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Kate Otto

Commission: congressional

Zip: 80023

Submittted: September 12, 2021


Please do not split up Broomfield and please keep it in CD-2!

Cole Crocker-Bedford

Commission: congressional

Zip: 81325

Submittted: September 12, 2021


The Western Slope of Colorado generally faces similar problems, so the 3rd Congressional District should stay as a Western Slope District. The people of Boulder County have little in common with the people of the Western Slope.

Deborah Ruth Bronstein

Commission: congressional

Zip: 80303

Submittted: September 12, 2021


What a strange and unnatural idea - to break District 2/ Boulder into three districts!!! I have lived here since 1994 and been active in this community. We share a deep concern for the environment and a love of nature, we focus on insufficient affordable housing, education is a beloved priority to us, and we help each other as a community, based on shared values and political/social priorities. It makes no sense whatsoever to break our district into three districts. I urge you to reconsider!!

Caroline Goosman

Commission: congressional

Zip: 80304

Submittted: September 12, 2021


I want to keep Boulder county as one district as communities with common interests should remain together in order to legislate as a whole. Please stop trying to divide Boulder!

Wendy Rochman

Commission: both

Zip: 80305

Submittted: September 12, 2021


Don’t split up Boulder County. We are a community of interest. Boulder County residents live here because we believe in climate change, we share the same love for our environment. This is THE critical issue facing the world today. Keep Boulder united as a voting community

Douglas Mize

Commission: both

Zip: 81326

Submittted: September 12, 2021


My problem with your plan is the government is supposed to be representative of the people. Anytime you add Boulder to a whole bunch of counties in rural Colorado and Boulder still has a larger population, it’s basically a rep for Boulder, not the rural counties. In the current map, the high density areas are already have more representation than rural Colorado. Stop silencing rural communities through your districting strategies

Craig Balter

Commission: congressional

Zip: 80301-3921

Submittted: September 12, 2021


I live in Boulder County and have been involved in politics my whole life. It’s unfortunate that politics have become more important then the people politicians are elected to serve The congressional district maps are suppose to represent the people that live there. This allows their congressional representative to advocate for their interests. The Boulder area votes mostly democratic which means we need to vote as a block so our representative can advocate for us. What I don’t want is a gerrymandered district that dilutes our representation so our voting block is diluted and not represented. I know Boulder county north has worked well as CD2 and that district needs to be mostly like it was. The western slope has there more conservative views and they to need representation for their political views. I do know this whole process can be done much more fairly when you try and mostly eliminate politics in this process. I can’t wait until we come up with some universal standards and then let a computer drawer the maps based on that standard not politics. Good luck.

Jan Wanner

Commission: congressional

Zip: 80026

Submittted: September 12, 2021


Keep Boulder County as one district. We work together as a community on Climate Change initiatives, transportation needs, housing, gun control, public school interests. Do not separate this county into disparate parts, where the above interests will be depleted. Thank you, Jan Wanner

Jane Milliff

Commission: both

Zip: 80304

Submittted: September 12, 2021


Our community has significant and shared interests in improving transportation in our county to help mitigate the effects of climate change and to offer all people in our county access to a good transportation system where they live and work. During the 2013 flood, we worked as one community to help all citizens recover from the devastating weather event. We need to work as a community to prepare for such events in the future. Our schools collaborate in so many ways, and most recently on COVID 19 containment measures that are critical to the health of all of our community. We have an amazing natural environment that needs to be managed collaboratively to benefit all of our citizens. In short, it makes no sense to divide our legislative and congressional districts into 3 different districts. We have so many areas of common interest in our community; dividing Boulder County into 3 districts makes no sense.

Waltressa Molsberry

Commission: both

Zip: 80303

Submittted: September 12, 2021


I do NOT think that Boulder should be divided into separate districts. It seems to me that the city as a whole deals with numerous common issues, situations and and concerns that are not the same as areas that include large rural parts of the state. Concerns such as schools, transportation (public and streets), climate change, housing, gun violence, and others are important to Boulder in ways that don't affect other areas. Also, other areas of the state have important concerns that are different than those of Boulder.