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Jake Wiliam Schild

Commission: legislative

Zip: 80465

Submittted: October 08, 2021


Two Republican members of the redistricting committee appear to be colluding with Republican operatives to circumvent and corrupt the work of the balanced state redistricting commission. The objective they seek is to gerrymander state House and Senate districts for GOP advantage and subvert voter representation in the Colorado legislature. This partisan gambit must not be allowed.

Leonard Russ

Commission: congressional

Zip: 80526

Submittted: October 08, 2021


Please reject the recent redistricting maps being suggested by Republicans Commissioners! Democracy is never served where voting is twisted by special interests!

Natalie Montecalvo

Commission: both

Zip: 80012-4132

Submittted: October 08, 2021


Keep redistricting changes to be done by independent non partisan groups. Any maps that would be indicative of gerrymandering to benefit one group over another would ultimately create negative repercussions to a true representation of what exists.

Jerome Dayton

Commission: both

Zip: 81623

Submittted: October 08, 2021


Please reject any maps that have been submitted vi unreported lobbyists that the staff has not fully vetted. In particular please reject the last minute maps being submitted by the Republican Redistricting commissioners. This process needs to remain transparent.

Margaret Miller-Brown

Commission: both

Zip: 80238

Submittted: October 08, 2021


Dear Commissioners: Please be transparent and reject any maps that could be tarnished by the ongoing, unreported lobbying to gerrymander legislative districts by any political party. Thank you! Margaret

Robb Austin

Commission: legislative

Zip: 81432

Submittted: October 08, 2021


Please do not accept any outside pressure to change the current map proposal si ce it is non- political and needs to stay as presented. Thank you for honoring the process!

Paula James

Commission: legislative

Zip: 81432

Submittted: October 08, 2021


Do not let Republicans steal the redistricting process. Follow the recommendations of the non-partisan commission.

Jennifer Snyder

Commission: legislative

Zip: 80421

Submittted: October 08, 2021


Please stop the gerrymandering by Kottwitz and Barnett. The nonpartisan, neutral redistricting maps previously submitted will ensure fair representation for the people of Colorado, as they wanted. This is a mockery of everything that Independent Redistricting Commissions are meant to stand for.

Jane Errion

Commission: both

Zip: 81403

Submittted: October 08, 2021


Please do not accept the redistricting maps submitted by Barnett and Kottwitz. They have no right to try to circumvent the will of the people of Colorado by working with unregistered lobbyists to control the process and outcome. Keep the process transparent. Use the redistricting maps drawn by nonpartisan staff. I am so tired of cheaters who have no understanding of democracy. Show them the we are not going to be bullied into following the will of outsiders wanting to control Colorado voters. Adopt the nonpartisan redistricting maps. Throw out the partisan maps submitted by Barnett and Kottwitz...don’t abandon the majority of voters who want fair elections.

Pam Ferman

Commission: both

Zip: 81427

Submittted: October 08, 2021


Please reject maps being pushed by Commissioners Barnett and Kottwitz and support maps drawn by nonpartisan staff. Thank you, Pamela Ferman Ouray,Co