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Jeffery Moser

Commission: both

Zip: 80014

Submittted: September 29, 2021


I am writing to the Commission and staff to indicate that I wholly support your work. These second maps for both the congressional and legislative proposed new boundaries. As a 23-year resident of Aurora, I am especially thankful that our communities in House Distirct 41 and Senate District 28 remain relatively intact, fair, and balanced. It is especially important that the Heather Gardens retirement community has been kept within HD 41. Thank you for your great work to date.

Wendy Jones

Commission: both

Zip: 80525

Submittted: September 29, 2021


Hello, I just heard the next legislative redistricting map has been released. As a community member and an educator in Fort Collins, I am concerned about the balance of economic demographics with the new plans. Our school boundaries tend to be more east/west than north south, so the new plans to divide our two districts with an east/west border would provide an economic imbalance rather than an economic diversity in both districts. Also, our community is more of a north/south division in interests with the front range and western residents of Fort Collins as compared with the plains and eastern residents of Fort Collins. Please take these comments into consideration, Wendy Jones

Nicole Winborne

Commission: both

Zip: 80130

Submittted: September 29, 2021


Hello, Commissioners I'm really concerned to see that Douglas County is still in district 4. I live in Highlands Ranch and I know nothing or have no daily concerns of land management or farms, or animals. We are very metro district here. Suburban not farm. We have more concerns similar to that of people in district 6 or 7 has not any of the east. The 25 corridor should have their own districts and the west and the east should have their own. I deeply feel that I and my families voices will be drowned out by the east, and that thought is profound. Thank you for your time. Nicole Winborne Highlands Ranch 80130

Diane Brower

Commission: legislative

Zip: 80487

Submittted: September 29, 2021


Thank you for your efforts to redistrict Congressional and Legislative districts in a fair and representative manner. I have already commented on the Congressional redistricting related to Routt County. It is a much better arrangement than the original map. The final maps for both Colorado State House and Senate are very good, considering the challenges you have been working with. The most recent State Senate map is a great improvement over the donut-shaped configuration previous to it. The Commissioners and staff have clearly been listening to public input, and that is much appreciated. I believe that related to Steamboat Springs and Routt County, in particular, you created maps that recognize the more urban/ski area interests of Steamboat Springs vs. Routt County, and although splitting up Routt County may not have been the first choice for State House of Representatives, I think your solution is a reasonable one. Again, thank you! Given the outrageous and partisan redistricting efforts in other states, it is satisfying to see that an independent and bipartisan redistricting commission can do such a good job.

Cassie Tanner

Commission: legislative

Zip: 80004

Submittted: September 29, 2021


I am writing in support of the legislative map submitted for consideration by Commissioner Fletcher. As a long-time Jefferson County resident, I strongly believe that the Jeffco portion of Westminster should stay within a district that represents only Jefferson County. As a full-time caregiver for my elderly mother I understand the importance of county services. Jefferson County is a huge community of interest, as was evident in the hearing the commission held in Arvada. It does not make sense to have Westminster residents who live in Jeffco represented by someone in Adams County who does not understand the issues of Jeffco residents. We deserve representation. Thank you!

Samantha Walsh

Commission: legislative

Zip: 80003

Submittted: September 29, 2021


Dear Commission, Regarding the proposed legislative maps, and speaking as an Arvada resident that closely neighbors Adams County and Westminster, I believe the map that best represents the interest of our community is the one proposed by Rep. Fletcher. I have one child enrolled in Jefferson County school district and another on the way! It makes the most sense to keep the Jefferson county portion of Westminster with the other cities and town in Jeffco and not with Adams county, mostly because of school districts. Our elected representatives should not have to balance the needs of two competing school districts when resources for schools are as strained as they are. This was the overwhelming sentiment of Arvada residents at the meeting back in July. Additionally, we share county health services, the west metro fire district and other special districts. So it makes more logical sense to keep Jefferson county together as much as possible. Thank you for your consideration

Sarah Manno

Commission: both

Zip: 80521

Submittted: September 29, 2021


I am alarmed that the current redistricting map divides Fort Collins in half. This makes a major problem for representation of our city's interests. We have little in common with counties to the East and West of us with regard to environmental, health, and other concerns.. Our divided votes would be lacking in enough power for us to influence our future. Additionally our school district would be divided presenting a problem for budgeting and equal representation of various economic groups. Please reconsider and move the dividing line so we can have our say as a city in ballot outcomes. Thank you.

Cynthia Schifferer

Commission: both

Zip: 80487

Submittted: September 29, 2021


Please put ALL of Routt County back in CD3 instead of adding it to CD2. Please do not split off Steamboat Springs from the rest of Routt County. You are silencing the rural voice of Routt County and our way of life by combining us with Boulder and Larimer Counties. We should remain as part of the Western Slope and not divided into a new district of other counties that have different interests and will not preserve our way of life. Rural Routt counties interests of agriculture, wildlife management, public land use, ranching, energy production, watersheds, and small businesses are all very different when compared to Boulder and Larimer counties. Please go back to the first preliminary map as this best represented the shared interests and geographic areas of Routt County. Please do not split up Routt County in the legislative map and put us with Eagle County or other "ski resorts". Our county, including Steamboat Springs, is much more than just a ski resort and is not right off of 1-70 and only tourism based. As mentioned above, there are many other interests and issues that need to be managed and will be ignored and silenced if grouped the way it stands today. Please return the 1st preliminary maps.

Elizabeth Hobbs

Commission: legislative

Zip: 80524

Submittted: September 29, 2021


Sorry but district 49 is ridiculous! I thought these commissions were suppose to stop this kind of thing and make districts that were more contiguous. I live in that slice of 49 that goes through the middle of Fort Collins. I don't understand why we wouldn't be in a district like 51,52, 53, 46 or 48? If 49 needs more population it should be coming from a district that is along side 49 that would be 13, 26, 48, 51, 52, 53, 48, 61,or 65. I'm very disappointed and I feel very gerrymandered. Please remove this little loop-de-loop that is dividing up Fort Collins like this.

Mary Duke

Commission: legislative

Zip: 80501

Submittted: September 29, 2021


Longmont needs to stay in the same district as other cities and towns in Boulder County. Longmont is not a community that shares interests with towns in Weld County. Any representative attempting to represent such a constituency is doomed to fail. Thank you