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Kathleen Gill Mahan

Commission: congressional

Zip: 80538

Submittted: September 23, 2021


I am really concerned about the potential redistricting in my area. We live in Masonville and we are really oriented to Fort Collins. In fact, I send Rrepresentitive Neguese a monthly donation because I approve of him. I am vaccinated and for the life of me, I cannot understand my neighbors in Weld County who refuse to do so. The Republican Party has swung too far to the right and I do not approve of their move to authoritarianism. Placing my husband who is a decorated Viet Nam veteran and me in a right wing district of which we do not approve, would strike me as unfair. I will be 84 years old when you will be able to redistrict once again. I really don't want to live in a District of which I hold abhorrent. Please don't do this to us. I realize this is an emotional appeal, but I do not want to live in a District run by people who are responsible for the insurrection in our Capital. As far as I know, Ken Buck has not spoken out against it nor did he even consider that Trump played a part in it. I cannot abide by that. Thank You. Kathy Mahan

Laura Hawk

Commission: congressional

Zip: 81301

Submittted: September 23, 2021


The September 3rd plan should be scrapped. Let's keep the 3rd District one with compatible interests and not lump it in with Boulder and Larimer counties. Please give the earlier plan the heave ho.

Emily Francis

Commission: congressional

Zip: 80521

Submittted: September 23, 2021


Hello, I serve as Mayor Pro Tem in Fort Collins but I am writing not as an elected official but member of the community. I am very opposed to redistricting Fort Collins with Grand Junction. Fort Collins and Grand Junction have very little in common and are not communities of interest. Fort Collins belongs in D2, along with other communities such as Loveland and Boulder, whom we share similar ideas, interests and passions. To solve many of our regional issues including environment, housing, and water it is critical that Fort Collins remains in D2 to work collaborative with our fellow communities of interest to address these top priorities.

Baron Smith

Commission: congressional

Zip: 92651

Submittted: September 23, 2021

Comment: (link of the map) I focused on compactness and regions. I also adhered to the fair fight amendment and drew the new 8th district as a Trump/Biden District. Better yet, this is a Biden/Gardner district.

Lisa Caricato

Commission: both

Zip: 80023

Submittted: September 23, 2021


Broomfield should stay as one community and not be split up into two Congressional Districts. We are a small city and county and: (2) (a) As much as is reasonably possible, the commission's plan must preserve whole communities of interest and whole political subdivisions, such as counties, cities, and towns.

Leslie Mcmenemy

Commission: congressional

Zip: 81131

Submittted: September 23, 2021


The Shuster map is the only one the truly represents rural Colorado. Our family sincerely urges you to vote for this one!

Steve D Johnson

Commission: congressional

Zip: 81301

Submittted: September 23, 2021


Having followed the redistricting commission's work over the last year, I would like to endorse the Schuster Map which makes my Congressional District 3 a competitive district and NOT safely with one party or another. The whole point behind redistricting to to promote communities of interest and keep our elections competitive. This map does the best job for all Coloradoans.

Emily Wangsness

Commission: congressional

Zip: 80504

Submittted: September 23, 2021


As a resident of Longmont, I'm happy with the shape of the 2nd congressional district in the third staff plan. Boulder County, Fort Collins, and the central Rockies share many interests and a similar environment, so I'm glad to see them all together in the same district. I think the plan overall is fair and reasonable.

Kenneth Curtis

Commission: legislative

Zip: 81321

Submittted: September 23, 2021


Dolores Water Conservancy District continues to serve as a Community of Interest as the operator of the Dolores Project including McPhee Reservoir, 3rd largest in Colorado. McPhee & the Dolores Project serve the east half of Dolores County & west half of Montezuma County. Therefore we hope to keep our watershed and paying partners in the same house district. We therefore support the Colorado House District proposal created by Montezuma County, Doug Roth, submitted on 9/16/2021 and presented at the 9/17/21 Commission hearing.

Alex Apodaca-Cobell

Commission: legislative

Zip: 80221

Submittted: September 23, 2021


Members and Staff of the Independent Legislative Redistricting Commission - Via the links below, please find a joint submission for Colorado House of Representatives and Senate maps from the Colorado Latino Leadership, Advocacy, and Research Organization (CLLARO) and the Colorado Black Leadership Coalition (CLBC). This submission reflects the revised CLLARO maps submitted on 9/18/2021 with changes to incorporate the map provided by Khadija Haynes on 9/1/2021. The maps reflect the 9/18/2021 CLLARO submission except in the following districts: HD2, HD4, HD5, HD8, HD9, SD31, SD33, and SD34. These changes did not alter the number of competitive districts or Latino-influenced districts in that submission. House Map: Senate Map: Thank you for your consideration. Please contact me with any questions. Sincerely, Alex Apodaca-Cobell