

Commission: congressional

Zip: 80435

Submittted: September 20, 2021


Broomfield works!!! Of course there is always someone who wants to "make it better" or wishes to change things for their own agenda. WHY CHANGE BROOMFIELD THAT WORKS IN A SEA OF FAILED COMMUNITIES???? Let Broomfield remain in the eastern Boulder congressional district! bernie kirsner

Ian Stubbs

Commission: congressional

Zip: 80020

Submittted: September 20, 2021


Hello, I am a resident of Broomfield and am opposed to my county being split between two congressional districts. I feel that Broomfield is a community of interest because of common needs around transportation, water, health and land usage and as such deserves to have its needs represented by a single Congress person. Thank you, Ian

Peggy Morrison

Commission: congressional

Zip: 80023

Submittted: September 20, 2021


I moved to Broomfield, Colorado four years ago because I found Broomfield and Anthem Ranch, where I live, to be a suburban, not rural community, with my shared public policy concerns with education, environment, and transportation . Being a 15 year cancer survivor, I am against residential fracking and I feel that Broomfield fits better with Boulder County than the rural communities that are currently proposed to be part of the redistricting. Why should a small county like Broomfield have two different Congressional offices? Make us a part of eastern Boulder County that has a larger suburban population, with common goals and interests. Eastern Boulder County, like Broomfield, is interested (as I am) in ensuring effective and efficient county expenditures while balancing infrastructure, housing, transportation and energy demands and investing taxpayer dollars strategically which is not the same goal as different rural communities.

Kathleen Townsend

Commission: both

Zip: 80020

Submittted: September 20, 2021


Keep Broomfield as a WHOLE community!

Suzy Cohen

Commission: both

Zip: 80023

Submittted: September 20, 2021


Please do not us, do NOT DIVIDE Broomfield.