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James Rhorne

Commission: both

Zip: 80816

Submittted: September 19, 2021


Members of the redistricting committee, We in Teller county, as a community share very little with either Denver or Jefferson County. Not only geographically as should be obvious being south of the Palmer divide. Also being primarily mountain and rural for the most part, our interests are more in keeping with our fellow counties, focused more on wildlife preservation, mining, lumber etc. Along with our general view on property rights, farming, ranching, depending on ourselves, helping our communities be self sufficient. We generally don't want a Starbucks, McDonald's malls, or other metropolitan luxuries, nor do we want hundreds of apartments or other multi use growth as larger, more densely populated areas. That is why many of us moved to these areas. Lumping us in with the counties purposed not only makes no sense geographically, but from economic or political view reasons either.

Dean Fritz

Commission: both

Zip: 80020

Submittted: September 19, 2021


Broomfield should remain together, rather than being split apart. This country has gone through enough divisiveness the past 13 years and doesn't need any more. By splitting Broomfield, all you're doing is weakening whatever structure that we have.

JoAnn Vondracek

Commission: congressional

Zip: 80234

Submittted: September 19, 2021


Broomfield is one community of interest. It should NOT be divided

Shirley Baker

Commission: both

Zip: 80020

Submittted: September 19, 2021


We are a very small cohesive Community. We barely have a say in what is going on in our Community now. It appears that you as politicians have absolutely no regard as to the actual needs of Broomfield. Pathetic, Regards, Shirley A. Baker

Mary Beth Benko

Commission: congressional

Zip: 80020

Submittted: September 19, 2021


Do NOT split BROOMFIELD into 2 separate districts. Twenty years ago, Broomfield, with the overwhelming support of its citizens, went to great effort and expense to be united into a single county. (It had previously been split across Boulder, Weld, Adams, and Jefferson counties.) It is clear that Broomfield is a single, unified community of interest and belongs totally in a single Congressional district.

Carolyn Lundeen

Commission: both

Zip: 80020

Submittted: September 19, 2021


Broomfield is one community of interest that should NOT be divided.

Alan Philp

Commission: legislative

Zip: 80227

Submittted: September 19, 2021


Commissioners -- My name is Alan Philp and I am a registered lobbyist for Colorado Neighborhood Coalition. Three follow-ups to my testimony of yesterday: 1. Commissioner Buckley requested a comparison of the number of Latino influence districts in CNC's September 18 House map submission versus House Staff Map 1. Staff reports indicate 13 House Districts in Staff Map 1 that exceed 30% Latino. CNC's submission of September 18, based on Dave's Redistricting, contains 17. 2. The House map CNC submitted yesterday was solely CNC's. Previously, we joined several individuals in submitting House and Senate maps on September 1. The other individuals with whom we developed the September 1 submission were not involved in our September 18 House map submission. 3. CNC's sole Senate map submission was September 1. However, in my testimony yesterday, I suggested an alternative configuration for the Adams County districts -- one consisting of the City of Thornton and one based in Commerce City and Brighton. This differs from our September 1 submission. We believe this idea, which stemmed from the testimony of Adams County resident Kevin Allen (with whom we have no connection), is a superior configuration in Adams County. Thank you.

Diane Grenier

Commission: both

Zip: 80020

Submittted: September 19, 2021


Do not change - no redistributing! Diane Grenier

Richard P

Commission: legislative

Zip: 80021

Submittted: September 19, 2021


Members of the Independent Legislative Commission, Please do not group Broomfield with Weld County. We have been represented by a Weld County Senator for the last decade and have not had any representation in the senate on transportation or environmental issues. It is impossible to reconcile the differences between Broomfield and Weld County on oil and gas, multimodal transit, and our lack of agriculture! Please do not repeat the mistakes of previous redistricting processes that lead to our community's concerns being wholly ignored. Our community is not like the more rural communities to the north. Please keep the proposed layout in staff plan 1.

Lisa Mazzola

Commission: both

Zip: 80020

Submittted: September 19, 2021


Don’t split the city into any pieces because now we have a single voice. If you split and redistribution, we end up silencing the city. Stand up and do what’s right so Broomfield stays relevant and strong