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George Autobee

Commission: legislative

Zip: 81019

Submittted: October 05, 2021


Dear Legislative Commission, For this Senate map, I borrowed from an idea submitted by Denise Whinnen, attempting to marry Senate Staff Map 2 with the CLLARO senate map and the map backed by Commissioners O’Leary, Schepper and Barry (SP.006). I attempted to create better Hispanic influence districts and competitive districts throughout, while preserving the integrity of political subdivisions and communities of interest. I present to you the "Autobee Legislative Map" In short, I attempted to borrow from the best ideas in both maps. I believe Senate Staff Map 2 does a better job of promoting quality representation in rural Colorado, and I generally kept its configuration intact. In the metro area, I found elements of SP.006 and the CLLARO maps more compelling. There, I attempted to improve upon Ms. Whinnen’s proposal to meet the constitutional criteria. Thank you for your consideration

Michelle Vrlenich

Commission: both

Zip: 80023

Submittted: October 04, 2021


Please keep Broomfield one, united community and do not divide us in the redistricting. Our voice should not be diluted over 3-4 counties. Thank you.

Andrew T Kramer

Commission: congressional

Zip: 80023

Submittted: October 04, 2021


This is my third submission of comments. I see that the most recent draft of redistricting by the Commission divides Broomfield between two Congressional Districts. This is not in the best interests of the voters in Broomfield. We are a small city, and the smallest of counties in Colorado. Please, keep Broomfield whole by assigning it to just one Congressional District. Sincerely, Andrew T Kramer 4252 Corte Bella Drive Broomfield, CO 80023

Valerie Hudson

Commission: congressional

Zip: 80516

Submittted: October 04, 2021


Please keep all of Broomfield in one congressional district. I work in Broomfield, and this is important to me.

Rebecca White

Commission: both

Zip: 81224

Submittted: October 04, 2021


Please do not include Eagle County in a district with Gunnison County. The I-70 corridor shares little with Gunnison County. They are also two different watersheds. Please do not split the city of Montrose. Please keep Garfield County whole. Sincerely, Rebecca White

Karen Tonso

Commission: legislative

Zip: 80005

Submittted: October 03, 2021


Dear Commissions: These comments refer to the 9-23-21 Legislative Map for HOUSE Districts. I am Karen Tonso and I live in Arvada, but have lived in Golden and North Lakewood, and have had kids who attended Wheat Ridge High School, Manning Junior High, and Everitt Middle School. Here, I add to prior comments State House Districts. Near the confluence of HDs 24, 25, and 27, the way that Arvada, Golden and Wheat Ridge are included in various House districts might be reconfigured to better account for communities of interest. Communities of interest in this area follow transportation infrastructure and run east-west, not north-south. Arvada is not large enough to be 2 complete districts, so must share with another city. At issue is which city makes the most sense. Historically Arvada and the Jeffco part of Westminster made a sensible “combined” district, which would still be my first preference. But, as drawn in the Second Staff Map, the sensible communities of interest division would advise that West Arvada be combined with North Golden, not with Wheat Ridge. Here, I describe how transportation infrastructure and school attendance areas underpin localized, albeit informal communities of interest that residents hold dear. HOUSE DISTRICT 24, 25, and 27: The portion of Arvada west of Ward Road forms a community of interest with North Table Mountain and Golden. The transportation infrastructure tells the story here. Residents of Arvada on the west travel via east-west arterials (64th, 72nd, 80th-82nd, 86thPkwy-CO72 to CO-93, or from Ward Road south to I-70 then west on CO-58). CO-58 forms an effective N-S barrier to affiliations that might otherwise underpin communities of interest. Because of this West Arvada affiliates with Golden, not with Wheat Ridge. Also, school attendance areas link North Table Mountain and West Arvada. Ultimately, I can think of nothing that connects West Arvada to Wheat Ridge. In addition, I fear that the dramatic differences in household income associated with West Arvada will overwhelm the more modest household resources of Wheat Ridge residents when it comes to supporting local politicians. Furthermore, there are risks of Wheat Ridge losing their voice in the state legislature and especially undercutting the Latino voice present there if these disparate areas are combined. Wheat Ridge is a fairly cohesive whole, but it connects, primarily via 32nd, to unincorporated Jeffco with Golden addresses in Applewood, and to the parts of Golden that lie south of CO-58. As is the case in Arvada, most Wheat Ridge north-south transportation corridors dead-end at I-70. Because of Wheat Ridge High School’s location, school attendance areas link Wheat Ridge and North Lakewood, not Wheat Ridge and West Arvada. This Wheat Ridge West Arvada has little reason to be combined. In these cases transportation corridors profoundly shape the ways in which residents connect across city boundaries. Wheat Ridge, North Lakewood, and South Golden affiliate. North Golden and West Arvada affiliate. Much of the transportation infrastructure (such as Wadsworth, I-70, and CO-58) serve more as a barrier to movement among communities than a connector. In other words, almost nothing goes through from north to south because of I-70 and CO-58. Finally, neighborhood school attendance areas underpin the localized communities of interest that cross over city boundaries Please reconsider reframing the boundaries drawn in the Second Staff Map as it relates to HD24 and HD27. This may require associated changes to move portions of Golden that lie east of the mountains into one of these districts and adjusting HD25 in another area, such as west Lakewood. Thank you.

N Hinds

Commission: congressional

Zip: 80220

Submittted: October 03, 2021


I find the commission's plan to be very flawed and does not reflect the needs of our present population. Biden won the state by 13 points and the map looks like a 50/50 draw in congressional seats making Ed Perlmutter's district harder to win by Democrats and Boebert's district much redder for republicans.... so much for fair....

S Patterson

Commission: both

Zip: 81428

Submittted: October 03, 2021


Keep Delta County WHOLE! And in the future CONSIDER both Land Area and Population for BETTER RE-Districting.

Arthur Kent Parkison

Commission: congressional

Zip: 81401

Submittted: October 03, 2021


We want the Club 20 Redistricting Please

Julia Lavenburg

Commission: both

Zip: 80020

Submittted: October 03, 2021


Do not tear our community apart. We are better as one.