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Shawna Yaussi

Commission: congressional

Zip: 81419

Submittted: September 23, 2021


I'm writing to say I support the Schuster map. Keeping the CD3 as competitive as possible will ensure effective and professional representation for this important region of Colorado.

Roger Sagal

Commission: congressional

Zip: 81432

Submittted: September 23, 2021


The “Schuster” map appears to me to do the best job of creating competitive districts.

Thomas Acker

Commission: congressional

Zip: 81507

Submittted: September 23, 2021


In the interest of keep communities with shared cultural, económica de political interests as well as creating competitive districts, I support the’Shuster’ map.


Commission: congressional

Zip: 81240

Submittted: September 23, 2021


Please do not consider Fremont, (my county), Teller, or Park counties for congressional redistricting. We are small, and rural, and do not prefer to be large, and metro. Please do break up CD-3.

Anne Landman

Commission: congressional

Zip: 81505

Submittted: September 23, 2021


I support the Schuster Map. It will help make our area more competitive instead of one party having a lock on it for eternity. Thank you!

A Lininger

Commission: congressional

Zip: 80125

Submittted: September 23, 2021


I live in the rapidly developing Roxborough area and sincerely hope this area will ultimately be added to the more urban/metro districts and NOT in District 4 again. We are suburban not rural and do not share interests with those along the eastern border! The June version was much better for our community. In fact, a significant number of residents here in Roxborough are connected to the Lockheed Martin campus and therefore would have a common interest with District 7/Jefferson County (we are in Littleton by the way). Or, as others have advocated, it would make sense to section off at least the northwestern part of Douglas County (such as Rox, Highlands Ranch, and Lone Tree down to Sedalia) into District 6 with other urban cities with similar transportation, educational, and environmental/recreational concerns. PLEASE consider dropping the District 6 border or moving the District 7 border further east (and not so far south in the mountains) to encompass these established areas and perhaps adjust the northern and eastern metro borders closer to the metro.

Elizabet Garcia

Commission: congressional

Zip: 80631

Submittted: September 23, 2021


As you take the last round of community comments I want to thank you all for your hard work in establishing a map that works for all Coloradoans! I want to express that this process it’s not easy especially as you move Boundaries from community to community. I want to reiterate and hope to see Greeley in the 8th congressional district. Greeley would not fit into the eastern plains. It would draw out community voices, college aged voices, people of color and communities different from those on the eastern planes. I hope you take this into consideration as you deliberate the final steps into this hard task. I appreciate your time and commitment in making a Colorado that represents us all for the next 10 years.

Theresa Segura

Commission: congressional

Zip: 80020

Submittted: September 23, 2021


As a long-time resident (over 30 years) of Broomfield, I am concerned about the latest congressional redistricting map which places Broomfield City and County into 2 different districts. Broomfield is a small community and it is simply not in our best interest as a community to divide it for any reason. In fact, Broomfield County was formed out of the desire to bring us together as one in lieu of the four different counties that previously represented us. Please keep Broomfield together in one district and not multiple districts.

Mary Hohnstein

Commission: both

Zip: 80020

Submittted: September 23, 2021


Please don't divide Broomfield . We should be one district, not weaker. Please reconsider your boundaries. Thank you, Mary Hohnstein

Gay E. Moore

Commission: congressional

Zip: 81601

Submittted: September 23, 2021


I would like to strongly recommend the "Schuster " map. Although it divides me in Glenwood Springs from my neighbor in New Castle, it gives each of us a more competitive district, which is how it should be. Elected officials are more likely to represent more of their constituents if they have to appeal to a diverse group of people in order to win reelection. Thank you