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Rhonda Solis

Commission: congressional

Zip: 80634

Submittted: September 23, 2021


You will dilute our representation if you keep us out of CD 8 and Greeley remains in CD 4. It is imperative that you follow the rules and make sure our community is represented in the maps. Weld county has had some of the largestest growth and Greeley IS NOT rural.


Commission: both

Zip: 80487

Submittted: September 23, 2021


For the congressional redistricting map: Please do not move Routt County from CD2 to CD3. Routt County is very different from Boulder County and we do not wish to be silenced and controlled by Boulder. You are taking away the rural voices and this is unconstitutional. Routt County should stay as part of the Western Slope in CD2. We have very little common shared interests with Boulder, Eagle, Summit, and Larimer Counties and have a very different way of living. You seem to be ignoring all the residents in Yampa, Hayden, Phippsburg, Milner, Toponas, Oak Creek, and Clark. I have been to the hearings and looked at all of the maps and it is clear you are NOT listening to the majority of Routt County residents. It would also be very difficult to actually talk to our representative in person as there is no easy way to get to Boulder County from Routt County. For the Legislature redistricting map: Please do NOT separate Routt County into two different districts. Many, many people who live in Routt County commute to and from Steamboat for work and this would certainly not be fair to not have full representation both where one works and lives.

Danielle Suniga (Stacy)

Commission: congressional

Zip: 80634

Submittted: September 23, 2021


I have been a resident of Greeley, CO for more than 50 years. I am Latino and my opinion is that we would love to see the Commission keep the current Staff Map 2, which puts Greeley in the new 8th District. This map has been the most effective in determining a competitive district for Greeley and most of the municipalities that are currently included. This map also accurately supports the mandate of Communities of Interest, most importantly to me and my family, it creates a community of racial opportunities in elections. We have never had that previously and the District 8 as it currently stands, allows that to happen. Please consider saving the current Congressional Staff Map 2. People of color need the opportunity to have competitive districts, and this map gives us that opportunity for the first time in this area. Diversity needs that chance. Thank you so much!

Lee H

Commission: both

Zip: 80537

Submittted: September 23, 2021


Loveland should be kept with Fort Collins and Estes Park. There is not only a difference in culture but a difference in connections and resources. Weld county and Greeley in particular have their own set of values and connections which are not parallel with Loveland and Fort Collins. Cities within each others reasonable proximity and who share common values should be kept together in the same district.

Deb Suniga

Commission: both

Zip: 80634

Submittted: September 23, 2021


1. I have testified multiple times because our lives depend on it. 2. If you leave Greeley out of the 8th you will water down / silence us. 3. We need representation PLEASE understand where we are coming from! We as Latinos have not been represented in CD4. WE NEED A VOICE and OPPORTUNITIES TO BE HEARD.

Robert Traylor

Commission: congressional

Zip: 81501

Submittted: September 23, 2021


The argument that the west slope should be a single District is based on emotion to the exclusion other factors upon which the commission must rest its decision. I think the Schuster Map preserves communities of interest, develops compact districts to the extent possible, recognizes the diversity of Colorado and, I am told, provides for more competition in Congressional elections than any of the other maps. It keeps Mesa County withGarfield County(something the Garfield County commission said was necessary), preserves Southwest Colorado and it’s unique culture, gives Latino and tribal members more voting power in the district, and reduces the geographical extent of the districts so that a representative can meet personally with constituents. I will have to rely on others to determine whether the districts are more competitive because I don’t have the information or capability of making that determination. However, after watching politics for more than 50 years, my view is that more competition in politics is better than less.

Ernestine Garcia

Commission: congressional

Zip: 80229

Submittted: September 23, 2021


Colorado Independent Redistricting Commission Public Comments September 22, 2021 Dear Congressional Commission Members and Staff, My name is Dr. Ernestine Garcia. I've lived in Thornton for over 20 years and lived and worked in Commerce City for over 20 years. My community of interest is the Latino Community. As you prepare the third staff congressional map, do not dilute the Latino voice and representation by separating Greeley from Adams County in the 8th congressional district. Thank you for ensuring fair and effective representation of the Latino Community by keeping Latino communities in Adams and Weld counties together thus far. Keep Greely in the 8th congressional district because we are a Latino community of interest and have shared federal policy priorities in education, environmental protection, workers rights, healthcare, and immigration. Keep the Latino communities together in the 8th congressional district by including Brighton which is 43% Latino, Thornton is 36%, Commerce City is 49% and going north and including communities like Greely which is 40% Latino. By keeping our communities together, you give us a stronger voice. As a retired Commerce City elementary school principal I know these areas have a shared interest in education. Our community needs a federal representative who can ensure we have equitable funding including Title1, Title 3 for English Language Learners, Head Start, and higher education resources for Hispanic serving institutions. The successful education of our students is a core value for the Latino community. When drawing the lines for the third staff congressional map, please prioritize Latino representation by protecting minority voices and Latino communities of interest. It is your obligation and duty to uplift the Latino voice and keep the Latino communities together. Thank you for your consideration and service, Dr. Ernestine Garcia 720-933-3439

Kelly McDowell

Commission: congressional

Zip: 80031

Submittted: September 23, 2021


I understand with the redistricting that our government would like to put 1/3 of us in CD-8 and 2/3's in CD-7. This would make our voice insignificant in both districts. I don't agree with this at all! This completely changes the demographic make-up of each group and impacts our voting by electorate. This will no longer represent my voice in my district!

Kevin DiPasquale

Commission: both

Zip: 80126

Submittted: September 23, 2021


To whom it may concern, It appears the northern part of Douglas County has been left out of the congressional map that includes the remainder of the Denver metro area. The north western segment of Douglas County is much different than the plains of Colorado and with these differences Douglas County should be divided between these two congressional districts. The issues and needs of agriculture on the planes is vastly different than the metropolitan needs of northern Douglas County. While Douglas County has large areas of land available for public use, where our highest density of population exist we share similar needs and concerns with transportation, pollution, development, and health care needs. The chasm between agriculture and urban areas are vastly different and this is why the northern section of Douglas county should be included in the area just north of Douglas County which includes Arapahoe, Adams, and Denver County‘s to name a few. There is a concern that the urban areas of Douglas County could be treated as agricultural or mixed use/mining, which is more suited for large open expanses of land. As with Fort Collins, please also include Highlands Ranch, Lone Tree, Castle Pines, and the western portion of Parker in a map that better represents our geographic area. Sincerely, Kevin DiPasquale

Erin Ogletree

Commission: congressional

Zip: 81082-2336

Submittted: September 23, 2021


Southern Colorado cannot be represented by Boebert. We deserve a competitive southern district. Please vote for the Schuster map.