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Susan McFaddin

Commission: congressional

Zip: 80524

Submittted: April 10, 2021


I would like to ask that Fort Collins and Boulder remain in CD 2. We face many of the same challenges and opportunities and need a single voice in the US House to meet them. Both Colorado State and University of Colorado are in Congressional District 2 and collaborate on world class research together. Our current Congressman is able to help facilitate those opportunities at the Federal level. We both face very real challenges with the wildfires and other natural disasters and need a single voice in our response. We both share in our love and frequent use of Rocky Mountain National Park. We need a single voice. Our current congressman has shown how his collaboration of these two regions is key to the success of economic development in our area. Please keep Congressional District so that it includes both Fort Collins and Boulder. Thank you. Susan McFaddin, PhD Colorado Elector for CD2

Mark Meeks

Commission: congressional

Zip: 80421

Submittted: April 08, 2021


I have welcomed our Precinct being in Congressional District 2. I believe our community shares concerns with those throughout the District, and I have fully benefited from the representation we have experienced in this District. I very much hope this arrangement will remain and that our community will continue as part of Congressional District 2. Thank you.


Commission: both

Zip: 80016

Submittted: April 08, 2021


I am appalled at your action of removing Danny Moore as Chairman of the Redistricting Committee. I have read his FB post and also watched the Kyle Clark interview. Clark clearly has a bias towards liberal/leftist views and has a very wide audience to hear them. Mr Moore’s FB comment was about voter integrity and freedoms in our country. Your action was censorship. Shame on you. Linda White

Mike Quick

Commission: both

Zip: 80501

Submittted: April 07, 2021


Good that you have removed from leadership someone who believes the 2020 Presidential election was not legitimate. There are more among you with this belief. I am requesting each of the independent and republican commissioners state for the public record whether Donald J. Trump lost a legitimate Presidential election in 2020. Coloradans have a right to know what their redistricting commissioners views are on this question. Thank you.

Nabheet S Sandhu

Commission: both

Zip: 80121

Submittted: April 06, 2021


Danny Moore shouldn't be on the commission for the exact espousing of the same xenophobic and anti Asian rhetoric that puts Asian lives in danger. Someone of hate ideals should not be determining what is fair in district lines for voters.

Kurt W Knoernschild

Commission: congressional

Zip: 80503

Submittted: April 06, 2021


Thanks to the Commision for the opportunity to present my thoughts and concerns regarding the redistricting of the Colorado federal Congressional districts. I appreciate your willingness to tackle this task which will be much more difficult this year with the late release of census data. My name is Kurt Knoernschild, and I live with my wife in Longmont, which is my community of interest. When we were approaching retirement, we chose Longmont for several reasons: it is a vibrant multiethnic and multicultural community, and celebrates diversity; it offers many options of senior-living communities, with easy access to shopping and dining options; it (as well as Boulder County) provides many senior programs and services; it provides easy access to medical and other health services that we need; and it offers good access to regional cultural and recreational attractions, from Longmont’s own County Fairgrounds to Denver’s Performing Arts Center to Rocky Mountain hikes and skiing. We are extremely happy with our choice, and expect to lead (after COVID) a very active and involved retirement, taking full advantage of the choices that we have because of living in Longmont. One concern that has arisen for me is my feeling that my community of interest is lost within my current Congressional district (CO #4). The district as currently designated stretches from the northern Colorado border to the southern, along the whole eastern side of the state. Geographically the district is primarily rural with a few cities and towns like Longmont included to reach the required population goal. It would be a difficult district for anyone to represent well because it is so sprawling and diverse, almost to the point of being polarized. At present, the concerns of farming, ranching, and gas and oil production dominate our Republican Representative’s time and interest, with little time and no interest for his more urbanized and more Democratic-leaning constituents. Because of the way that the district is currently delineated, it will rarely be competitive for any Democrat. While I understand that with such rural and urban interests competing for time and attention, the Representative will have to make choices about their time and focus. But everyone deserves to be represented by at least being heard. With a district that is so large and one-sided, it is almost inevitable that the minority voices will be ignored. In a district more compact and competitive, it is more likely that all voices will at least be heard, even if there will always be those who are dissatisfied with the outcome. I would like to suggest that a Congressional district be made from the northeastern part of the state to include rural and urbanized areas in approximately equal numbers. This should allow my community of Longmont the chance to have its voices heard and for them to feel like they have a chance of sending a Representative to Congress who our community can support.

Megan Burch

Commission: both

Zip: 80125

Submittted: April 06, 2021


I live in Roxborough, which is located at the western part of Douglas County, snuggled at the base of the foothills.  We are located south of C470, in between our beautiful state parks of Chatfield Reservoir and Roxborough State Park.   While many of us have chosen to live in Roxborough because of its natural beauty and quiet location, we regularly engage with the communities of Littleton (both Jefferson County and Arapahoe County areas) and Highlands Ranch.  As we are in Douglas county, our home schools are in Douglas county, and some families choose to have their children enrolled in schools in Jefferson or Arapahoe counties as well due to the close proximity.  Residents in our community often shop, work, and attend to personal business (doctor, dentist appointments) in the neighboring urban areas. Although Roxborough is located just south of the main Denver metro urban area, our community is more of an urban community than a rural one, and has grown substantially since the last census.  Newer residential development continues to connect our community with the remainder of the Denver metro.  The development at Sterling Ranch just east of us is a good example of this. Currently, we are part of a legislative district, the 39th, that is mostly a rural district.  Our congressional district is the 4th district, which is another mostly rural district.  Our community has different needs than these rural areas.   I would like to respectfully request that when you are considering state legislative and US congressional maps, that you integrate the community of Roxborough with an urban area to best suit our needs. Thank you for your time and consideration.

Bernardita Z. Hutchinson

Commission: congressional

Zip: 80302

Submittted: April 06, 2021


I am shocked and alarmed at the information that has become public about Danny Moore's extremely partisan and dangerous political views. As a candidate for this same commission, I feel strongly that Mr. Moore's unacceptable actions have absolutely disqualified him from serving on what is meant to be an “independent" commission. Going back into my files to find the spreadsheet containing all applicants’ submissions, it is clear to me that Mr. Moore's application included the bare minimum of information requested and that he did not fully disclose his "past political activity" or the "list of political and civic organizations belonged to." Additionally, applicants were requested to submit a personal statement - compared to what I and most other applicants submitted, Mr. Moore simply copied his list of professional affiliations. Further, Mr. Moore’s “statement on working with consensus” was rambling at best - “Citizens get what they vote for…For our society to remain civilized we must provide all of our citizens with equal representation.” By contrast, I stated my hope that "only qualified candidates who are genuinely interested in serving the best interests of our entire state will be selected. If I am selected, I pledge to be a fair, engaged and thoughtful representative for all Coloradans. Based on my extensive experience working with diverse constituencies in business, the non-profit sector and as an active volunteer serving on various community initiatives, I have always strived to be fair and impartial. I believe it is important to listen to all sides and find common ground. As a swing state, Colorado is uniquely positioned to demonstrate how to bridge the political divide in its new redistricting process. I would be honored to participate in this important effort." It is disheartening to have volunteered in good faith to serve on this important commission and to not have been selected, when someone as compromised as Mr. Moore was chosen instead. I applaud the other commissioners for voting unanimously to strip him of his chair role yesterday, but feel strongly that he needs to be removed entirely from this commission. Surely you can find someone else who is able to serve in the independent and fair capacity in which the commission was designed and overwhelmingly approved by Colorado’s voters in 2018.

Ashlee Lewis

Commission: both

Zip: 80013

Submittted: April 06, 2021


Mr. Danny Moore is not excused from his rhetoric against Asian Americans on his social media. He is a person of color and he is in a powerful position, which comes with responsibility to know better and to be better. Mr. Moore is aware of how this rhetoric is affecting his fellow Americans who are Asians and he shamelessly continues to use this rhetoric and fabricating stories like “When this is over I want accountability for the Chinese News Network (CNN) and its operatives for caring China’s water and lying to the American people and endangering the lives of American’s and those of the world.” This is not someone who has integrity nor is he an intelligent person. This is a dangerous leader and as an Asian American I am threatened by his presence in his role. Removing Mr. Moore as the Chair is not not enough, I request that Mr. Moore be removed from the commission period. I would also recommend that the Colorado Independent Redistricting Commissions to do a thorough research on their potential members before they allow individuals to take their position and to prevent people who are shamelessly biased against marginalized Americans to never take a seat at your commission.

Richard Casey

Commission: congressional

Zip: 80524

Submittted: April 06, 2021


Hello, I fully support Danny Moore in his role as Chairman of the congressional redistricting commission.