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Patricia Kigar

Commission: both

Zip: 81433

Submittted: October 08, 2021


Reject the maps pushed by Commissioners Barnett and Kottwitz and support maps drawn by nonpartisan staff.

Julia Bristor

Commission: both

Zip: 80209

Submittted: October 08, 2021


Our democracy depends on fairly drawn electoral districts that are based the criteria set out in the ballot measure Coloradans approved. The new process is to prevent gerrymandering. It’s essential that the process be transparent and ALL lobbying efforts MUST be disclosed. Thank you.

Paul Skizinski

Commission: congressional

Zip: 80110

Submittted: October 08, 2021


Over the last few decades, Colorado has changed from red to purple to blue. There are more registered Democrats than Republicans in Colorado, and a sizable component of those registered Independent. More of them lean left than right. A fair redistricting map would reflect the overall political makeup of our state. The map proposed by the non-partisan committee provides three blue CDs, three red CDs, one leaning left and one tossup. This is as generous a map as Republicans should hope for. But certain individuals want to have Republican Congresspersons representing Democratic districts, which is just as unfair as is the electoral college.

Ruth kaplan

Commission: both

Zip: 80443

Submittted: October 08, 2021


Please reject maps being pushed by commissioners Barnett and Kottwitz and support maps drawn by nonpartisan staff.

Amy Stephens

Commission: legislative

Zip: 80132

Submittted: October 08, 2021


RE: Staff Map #3 House El Paso County Dear Commissioners, I reviewed Staff Map #3 which I believe to be a detriment to House Districts 14 and 15 in terms of compact community, community interest, keeping communities whole was not reflected in this latest map. I'm not sure what the thinking was - but I urge you to reject the Third Staff Map and correct HD 14 and 15. HD 15 was drawn so far south that it makes much more sense to put Black Forest back in HD14 and start HD15 at Burgess Road. Thank you for your consideration in this process. Amy Stephens Monument, CO 80132

Wendy Schlosberg

Commission: both

Zip: 80863

Submittted: October 08, 2021


Redistricting needs to remain nonpartisan. Accept only the map submitted by the independent commission. It is a fair, nonpartisan, transparent division of districts by population. Please reject maps being pushed by Commissioners Barnett and Kottwitz, which are clearly motivated by partisan politics. Support only the maps drawn by nonpartisan staff, and let the voters' voices at the ballot box fairly decide the outcomes of our elections. Set an example for Coloradans young and old, and the rest of the country, by keeping this process nonpartisan.

Rebecca Wesley

Commission: both

Zip: 80919

Submittted: October 08, 2021


I urge you to honor the system for redistricting by rejecting dark money lobbies and rejecting last minute maps drawn by these entities.

Edward Cole

Commission: both

Zip: 80238

Submittted: October 08, 2021


Please honor the hard work of the bi-partisan commission. Thanks

Mary Jean Taylor

Commission: both

Zip: 80128

Submittted: October 08, 2021


The independent redistricting staff have followed the will of Coloradans and worked hard to draw boundaries that are equitable and fair to the voters. Do NOT throw away the good will and trust building for our political processes by allowing any political party to gerrymander the lines to undermine a fair process. The country is watching CO to see if our system is fair and fairly executed. Don’t undermine the intent or the integrity of the process. I’m proud of the processes that have been implemented to make sure all eligible voices can weigh in.

Floy Jeffares

Commission: both

Zip: 80215

Submittted: October 08, 2021


Please do NOT fall for the dark money, undisclosed map shenanigans of the Republican operatives. If it is not transparent. don't do it. Simple as that. Oh, and while you are at it: moon the Repubs, will ya!