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Collenette Corson

Commission: congressional

Zip: 81425

Submittted: September 22, 2021


Please approve the 2nd Staff Plan version of the statewide Redistributing proposal for Congressional Districts. Do NOT approve the first draft. Rural Colorado must have a voice in this state. The Eastern Slope does NOT have rural Colorado’s best interest at heart, nor does it have a clue what living in rural Colorado is all about. Thank you, Collenette Corson Crawford, CO. 81425 (submitted via email 9/20/21)

Carla Massaro

Commission: congressional

Zip: 80538

Submittted: September 22, 2021


Good afternoon. My name is Carla Massaro and I am a resident of Loveland. I ask you to NOT PUT LOVELAND in with Weld County District 4 for many reasons as follows: 1. My family moved to Larimer County 19 years ago and have been very active in the county trying to prevent Fracking from moving into Larimer. We see the pollution created by the 15,000 plus active wells in Weld County. It's a rare day now that we have a clear view of the Rockies. We have attended rallies, had petitions signed ... many petitions against fracking and putting toxins in the earth. We have not stopped working to heal this earth in the 19 years since arriving in Loveland. PLEASE DO PUT US INTO A COUNTY that benefits financially from degradation of everything that is sacred! 2. Loveland is NOT an agricultural city unlike Weld County. We don't grow fruits/vegs/food stuffs/animals ... we just grow houses!!! 3. Loveland does NOT want to succeed from the State of Colorado as did Weld County. Please don't force a match made in hell! 4. People in Weld County (at least the majority) do not take covid seriously. When shopping in Home Depot in Greeley ... no one wears a mask. When shopping HD in Loveland ... the majority do wear a mask. Don't force us to band together with unscientific thinkers PLEASE! 5. Loveland has gone out of it's comfort zone 8 years back and installed electric charging stations for vehicles throughout town. Weld still has the hitching posts for horses and buggies. Like minded people work together to push our country forward ... endless fighting will persist if Loveland joins CD4! NO ONE BENEFITS HERE. 6. Most folks in Loveland believe prayer belongs at home or church and school should not be in the God business. Again, the opposite is true in Weld. Can we please have peace of heart and mind and remain in CD2? I could go on but I think you hear my message loud and clear! Opposites do not attrack ... Leave Loveland in CD2 for everyone's benefit. Thank you, Carla Massaro Loveland, CO 80538 (submitted via email 9/20/21)

Martha DiCicco

Commission: congressional

Zip: 80537

Submittted: September 22, 2021


I feel it would not be appropriate to move Loveland into Congressional District 4. We have much more in common with the areas west of I-25. In order to make this balance, you could move the Arkansas Valley back into District 4. Leave Loveland in District 2.

William C. Kennedy

Commission: congressional

Zip: 00000

Submittted: September 22, 2021


TO: Colorado Redistricting Commissioners, Thank you for listening to my/our recent concerns and testimony regarding Colorado Redistricting, and thank you for your continued engaging in this important decision-making endeavor. The new District 3 map demonstrates to me that you have truly listened and absorbed some of my/our comments from the many who live on the Western Slope, people who rely on and trust you, and testified regarding the Club 20 map with the issues associated with the important issues of consistent Water Management for the Western Slope of Colorado. However, there still remains a strategic issue to address in this communication. As discussed in my/our earlier testimony, the final issue to be resolved encompasses the Colorado River Water. The new CD3 map separates the River from its source in Grand County. To protect Western Slope Water, it is imperative that Grand and Eagle Counties be included in CD3. By essentially following the Colorado River drainage from Grand County and the Club 20 map, you will have accomplished this goal. Please be assured you efforts are appreciated. We are grateful for your efforts. William C Kennedy Montrose, Colorado September 20, 2021 (submitted via email 9/20/21)

Mario Capolarello

Commission: congressional

Zip: 00000

Submittted: September 22, 2021


Dear Redistricting Commissioners: I truly appreciate the current revisions that you have proposed to the redistricting map for the Western Slope and CD#3 in which I reside in Montrose County. As I stated in my prior testimony during the Zoom meeting on September 9th. I feel very strongly that the water rights of the rural Western Slopes agriculture community need to be protected fully and I therefore implore the Commission to include both Grand and Eagle Counties into CD#3 because the genesis of the Colorado river is at Grand Lake in Grand County. This change would accomplish and follow one of the most impactful issues facing our region as Club 20 has presented in their detailed opinion presented on May 5th. Their mission is to advocate for the best interests of the Western Slope. Thank you so much for all your efforts and hard work to resolve this issue. It's much appreciated. Mario Capolarello Montrose CO.

Dave Heeley

Commission: both

Zip: 80020

Submittted: September 22, 2021


I do not agre with the currently proposed map that will divide Broomfield. We already are a small county and will virtually have no say in anything that happens if this proposed redistricting is passed. Reconsider making adjustments either way, just do not alienate Broomfielders with this proposed change. • All of Broomfield is a north metro suburban community of interest. We have many interests in common with southeast Boulder County: transportation (Hwy 7, US 36, Light Rail or other train service), employment, air quality, housing and economic issues. It might make sense for Broomfield to be part of a CD-8 that includes parts of eastern Boulder County with a larger suburban population and a smaller rural component. We are not a rural community. • Broomfield has unique responsibilities regarding public health, water, business development and transportation. • It would be impractical for the smallest county in the state to have to work with two different congressional offices. • After population equality and adherence to the Voting Rights Act the Colorado Constitution in Article 5, Section 44.3 directs the Commissions as follows, "As much as is reasonably possible, the commission's plan must preserve whole communities of interest and whole political subdivisions, such as counties, cities, and towns." Section 44 (3)(B) defines communities of interest as reflecting "Shared public policy concerns such as education, employment, environment, public health, transportation, water needs and supplies, and issues of demonstrable regional significance."

Hart Hutchinson

Commission: congressional

Zip: 80537

Submittted: September 22, 2021


The most recent proposal has the community of Loveland in Congressional District 4. Loveland should be moved back into Congressional District 2 to maintain our community of interest with areas west of I-25. Loveland has strong economic ties with Estes Park (RMNP) and with Fort Collins (CSU), which are both in Congressional District 2. Loveland does not have strong economic ties with the communities in District 4. The Arkansas Valley should be moved back into Congressional District 4 with Weld and other Eastern rural communities. This would balance Loveland returning to CD2.

Michael Weimann

Commission: both

Zip: 80023

Submittted: September 22, 2021


Broomfield should not be divided. We’re a single community of interest and should be able to vote as such. Please do not split us into 2 separate districts.

Linda Hutchinson

Commission: congressional

Zip: 80537

Submittted: September 22, 2021


The most recent proposal has the community of Loveland in Congressional District 4. Loveland should be moved back into Congressional District 2 to maintain our community of interest with areas west of I-25. Loveland has strong economic ties with Estes Park (RMNP) and with Fort Collins (CSU), which are both in Congressional District 2. Loveland does not have strong economic ties with the communities in District 4. The Arkansas Valley should be moved back into Congressional District 4 with Weld and other Eastern rural communities. This would balance Loveland returning to CD2.

Rishard and Carol Rush

Commission: congressional

Zip: 80538

Submittted: September 22, 2021


We are members of the Loveland community. Richard, my husband, has lived at the same address here in west Loveland for 53 years. I have lived here for 37 years. We feel part of the Loveland community and part of Larimer County. We do not identify with Weld County or the area east of I-25. Therefore we want to remain in Congressional District 2 which includes most of the northern western area of the Front Range. We suggest that the Commission move the Arkansas Valley back into Congressional District 4 which seems much more in keeping with traditional ties to this area. Thank you for your consideration of our request.