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Anne Lirette

Commission: congressional

Zip: 81122

Submittted: September 23, 2021


The Schuster map is the most fair for Coloradans.


Commission: congressional

Zip: 81428

Submittted: September 23, 2021


Please support the Schuster Map for redistricting. This option not only makes a Southern Colorado district with Latino and Native heritage possible, it creates three competitive districts in the process - more competitive than the Second Staff Map. CD2 is 1.5%D leaning (highly competitive) and it's CD3 is 1.4%R leaning (highly competitive). Competitive districts are needed for our region to create solutions and work together. Southwest Colorado has very little shared common interest with Grand Junction, Craig, and Boulder. Schuster uses two districts for Western Colorado that much more compactly reflect communities of interest on the ground including agricultural communities and shared watersheds . The Schuster Map keeps Southwest Colorado together, keeps the Roaring Fork Valley together, and keeps the San Luis Valley together with Pueblo and Pueblo's agricultural region. It also keeps Delta County and the North Fork Valley together. - The Schuster Map is the most competitive map I have seen thus far. Southern Colorado and the Western Slope are so diverse in politics between communities but so interdependent in our economies and future. Rural agricultural communities need mountain town markets and jobs.

Jonathan Pitocco

Commission: both

Zip: 80204

Submittted: September 23, 2021


See attached pdf

Pricella Lua

Commission: congressional

Zip: 80863

Submittted: September 23, 2021


To whom it may concern, I am asking the congressional redistricting to leave the southern and west slopes alone. These areas do not need to be part of Denver metro! Thank you!

Whitney Milek

Commission: both

Zip: 80480

Submittted: September 23, 2021


I see that Jackson County is considered to be part of the mountain communities on the redistricting maps. While we are certainly a mountain community, our lifestyle and values do not align with some of the other mountain communities. Jackson County could not be more different in population, values, and economy from Boulder County. In my opinion it would be a great disservice to Jackson, Grand, and Routt Counties to lump our communities in with Boulder and Summit county. A more cohesive district 2 would be west of I25 and North of I70.

Will Cromwell

Commission: congressional

Zip: 06105

Submittted: September 23, 2021


The 8th district appears to be an attempt at "cracking" Hispanic voters. You put these Hispanics with a plurality of Whites, and since Hispanics are much younger than Whites the district will likely elect a congressperson who the majority of Hispanic voters did not vote for. This is not a favor to Hispanic voters, you are instead weakening Hispanic voting power and strengthening White voting power by making such a district. The 8th district can be drawn to actually benefit Hispanic voters. This can be done by including part of Denver in the 8th district. You don't seem to care about crossing county lines throughout the rest of the map, so it is baffling that you did not cross county lines here (unless your intent is to hurt Hispanic voters). The Denver neighborhoods of Gateway, Green Valley Ranch, Elyria-Swansea, much of north Denver should all be included in the 8th district. I have attached 2 examples of 8th districts that are minority majority, one with majority Hispanics and one with a plurality Hispanics. These would actually empower Hispanic voters, unlike the map that you submitted.

Art Bierschbach

Commission: both

Zip: 80601

Submittted: September 23, 2021


Hello; It appears the latest map is designed to continue the Democrat Party War on Rural America. Rural Larimer County will by ruled by Boulder and Fort Collins and have no say it its own future. Our community of interest is rural. We support our neighbors and take care of each other. We don't need liberal Boulder and Fort Collins raising our property taxes, raising our gas taxes when we have to drive an hour to go grocery shopping and they walk around the corner, and taking away our guns when the sheriff need an hour to get to us. I wish this "non-partisan" would move off the Democrat Party position and support citizens of Colorado.

Teak Simonton

Commission: congressional

Zip: 81631

Submittted: September 23, 2021


I understand what you were trying to do when you included more of south western Eagle County in CD3, however, you've managed to split neighborhoods in the Town of Eagle area - Upper Kaibab, only accessible through the town of Eagle, not part of the Roaring Fork Valley or even connected to it by a paved road, is not included in CD2, but is added to CD3. Also, it looks like there are a few random addresses along Highway Six between Eagle and Gypsum that would not be in CD2, but pulled into CD3. Again, these random and small number of homes would have to be included in a precinct that was part of the Roaring Fork valley (Basalt area) in order to mask their votes when reporting by precinct - the clerk and recorder could not create a separate precinct for less than 25 people in other words. These homes are in no way part of or connected to the Roaring Fork valley. I would think changing these two boundaries, to include this small number of people to CD2 would not skew your numbers much and would make much better sense for the greater town of Eagle area.

Timothy Peters

Commission: congressional

Zip: 80537

Submittted: September 23, 2021


I ask the commission allow Loveland to remain in CD2 and not move them to CD 4 with Weld county. That county does not represent Loveland's interests. I also suggest that the Commission move the Arkansas Valley back into Congressional District 4 with Weld and the other Eastern rural communities.

kathleen campbell

Commission: both

Zip: 80487

Submittted: September 23, 2021


I am writing in order to be heard on this redistricting issue. I request that we citizens of Routt County stay in district 3 in order to keep aligned with other communities of interest like agriculture and energy industries, small towns, public education, public health, and water rights. Please do not change to include us in to district to 2. Routt county does host a ski mountain but that is the only thing that we have in common with those in district 3. We have always prided ourselves as being different in keeping with our small town hospitality and even though some have high hopes of making us a Vail or Aspen we don't have the infrastructure and never will to accomplish that. We are a working town not just a tourist destination.