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David McIrvin

Commission: congressional

Zip: 80487

Submittted: September 28, 2021


Our county (Routt) population approximates 25,000 and this county's inhabitants are far less divided than in many locales. The members of this community have one of the highest fully vaccination status rates in the state. Members share a great deal of concern with regard to water rights, Colorado River watershed, recreation/hunting/fishing, pandemic prevention efforts and long term wildfire prevention/mitigation concerns. I would like to know Mr. Moore's rationale to divide Routt County into an eastern CD2 and western CD3 half. Thank you.

Cynthia Adams

Commission: congressional

Zip: 81082

Submittted: September 28, 2021


Still hoping you will choose the Tafoya map for our district which includes me in Las Animas County!!

Rio Blanco County Board of County Commissioners

Commission: congressional

Zip: 81641

Submittted: September 28, 2021


Colorado Congressional Redistricting Commission, The Board of County Commissioners of Rio Blanco County is providing this letter of support for the Second and Third Staff Plan Map, wherein the Western Slope remains whole and part of Congressional District 3. It is vital to keep the Western Slope of Colorado intact as a community of interest based on public lands, water and the dominant industry of the local economies. It is important to have educated and active Congressional representation on public lands issues that impact the economic health and lifestyle of Western Slope counties. Rio Blanco County is 75% public lands. The working relationship between our federal land agencies, local government and federal representation is an important aspect of our day-to-day business and a commonality among the counties of the Western Slope. As Western Colorado faces ongoing drought conditions it is essential that our counties remain united. For the health of our land and economy it is important to maintain private water rights that will ensure farmers and ranchers in our region have adequate water supply. While there are areas of mountain resort communities that are benefited by tourism, the majority of Rio Blanco County and the Western Slope’s economy and tax base, is reliant on natural resource extraction and agriculture. The Western Slope cannot allow issues that are more important to urban areas and the Front Range to take precedence over these matters. For this reason, Rio Blanco County encourages the Commission to keep Congressional District 3 inclusive of the Western Slope. Thank you for your consideration of this issue of concern for our county and all of Colorado. Should you require further information, please feel free to contact us at: Sincerely, Board of County Commissioner of Rio Blanco County, Colorado

Beth Utton

Commission: legislative

Zip: 80501

Submittted: September 28, 2021


I am writing as a citizen of Longmont with respect to the Second House Staff Plan for House District 11. I live in District 11 (east of Francis and north of 17th). I see that the Second House Staff Plan retained the cut out of the NW section of Longmont (west of Francis and north of 17th) and placed it in District 13. For the reasons given in my initial testimony on the First House Staff Plan (see below), I see this as a flagrant disruption of a community of interest that needs to be changed. There are other options that would not be as disruptive. Initial Testimony I am writing as a citizen of Longmont with respect to the newly released map for House District 11. I live in District 11 (east of Francis and north of 17th). I note that a rectangle has been cut out of the NW section of Longmont (west of Francis and north of 17th) and placed in District 13 with mountain communities and the part of the City of Boulder west of Broadway. I am supposing this change was done to equalize the populations between Districts 11 and 13. If so, I recommend adjusting the population as needed by taking some of the SW part of Longmont and putting it in District 13 instead of the NW section. The NW section of Longmont has been an integral part of Longmont much longer than the SW section. As such, there is a strong community of interest with the rest of Longmont, and not as much as with western Boulder and the mountain communities. The SW section of Longmont (in the area south of Nelson and west of Airport) is a relatively new part of Longmont and is much closer geographically to the City of Boulder. I suspect that a significant portion of the residents in that area commute to Boulder for work. They are a much better fit as a community of interest with District 13 than the NW section of Longmont. I appreciate the work the Commission and staff are putting into the redistricting process, and I thank you for considering my testimony.

Francine Haber

Commission: legislative

Zip: 80206

Submittted: September 28, 2021


Please do not approve the current house redistricting maps it would assure a Republican majority, thus repeating the flaws of gerrymandering in spite of the commissions best intentions. By emphasizing that every district should be competitive, a party which has about a 24% registration becomes the dominant party. I specifically am concerned that HD 6 will be decimated. We are a cohesive functioning community. Relevant is HD 6’s superb record of high voter turnout because of our internal coordination. The electoral process is under attack. We donor need to dishearten those volunteers who have an identification with HD 6.Please change your map to leave HD6 intact. You have listened to HD8; listen to HD6. Please forward to all Commissioners and Staff. Thank you. Francine Haber

Teresa Grunewald

Commission: congressional

Zip: 81082

Submittted: September 28, 2021


I support the p.007 Tafoya ( "Headwaters Ammended) map. It keeps Southern Colorado together. We are a vital community of interest. Our needs are great. From upgraded broadband to a four lane east west highway to solutions for our economically disadvantaged counties, our need is great. We need a compact , intact Southern Colorado. We need an area compact enough to make a Representative's job possible, not overwhelming. The current 3rd Staff Plan will cause Las Animas County and the rest of Southern Colorado to be ignored and neglected. Thank you for your service, Teresa Grunewald Las Animas County

Lisa Weimer

Commission: congressional

Zip: 81623-8973

Submittted: September 28, 2021


The Commission should be applauded for listening to public comments and putting forth the September 23rd third staff plan map. Rural Colorado deserves a seat at the table and this map delivers that by ensuring two rural districts. The map includes contiguous geographic areas, has equal populations as required by the Constitution, preserves communities of interests, ensures Congressional districts are well represented and not dominated by Denver, includes compact districts, and maximizes the number of politically competitive districts. Well done Commissioners! Thank you."

Monica J Klauder

Commission: both

Zip: 80526

Submittted: September 28, 2021


Kids living in dist 53 will have to go to school in 52, which will be a hardship on parents as well as the children. There is also an economic disparity between the 52 and 53.

Dale Beede

Commission: congressional

Zip: 81506

Submittted: September 28, 2021


CD 3 - Should stay intact as "Western & Rural Colorado". W Colo has nothing in common with Boulder & a congressman from Boulder would have NO interest in representing Western Colo. Interests here are water, ranching, energy, tourism & a slower-paced lifestyle. The Denver/Boulder area's only interest in W Colo is apparently for us to raise wolves for them. Legislative re-districting: Please don't break up our western Colorado communities. Mesa County & Garfield County should remain intact and not be governed by Mountain districts or a Front Range district whose way of life is very different. In Western Colorado we band together to maintain our concerted, yet small voice in representing our interests. Your desire to "marry" west slope and front range interests will only spell disaster and further divide the state.

Rob Sprecher

Commission: congressional

Zip: 80020

Submittted: September 28, 2021


Broomfield is one community, with a singular community's interests. Splitting us up and aligning Broomfield with Oil and Gas proponents in Weld and Larimer Counties would do us a huge disservice. Please use the current map that keeps Broomfield together with the 2nd CD. It's important that our community is not misplaced in this process.