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Cheryl Savage

Commission: both

Zip: 80538

Submittted: September 22, 2021


I have heard that the commission is considering moving Loveland out of the district with the rest of Larimer county (District 2) and into a district with Weld county and eastern Colorado (District 4). This is a distressing notion. Life in Loveland is significantly different than the rural communities to the east. Should this stand, my home area will be overwhelmed by the local issues of eastern Coloradans and my ability to be represented will necessarily be compromised. We will be but one drop of water in a sea of grassland. Aside from the total district population, preserving communities has been referred to as having primacy in drawing the maps. I can only imagine the difficulty of the task the commission faces. I value the commission’s work and believe fervently in its non-partisan process. It is very important that the result be clearly sensical. One possible alternative to resolve the population criteria is to move the Arkansas Valley back into District 4. Regardless, it seems that there are many options to solve the district population problem while holding contiguous communities together. I urge the commission to hold fast to the criteria: “Preserve whole communities of interest and whole political subdivisions, such as counties, cities, and towns”. Please keep Loveland in District 2 along with the rest of Larimer county, where it truly in every sense of the word - Belongs!

Leslie OBrien

Commission: congressional

Zip: 80023

Submittted: September 22, 2021


Please please please - Do NOT separate Broomfield into two districts. We are a collective community. We are a community of interest, wanting safe oil and gas regulation, affordable housing, and adequate school funding. Broomfield cannot and should not be divided. Dividing us will cause unnecessary division within the community. Put the entire city of Broomfield into CD 7 or 8, but do not separate our community! Thank you -

Gregory J Kolomitz

Commission: congressional

Zip: 81050

Submittted: September 22, 2021


I write in STRONG support of the Schuster map. This map creates competitive districts and truly reflects Colorado's communities. Please support the Schuster map. Thank you for your service.

Karen Winkel

Commission: congressional

Zip: 81401

Submittted: September 22, 2021


I am in favor of the Schuster Map. Previous districting unduly favored one party and deprived Colorado District 3 of opportunities to elect public servants willing and able to serve all constituents.

Thomas Kelly

Commission: congressional

Zip: 80487

Submittted: September 22, 2021


Regarding the scenario to attach Boulder County to Routt, Grand, Larimer, Eagle, Etc. The interests of Boulder do not match up with these counties . We are separated , literally and figuratively, by a Continental Divide of ideas and geography. Most importantly the urban, big metro, area priorities of Boulder do not match the priorities of Routt County now, or in the future. Please keep Boulder where it is now , and away from rural Colorado.

Del Lockhart

Commission: congressional

Zip: 80487

Submittted: September 22, 2021


Commissioners, As a resident of rural Colorado in Routt county I object to the second redistricting map. Including Boulder County in with Routt is a serious mistake . Boulder county is on the East slope. Their interests do not match our in many areas. We ate rural. We are an agricultural county. We have water. We have energy production. We are made up of small towns. We have the mountains and a tourist industry. Boulder county has none of this Their interests are contrary to ours. I know you can come up with a better map. Please be honest with yourselves and place yourselves in our shoes and ask yourselves if Boulder county and Routt county share the same interests? Thankyou for listening. Del Lockhart

Richard Allen

Commission: congressional

Zip: 00000

Submittted: September 22, 2021


The Redistricting Commission, The Second Staff Map for the Congressional Districts appears political for District 1 and District 6. They Should be compact but District 1 squirms all over the map not compact. It looks like it was done by an abstract artist. Regards, Richard R. Allen Colorado Springs, CO (submitted via email 9/20/21)

Linda Webb

Commission: both

Zip: 80134

Submittted: September 22, 2021


To whom it may concern, I don’t consider myself to be part of a rural district. I shop and eat out in Lone Tree or Highlands Ranch. My husband and I make frequent trips to the Denver Botanical Gardens. I don’t even bother to call Ken Bucks office. Buck could care less what I think. I was hopeful that when it came time for redistricting Parker would be include in with other suburban areas. Regards, Linda Webb (submitted via email 9/18/21)

Steve Allerton

Commission: congressional

Zip: 81591

Submittted: September 22, 2021


I'm writing in support of a redistricting map the provides balance and provides opportunity for dialogue across the divide which is why I support the proposed Schuster map. Thank you

George Autobee

Commission: both

Zip: 81019

Submittted: September 22, 2021


I support the Schuster Map. It best refelects all parties.