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Melanie Knaus

Commission: legislative

Zip: 80226

Submittted: October 01, 2021


Please see attached statement. Thank you for your consideration.

Renee Deal

Commission: congressional

Zip: 81434

Submittted: October 01, 2021


I am very concerned about the northwestern communities being lumped into proposed District 2 with Larimer and Boulder Counties. It is TOTALLY inappropriate for Routt, Jackson and Eagle Counties to be in the same district as Boulder County in particular. They have polarizingly different communities, commerce and political affiliations and this will silence the voices of the rural community members. I operate a sheep ranch in Gunnison County and have several colleagues who operate sheep and cattle operations in these west slope counties. I believe that the Western Slope needs the ability to unite for our common interests and concerns because we are feeling like our voices are being constantly silenced. Thank you for your consideration.

gordon L. Pedrow

Commission: legislative

Zip: 80503

Submittted: September 30, 2021


I have commented on a previous map that removed an inverted L shaped portion of NW Longmont (McIntosh Lake neighborhood) from HD11 and moved it to HD13. The current map shows it the same. Northwest Longmont is a much older part of the city and has a stronger community of interest with the historic old town neighborhoods than does the newer developed SW part of the city. Besides the historic aspect of community of interest, keeping the two water storage facilities that are within the city's boundaries (McIntosh Lake and Union Reservoir) would provide a strong additional community of interest for HD11. Water rights have historically been and will be in the future a critical factor for Longmont's essence. I have lived in the McIntosh Lake Neighborhood for over 20 years. Many of my neighbors feel as I do that the Commission should honor the many residents from this area who have posted comments or attended hearings. Listening to the people was what most of us believed would be the result when we supported Amendment Z. I hope the staff and commission will honor the voices from NW Longmont and restore the McIntosh Lake portion of the city to HD11 and find an equivalent amount of population in the SW part of the city to move to HD13. Sincerely, gordon l. pedrow retired Longmont city manager (1993-2012) non-affiliated registered voter

Joseph Pfander

Commission: both

Zip: 81040

Submittted: September 30, 2021


I lived in the 3rd District, and now I still live in the 3rd District. I feel strongly that I am not represented in Congress or the State Legislature. The current map favors Republicans and their agenda which if carried out will continue to do nothing to solve some of the most pressing problems of people I know who live in this district. It's unfortunate that working people are stuck with the same lack of representation in the future. I don't think it is fair that we are stuck with the same old same old as before. It does not represent people in my area of the State. Our community's policy concerns are that we support the " Build Back Better vision of the current President". The concerns of our representative in Washington are more guns, more oil, and the destruction of Government so we can experience complete freedom from any public trust or care for the land, and our neighbors. The third district is not like that.

John Clarke

Commission: legislative

Zip: 80525

Submittted: September 30, 2021


The Commissions most recent map for Fort Collins shows HD52 and HD53 divided east and west along College Ave (US 287). This division is not appropriate to recognize the different demographics of the city. These two districts should be divided north and south at Drake or Prospect to recognize that the north-side and the south-side of Fort Collins are distinctly different communities of interest. CSU students and a community of singles on the north side need to have stronger representation. Conversely, families with K-12 students living in single-family homes on the south side of town make up an important demographic that also needs representation. The divisions should acknowledge these differences to best represent the different lifestyles and demographics of Fort Collins.

Debra Belvill

Commission: both

Zip: 80021

Submittted: September 30, 2021


I think you're unfairly reducing the democrat's influence in district 7. Its been a pretty strong democratic area for quite some time, and I'd like to see it stay that way.

Alan Rubin

Commission: legislative

Zip: 80401

Submittted: September 30, 2021


In the most recent redistricting plans for the Colorado legislature, I notice my house district (currently HD25) has been redistributed in such a way as to create two new districts that combine both urban and exurban communities. I would ask that more attention be given to those communities directly affected by the WUI (wildlife urban interface), as I find their interests differ greatly from those in more urban areas. For example, here in the greater Evergreen/Conifer area, our concerns center on wildfire mitigation and evacuation planning on the top of our list; those in the town of Golden have more conventional urban interests. I want my representation to be centered on the WUI, wildfire management, and other exurban/rural concerns, rather than them being split between the two. To my mind and the minds of many others, there are two distinct communities of interest here. Moreover, the Constitution for the State of Colorado requires that political subdivisions such as county borders be respected unless there is an overriding community of interest argument. No such testimony was given and there are no obvious reasons to include Columbine with Littleton. There is no rationale to break off a very small part of JeffCo and put it in with an Arapahoe County seat. Respectfully submitted, Alan Rubin

Jeni L McClure

Commission: legislative

Zip: 80525

Submittted: September 30, 2021


The Colorado Independent Redistricting Commission's most recent map for Fort Collins shows House District 52 and House District 53 divided east and west along College Ave (US 287). This division perpetuates the not-competitiveness of earlier years. These two districts should be divided north and south to create more competitive districts. A north-south division also recognizes the north side of Fort Collins and the south side as distinctly different communities of interest. The CSU community of singles and the north side housing demographic has many more one and two person households with fewer K-12 students than does the south side of town. The district divisions should acknowledge these fundamental differences. Also, competitiveness is improved with a north-south division. The last time a Republican won in District 53 configured with a generally east-west division was in 1986. This new map does nothing to increase competitiveness. I suggest a division generally along Prospect Ave or Drake Rd (depending on the numbers) which recognizes the differing communities of interest and creates two districts with increased competitiveness.

Russell L. McClure

Commission: legislative

Zip: 80525

Submittted: September 30, 2021


The Colorado Independent Redistricting Commission's most recent map for Fort Collins shows House District 52 and House District 53 divided east and west along College Ave (US 287). This division perpetuates the not-competitiveness of earlier years. These two districts should be divided north and south to create more competitive districts. A north-south division also recognizes the north side of Fort Collins and the south side as distinctly different communities of interest. The CSU community of singles and the north side housing demographic has many more one and two person households with fewer K-12 students than does the south side of town. The district divisions should acknowledge these fundamental differences. Also, competitiveness is improved with a north-south division. The last time a Republican won in District 53 configured with a generally east-west division was in 1986. This new map does nothing to increase competitiveness. I suggest a division generally along Prospect Ave or Drake Rd (depending on the numbers) which recognizes the differing communities of interest and creates two districts with increased competitiveness.

Douglas Hickman

Commission: both

Zip: 80526-4359

Submittted: September 30, 2021


The Commissions most recent map for Fort Collins shows HD52 and HD53 divided east and west along College Ave (US 287). This division perpetuates the not-competitiveness of earlier years. These two districts should be divided north and south to create more competitive districts. A north-south division also recognizes the north side of Fort Collins and the south side are distinctly different communities of interest. The CSU community of singles and the north side housing demographic has many more one and two person household with fewer K-12 students than does the south side of town. The district divisions should acknowledge these differences. Also, competitiveness is improved with a north-south division. The last time a Republican won in HD53 configured with a generally east-west division was in 1986. This new map does nothing to increase competitiveness. I suggest a division generally along Prospect Ave or Drake Rd (depending on the numbers) recognizes the differing communities of interest and creates two districts with increased competitiveness.