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Cynthia Sutter

Commission: legislative

Zip: 80020

Submittted: October 01, 2021


Thank you for keeping all of Broomfield in the same Congressional district. Please keep us together during state redistricting, as well. About 20 years ago, Broomfield, which had neighborhoods in three counties voted to include all of Broomfield into a single county. That alone should convince you that Broomfield should not be divided. The voters spoke! On a more personal note, my husband, Thomas Harding, and I bought a home in Broomfield in 2002, because we wanted a real neighborhood in which to raise our kids. Our elder son, Isaac Harding, died at age 14. That is when I learned what a true community Broomfield is. Our son played several sports and had teammates in many neighborhoods, some of which would be in a separate district from us. The entire community rallied around our family. The funeral director estimated the crowd that overflowed the sanctuary at Broomfield at Methodist Church at about 600 people. People here care about each other. Even though I live in one of Broomfield’s older neighborhoods, I care about Broomfield folks from other neighborhoods who are concerned about fracking. On that issue, City Council meetings were often full to overflowing. Such civic participation is important to us, and we’d like to elect state legislators who represent our city and county. Thank you for your consideration.

City Council, City of Westminster, Colorado

Commission: congressional

Zip: 80031

Submittted: October 01, 2021


Thank you for the opportunity to provide this feedback. We are the Westminster City Council and represent the residents of the City of Westminster. We believe we are a strong community of interest with common concerns, vision and relationships with our federal delegation. We believe the City of Westminster and its residents and businesses should be represented by a single congressional representative. We have strong public policy concerns around transportation, public safety, employment, public health, affordable housing, growth, and educational needs. We also believe we have a connection between strong communities of interest amongst the cities of North Jefferson County. We believe all of the City of Westminster should be represented by the same federal representative as those other cities. We urge you to keep all of Westminster in one congressional district. Approved by Westminster City Council on October 1, 2021. Council Members Who Support Official City Position: Mayor Seitz and Councillors Seymour, Skulley, and Smith.

Lyn Lowry

Commission: legislative

Zip: 80501

Submittted: October 01, 2021


Why are you splitting District 11 so a corner of my town, Longmont, is shuttled off into District 13? This is not acceptable, and it violates your legal mandate to preserve 'political subdivisions such as cities.' And we certainly are a larger community of interest in the larger sense. I don't understand why you would put my neighbors that live a couple of blocks north of me into a whole new district. Reconsider this, and abide by the mandate. Thank you, Lyn Lowry

Dana Inerfeld

Commission: legislative

Zip: 80023

Submittted: October 01, 2021


As a resident of the City and County of Broomfield, I was dismayed to hear that our community may be split into two separate state senate districts. We are a small county and one community of interest. To be best represented in the state legislature we must not be divided. Thank you for your consideration.

Garfield County Commissioners John Martin, Mike Samson and Tom Jankovsky

Commission: both

Zip: 81601

Submittted: October 01, 2021


Please see the attached letter and map. Thank you, Commissioners John Martin, Mike Samson and Tom Jankovsky

Yu Ju Wang

Commission: both

Zip: 80020

Submittted: October 01, 2021


Please keep the entire city and county of Broomfield in one piece. CCOB’s interests and concerns can only be best represented if we remain whole. Thank you!

L J Parsons

Commission: both

Zip: 80525

Submittted: October 01, 2021


The redistricting Commission’s map for Fort Collins shows HD52 and HD53 divided east and west along College Ave (US 287). These two districts should be divided north and south to create more competitive districts. A north-south division also takes in the north side of Fort Collins and the south side are distinctly different communities of interest. The CSU community of singles and the north side housing demographic has many more small households with fewer K-12 students than does the south side of town. The district divisions should acknowledge these differences. Also, competitiveness is improved with a north-south division. The last time a Republican won in HD53 configured with a generally east-west division was in 1986. This new map does nothing to increase competitiveness. I suggest a division generally along Prospect Ave or Drake Rd (depending on the numbers) recognizes the differing communities of interest and creates two districts with increased competitiveness.

Diane Edlefson Conaway

Commission: legislative

Zip: 80454

Submittted: October 01, 2021


I'm advocating that the Dakota Ridge neighborhood stay with Morrison and mountain communities of the current HD25. Unincorporated Dakota Ridge has much more in common with the mountain communities, like Indian Hills where I live, than Columbine and Littleton. I don't understand splitting that part of JeffCo and combining with Arapahoe County when the Constitution requires county boarders to be respected.

Becky Woodcox

Commission: legislative

Zip: 80525

Submittted: October 01, 2021


I am commenting to urge that HD 52 and 53 in Fort Collins be drawn in north-south division. The most recent map drawn by the Commission for Fort Collins shows HD52 and HD53 divided east and west along College Ave (US 287). This division perpetuates the non-competitive districts of earlier years. These two districts should be divided north and south to create more competitive districts. A north-south division also recognizes the north side of Fort Collins and the south side are distinctly different communities of interest. The CSU community of singles and the north side housing demographic has many more one and two person household with fewer K-12 students than does the south side of town. The district divisions should acknowledge these differences. Competitiveness is improved with a north-south division. The last time a Republican won in HD53 configured with a generally east-west division was in 1986. This new map does nothing to increase competitiveness. A division generally along Prospect Ave or Drake Rd (depending on the numbers) recognizes the differing communities of interest and creates two districts with increased competitiveness.

James Dickson

Commission: legislative

Zip: 80457

Submittted: October 01, 2021


To the redistricting commission, as I have previously expressed in public comments made during testimony, it makes absolutely no sense to break apart the current House District 25. I witnessed public testimony from all sides of the political spectrum argue this same thing during testimony last month. If the goal of redistricting is to keep community’s with common interest together and keep districts competitive, why break up one of the most competitive State House Districts in the entire state? I know that the residents of Golden face very different circumstances and would rather stay with their similar communities of Lakewood and Wheat Ridge. Please reconsider your lastest attempts of redistricting House District 25 and Senate District 16 to keep Unincorporated Jeffco together and include similar communities that do not include municipalities. Thanks!