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Julia Moody

Commission: congressional

Zip: 80020

Submittted: September 23, 2021


Please do not split Broomfield up. I'm told Lowell is being considered as a dividing line from CD7 and CD8. We are one beautiful community.

Peggy Reed

Commission: congressional

Zip: 80020

Submittted: September 23, 2021


The City and County of Broomfield (CCOB) is a community of interest. This was recognized in when me the state's newest county, the City and County of Broomfield, officially took effect on November 15, 2001. It is important to recognize this community of interest by ensuring in a single Congressional, State House, and State Senate districts, rather than being split across multiple districts. Broomfield is the smallest county in the state, 33 square miles. Having a single US House District would ensure Broomfield is represented, rather than being overlooked. Broomfield has been overlooked at the Colorado Senate District level. This district (SD23) maintains the Broomfield city and county boundaries, but most of the voters reside in Weld County and many areas remain agricultural, rural in nature and desire, and areas of active oil and gas production that is not viable in an urban setting. Broomfield may have fit better before 2010 into this district, but growth and development has changed common interests where they no longer match. Because of the mismatch, and the majority of Weld County voters, the interests of Broomfield have not been advanced or even represented. Splitting Broomfield will have the same issue. Currently CD8 is not reflective of Broomfield, due to the inclusion of Weld County areas such at Fort Lupton, Plattsville, and Johnstown. Broomfield needs to be in a single Congressional District, so that all of the 75,000 people in the City and County are represented by a single Congressperson.

Lucy Diaz

Commission: congressional

Zip: 80534

Submittted: September 23, 2021


I believe the new CO-8 district should be a fair opportunity for the Hispanic population in Colorado to have someone in Congress who understands and proudly represents the Hispanic communities in CO-8 and in the state. The current white population of the 3rd draft CO-8 dilutes out the voting age Hispanic population, which could ultimately end up making our voices unheard in DC. I’d encourage the commission to consider redrawing CO-8 boundaries to include a higher voting age Hispanic population (by drawing the district closer to the Denver area) so that the Hispanic population has a fair and realistic opportunity of nominating and and voting for a candidate that truly reflects our communities. Thank you.

william Rosquist

Commission: congressional

Zip: 80537

Submittted: September 23, 2021


1. I think Loveland should be included with other front range mountain communities due to the common geographical problems that front range communities have to deal with, for example: flood issues on Big Thompson and Cache la Poudre, fire issues and the associated issues of mitigation, post fire recovery, emergency response and evacuation; erosion control, and erosion runoff damage. These are uniquely front range/mountain issues.

Eric Mamula

Commission: congressional

Zip: 80424

Submittted: September 23, 2021


Redistributing Commission, thank you for undertaking this difficult, but necessary task. Summit County has unique, and critical ties to the Front Range. Our reliance on the I-70 corridor and our need to stay connected with our federal community of interest make it imperative that we be placed in with the Front Range communities. Placing Summit County with the counties of the southwest in order to created political competition does not serve the needs of our citizens. Please disregard the CLLARO map, and place Summit with it’s our federal community of interest. Thank you. Eric Mamula, Mayor of Breckenridge.

Kim Culbertson

Commission: congressional

Zip: 80111

Submittted: September 23, 2021


I own property in Garfield county and I am pro Oil and Gas. I look at this map and for the life of me I can’t see how Boulder has remotely any of the same issues concerns that people on the western slope have. Boulder should be moved into front range districts, front range district issues parallel Boulder’s issues better than farming, and oil and gas, which is a big deal on western slope. I live in district 6 and I watched my district move from a rectangle to a backwards C, and also go from Republican to Democratic. To me districting equals representation in government of the issues, concerns, needs. After the redistributing we went through I feel like my issues and concerns have not been represented in Government.

Bailey Hamilton

Commission: congressional

Zip: 94404

Submittted: September 23, 2021


Hello, I would like to comment on the partisan distribution of the most recent congressional draft map that you published today. While I understand the importance of communities of interest when drawing a map, I believe there should at least be some consideration of the overall partisanship of the map that is proposed. If the map that was proposed today was used in the 2020 presidential election, here is how the 8 districts would have voted: CO-01: D+61.3 CO-02: D+39.8 CO-03: R+8.3 CO-04: R+18.5 CO-05: R+10.1 CO-06: D+23.9 CO-07: D+14.2 CO-08: D+4.6 In other words, this map would produce a partisan distribution of 4 Democrats, 3 Republicans, and 1 tossup district that slightly leans Democratic. This may initially sound fair, until you consider that the state voted for Joe Biden in 2020 by nearly 15%. A 4D-3R-1T map is not "fair" in a state that has heavily trended Democratic over the past 10 years. I'm not saying to ignore communities of interest or even de-prioritize it, but I think it's frankly a little absurd to draw a map that is roughly even in partisanship for a state that voted overwhelmingly Democratic. If at all possible, please consider this when making revisions to the overall map.


Commission: both

Zip: 816410

Submittted: September 23, 2021


We need to have our voice and not let a large county over power the little towns

Roberta Wilson

Commission: congressional

Zip: 81520

Submittted: September 23, 2021


There are few, if any, interests that western Colorado share with the eastern slope. Western Colorado's economy has agriculture or natural resources that provide employment for most of our communities. We have mostly small towns, not large metropolitan areas like with Boulder and Larimer counties. To lump western Colorado with these large metropolitan areas would be a gross disservice to the Second and Third Congressional Districts. You should not go forward with your September 3rd plan.

John Hermes

Commission: congressional

Zip: 80241

Submittted: September 23, 2021


Please stop trying to save every current legislatures seat under the guise of "fairness", it's completely ridiculous to base a map around who might have to work a little bit hard to get re-elected.