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Brooke OMalley

Commission: both

Zip: 81301

Submittted: September 25, 2021


Thanks to the commission for their hard work on the map that was released on September 23rd!

Albert Feldmann

Commission: congressional

Zip: 80524

Submittted: September 25, 2021


First of all, it is absurd and against reason to eliminate POLITICAL considerations when drawing POLITICAL boundaries. Who thought this was a good idea and what are they trying to prove? It sure beats me. At any rate, Fort Collins and Larimer County are inextricably tied together through shared history, culture and economic interests. Among those economic ties are strong relationships in the beer and brewing industry. The beer industry is a major economic driver in both Larimer County and Fort Collins. Fort Collins is one of the most brewery-dense per capita towns in the world, let alone country, state or county. In one,one-mile, stretch of the city there are six breweries or brewpubs and they are just part of Fort Collins brew scene. At the same time brewing is a major business and employer in the county. To wit, Anheuser-Busch is located in Larimer County, just outside Fort Collins, and yet to illustrate the strong link between county and town, AB products have Fort Collins listed as its address. AB is an economic giant in both city and county. In summary, the community of interest of beer and brewing between Fort Collins and Larimer County is obvious and the common interest in regards to things like regulations, taxes and resources is intense. For this reason alone Fort Collins and Larimer County should share common representation and should not be split by re-districting.

Cecelia M Espenoza

Commission: legislative

Zip: 80212

Submittted: September 25, 2021


Re: HD4 I am writing to address only the new proposed HD4 and indicate that as an active member of the house district and a resident of the Sloan's Lake neighborhood. The new map should be maintained.  The Latino community is well served by the new map.  This is a large community of interest as the Latino community has a longstanding presence in the Northside.  Moving the line to the North South as opposed to taking the district into an east /west alignment is excellent.  Please maintain this map for HD4.  Thank you also for keeping the number the same.   Cecelia  -- Cecelia M. Espenoza 2475 N. Raleigh St Denver, CO 80212

Alan Dearth

Commission: both

Zip: 80525

Submittted: September 25, 2021


How come all the changes are made to protect mostly white rural districts along eastern and western Colorado? And all the districts being surgically craved out are to protect republican districts? How does surgically removing Fort Collins and throwing us into eastern Colorado serve the interests of the majority of Fort Collins citizens?

Sarah B Savage

Commission: congressional

Zip: 80461

Submittted: September 25, 2021


This last congressional redistricting map looks good. You have keep community interests together while keeping populations relatively equal. Well done good and faithful servants.

ANNE Evrard Rhodes

Commission: both

Zip: 81301

Submittted: September 25, 2021


I do not agree with the redistricting as shown

Bruce Baumgartner

Commission: congressional

Zip: 81632

Submittted: September 25, 2021


I like the Schuster map; 1. It is the most competitive 2. It keeps communities of interest together. Adopt it.

George Ralston

Commission: congressional

Zip: 81122

Submittted: September 25, 2021


Living in the Durango area it is clear that Lauren Boebert is not representing our interests. She is nothing but a Trump clone without any knowledge or experience on the issues and legislation needed to help Durango. She is an embarrassment to Colorado. Please redistrict so Durango can get proper representation in Washington DC.

Theresa L Arends Smith

Commission: both

Zip: 80538-2548

Submittted: September 25, 2021


Realigning districts is extremely challenging. What little research I've done into the process, leaves no doubt. That being said, I have to voice my dismay when I saw that the city of Loveland, Larimer County, is being considered as part of District 4. Why? All of Larimer County should fall in District 2, or county land West of I-25. We moved from Douglas County because we wanted our vote to count! As our state has become more and more partisan, we wanted to live in a place that had some semblance of independence from being dominated by one political party. Help us keep Loveland relatively independent from the current partisan craziness!

Christine Peterson

Commission: both

Zip: 81601

Submittted: September 25, 2021


Thank you commissioner’s Please select plan 2 for redistricting. It Represents the western slope much better.