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Glenda Sadler

Commission: congressional

Zip: 80122

Submittted: April 26, 2021


I respectfully request that. Centennial is all in the same Congressional District. In fact, I think all cities/towns should be in the same district.

anne rickenbaugh

Commission: congressional

Zip: 81611

Submittted: April 26, 2021


I have just read that the State of Colorado will get one more house seat and hoping that this is an opportunity for our liberal county (Pitkin) to get out of the 3rd district and get redistricted with other like- minded communities so that we could finally enjoy some representation in the U.S. House. My past and current representatives are in a "safe" seat; the seat is safe for republicans because of the sprawling, largely rural nature of the district. As such, my representative does not have to listen to the views and opinions of those of us in the districts' more liberal communities to get elected; indeed, it would be nice if they did, even just out of consideration, but they do not. I have not felt that I have had any representation in the House for the last decade. I think I speak for a large number of residents in Pitkin, Eagle, Garfield, and Gunnison Counties who need access to affordable health and child care, recognize the importance of immigrant labor and public lands to our local economies, and support common sense gun controls. The Representatives of the Colorado 3rd district and their supporters are opposed to all of these things so none of us are getting what we need from our representation in congress. You are in a position to help us through the redistricting map, which could group ski country into the same district and unite these communities under representation that could help us get what we need for our communities to continue to prosper. Thank you for your consideration.

Janet Rivera Switzer

Commission: congressional

Zip: 81023

Submittted: April 26, 2021


As a resident of Pueblo County, I find much common interest with the San Luis Valley because many of us have family there and a shared history going back to land grant times. There is little common interest with the Western Slope, though, and I resent having a person who doesn't truly represent me as my congressperson.

Tom Juno

Commission: both

Zip: 80475

Submittted: April 24, 2021


The 2nd Congressional District - which previously represented Jefferson County to the Wyoming border - absorbed the northeast corner of rural Park County after the 2010 census. The 5th District was thereby diminished and a portion of North Park County was severed from its rural community while those voters' choice for representation in the U.S. Congress was effectively negated. Additionally, the new district border left the towns of Bailey, Shawnee and Grant each politically cut in half. These are the very reasons that prompted a Supreme Court decision. In 2019, four states had their Congressional districts ordered redrawn before the 2020 election. The federal courts where the lawsuits were filed, followed by the Supreme Court, deemed their gerrymandered districts unconstitutional. Their decision states that a gerrymander shall not "violate the citizen's right to association" nor "dilute the vote." Colorado has already grown in population past the threshold of qualifying for an eighth district, which will be official after the 2020 census is settled. Now is the time to prime the Amendment Y Committee to pay attention to how the new district lines should be drawn to correct what is no longer legally tolerated. We need to hold their feet to the fire to pressure that decision in favor of re-uniting Park County and restoring ALL it's rural mountain representation.

Timothy Peterson

Commission: both

Zip: 80421

Submittted: April 24, 2021


Park County needs to be reunited as a single unit under both the congressional and state districts. In 2010, the northeast portion of Park was separated from the rest of the county and joined with Boulder. We have NOTHING to do with Boulder. We are rural citizens and moved here for that very reason. The entire county is under one county commissioner body, our 4H clubs compete at one county fair, and we have one Road & Bridge department serving all our interests. We need to be considered a unified entity.

Janice Rice

Commission: both

Zip: 80439

Submittted: April 22, 2021


I have the following questions for DECENNIAL CENSUS Management (Referred to DCManagement in the document) Submitted by Jan Rice Ex-Enumerator Denver Region Please contact me at If you would like more details. ASSOCIATE DIRECTOR FOR DECENNIAL CENSUS PROGRAMS ALBERT E. FONTENOT JR. Oct 2017 - Present FORMER ASSISTANT DIRECTOR FOR FIELD OPERATIONS Mar 2016 - Nov 2017 ASSISTANT DIRECTOR FOR DECENNIAL CENSUS PROGRAMS (Operations & Schedule Management) JAMES B. TREAT Feb 2019 - Present Feb 2019 (From2020 Census Program Management Review) Assistant Director for Decennial Census Programs May 2019 (From May 14, 2019 Paper delivered at 2019 ACS Data Users Conference) FORMER SENIOR ADVISOR FOR DECENNIAL AFFAIRS JAMES B. TREAT 763-3609 Feb 2021 (From U.S. Census Bureau Staff Roster) FORMER STATISTICIAN JAMES B. TREAT 2018 (Federal Employee Profile) ASSISTANT DIRECTOR FOR DECENNIAL CENSUS PROGRAMS (Systems & Contracts) MICHAEL T. THIEME Nov 2017 – Present FORMER PROGRAM MANAGER U.S. CENSUS 2010 - 2017 ASSISTANT DIRECTOR FOR DECENNIAL CENSUS PROGRAMS (Operations & Schedule Management) DEBORAH M. STEMPOWSKI Sept 2019 - Present FORMER CHIEF, DECENNIAL CENSUS MANAGEMENT DIVISION May 2016 – Sep 2019 Sept 2019 - Present JENNIFER W. REICHERT ACTING CHIEF, DECENNIAL CENSUS MANAGEMENT DIVISION FORMER DECENNIAL CENSUS MANAGEMENT DIVISION PROGRAM MANAGER ASSOCIATE DIRECTOR FOR FIELD OPERATIONS TIMOTHY P. OLSON 763-2072 Apr 2016 – Present ASSISTANT DIRECTOR FOR FIELD OPERATIONS JAMES T. CHRISTY (818) 267-1700 Jan 2018 - Present SENIOR ADVISOR TO THE CHIEF OF THE CENSUS BUREAU’S GEOGRAPHY DIVISION, FRAMES PROGRAM MANAGEMENT OFFICE AND THE FRAMES GUIDANCE GROUP (Linkedin) MICHAEL RATCLIFFE, GEOGRAPHY DIVISION May 1990 - present ________________________________________________________________ ● Was DCManagement aware the removal of the MULTI-UNIT Module would require Enumerators to “KNOCK on EVERY VACANT HOUSING UNIT DOOR NATIONWIDE ”? ● Was DCManagement aware the removal of the MULTI-UNIT Module would nullify any Enumerator Productivity gains provided by the NRFU Operation MANAGER VISIT? ● When was DCManagement informed of the removal of the MULTI-UNIT Module? ● Did DCManagement attempt to contact Property Managers to remove VACANT apartments, prior to the FIRST Enumerator visit, as prescribed in the MANAGER VISIT process? ● Did DCManagement inform Regional Directors, Area Managers, Information Technology Managers, Lead Census Field Managers, Census Field Managers, Census Field Supervisors, Enumerator Trainers ● Was DCManagement aware the MOJO Optimizer did NOT “optimize” Apartments located in the same Large Apartment Complexes, but rather assigned a few Apartments to multiple Enumerators, sometimes the same day or over several days or weeks? ● When did DCManagement receive initial Enumerators’ concerns and Property Management complaints regarding the “parade of Enumerators” on Large Apartment Complexes and through Property Managers Offices? ● Did DCManagement know the removal of the MULTI-UNIT Module cascaded throughout the Enumerator FDC Tool, removing the APARTMENT COMPLEX NAME and ADDRESS from the daily CASE LIST provided to Enumerators? ● What Management and Monitoring functions, tracking and reporting was missing or hampered by the limited FDC Map Tool functions? ● Were any enumeration of GROUP QUARTERS incomplete or inaccurate as a result of the removal of the MULTI-UNIT Module? ● Was DCManagement aware of Enumerator misunderstanding or confusion of the following functions: ○ Overall Proxy usage ○ Understanding the Property Managers were not to me contacted until the Housing Unit was in ‘PROXY’ status ○ Use of CASE NOTES ■ Entries showing numerous contact that would have qualified the Apartment to be removed as VACANT, if HOUSING UNIT had been entered by selection of correct PROXY entries. ■ Entries showing numerous information that Enumerators intended for future enumeration contacts. ■ What remedies did DCManagement apply to the issues of the previous questions? ● Did any of the previous members of DCManagement leave because of the removal of the MULTI-UNIT Module FDC Tool? ● Were any of the previous members of DECENNIAL CENSUS Staff terminated or left because of the removal of the MULTI-UNIT Module FDC Tool?

Eve Partridge

Commission: both

Zip: 80487

Submittted: April 21, 2021


I moved back to Steamboat Springs from the front range in 2015 and have not felt represented adequately in district 3 as a resident of Steamboat Springs in Routt county. I have left numerous messages with my representatives only to be ignored regularly by them as our community goals and values in Routt county are not the same community goals as another county in western Colorado. We have one of the larger populations in rural Colorado and are not being adequately represented. We are being washed out for representation by smaller counties. District 3 is entirely too large and cannot possibly represent the people adequately. We are a ski town with travelers from all over the world, we benefit from very different things than other small towns in rural Colorado. They of course deserve to be represented but our needs are very different and so is our representation.

Jan Rice

Commission: both

Zip: 80439

Submittted: April 20, 2021


I have the following questions for CENSUS BUREAU or CENSUS2020 Management or DECENNIAL CENSUS Management (Referred to as Management in this document) Submitted by Jan Rice Ex-Enumerator Denver Region Please contact me at If you would like more details. ACTING DIRECTOR RON S. JARMIN (A) Jan 2021 - present 1.Deputy Director, and Chief Operating Officer 2.Dates Employed 3.Oct 2018 – Jan 2021 4.Performing the Nonexclusive Duties of the Director 5.Jul 2017 – Jan 2019 FORMER DIRECTOR STEVEN DILLINGHAM Jan 2019 - Jan 2021 FORMER DIRECTOR JOHN H. THOMPSON 2013-2017 FORMER DIRECTOR DEPUTY and CHIEF INFORMATION OFFICER NANCY POTOK 2012-2017 FORMER CHIEF STATISTICIAN OF THE UNITED STATES Jan 2017 - Dec 2019 FORMER CHIEF STATISTICIAN OF THE UNITED STATES KATHERINE WALLMAN 1992 to 2017 FORMER CHIEF INFORMATION OFFICER KEVIN SMITH TBD 2016 - Dec. 2020 or 202-649-3802 Jan 2021 - present Chief Information Officer at Federal Housing Finance Agency FORMER CHIEF INFORMATION OFFICER TOM LEACH TBD - Jan 2016 FORMER CHIEF INFORMATION OFFICER RAY COOK Jan 2016 - Jan 2017 FORMER CHIEF TECHNOLOGY OFFICER NITIN NAIK Jan 2017 - Oct 2019 FORMER CHIEF TECHNOLOGY OFFICER TOM LEACH Jan 2016 to Jan 2017 FORMER Division Chief, Decennial Information Technology Division Atri Kalluri Aug 2015 – Apr 2019 Senior Advocate for Response Security and Data Integrity May 2019 - Present NEW SOLUTIONS ARCHITECT, CHIEF TECHNOLOGY OFFICE ANTHONY ROSATI, PMP Jun 2015 - Present _______________________________________________________ ●Why did Management decide to remove the Multi-Unit Module from the Enumerator Field Data Capture (FDC) Production Tool? ●What (current and previous) members of Management were involved in the decision to remove the MULTI-UNIT Module? When? ●Did any of the FORMER members of Management leave because of the removal of the MULTI-UNIT Module FDC Tool? ●Were any FORMER members of CENSUS BUREAU Staff terminated or left because of the removal of the MULTI-UNIT Module FDC Tool? ●Would Management explain the rationale of requiring Enumerators NATIONWIDE to knock on EVERY VACANT APARTMENT rather than access to “20 yrs of planning, testing and preparations resulting in MANAGER VISIT (MV), the CORNERSTONE of the the NRFU Operational Plan”? ●Was Management aware the MOJO Optimizer did NOT “optimize” Apartments located in the same Large Apartment Complexes, but rather assigned a few Apartments to multiple Enumerators, sometimes the same day or over several days or weeks? ●When did Management receive initial Enumerators’ concerns and Property Management complaints regarding the “parade of Enumerators” on Large Apartment Complexes and through Property Managers Offices? ●Although acknowledgement of the ‘Property Manager concerns', in the September 2020 All-Hands Teleconference, why did Management refuse to address Enumerator concerns and Property Managers complaints? ●Please provide any performance monitoring and/or benchmarks from the 2016 Site Test using MULTI-UNIT Module before and after Management implemented new procedures for contacting nonresponding addresses at multi unit structures, such as, apartments and condominiums. ●What new procedures were implemented in the 2016 Site Test MULTI-UNIT Module? ●Please provide any performance monitoring and/or benchmarks from the CENSUS2020 procedures for contacting nonresponding addresses at multi unit structures, such as, apartments and condominiums. ●Is Management aware the FDC Tool Mapping application functionality did not perform as designed, including, but not limited to ○Directions and End locations not found or in error. ○Best “route” for enumeration to be followed and tracked by Field Supervisors and Managers. ○Best “contact time” (possibly information that would have been provided by the initial MANAGER VISIT contact?) ■(See question regarding CASE NOTES) ●What was the weekly turn-over of Enumerators as a result of “No WORK LOAD”, “changing Census END Date” or other reasons for leaving CENSUS2020 prior to the completion date? ●How many Enumerators were terminated as a result of inaccurate Mapping and Management Monitoring by the FDC Tool Mapping application? EXPLANATION CENSUS BUREAU to incentivize increased enumeration production by granting monetary awards to certain temporary employees. The program calculates awards based on the number of completed cases per hour and hours worked per week, regardless of whether the work was completed accurately. Awards on this basis may reward employees producing errors in completed cases—whether intentional or accidental—and lead to an increased number of reinterviews than would otherwise be required to ensure data quality. ●How many Enumerators received ‘BONUSES’? ●What percentage of allocated funds were paid out to Enumerators for ‘BONUSES’? ●What impact on current and future DATA INTEGRITY will the malfunctions of the FDC Tool Mapping application and the missing APARTMENT COMPLEX NAME and ADDRESS from the daily CASE LIST i.e. (Production Database) have on the Master Address File (MAF), MAF/TIGER, other CENSUS products and CENSUS DATA LAKE ●What impact on current and future DATA INTEGRITY will the malfunctions of the FDC Tool Mapping application e.g. results of inaccurate Mapping and Management Monitoring, have on the Master Address File (MAF), MAF/TIGER, other CENSUS products and CENSUS DATA LAKE _____________________________________________________________________________ (301-763-INFO (4636) or 800-923-8282 or DEPUTY CHIEF INFORMATION OFFICER GREGG "SKIP" BAILEY 763-0989 2018-present CHIEF INFORMATION SECURITY OFFICER BEAU HOUSER 763-1235 Aug 2019 - present ●Did Management know the removal of the MULTI-UNIT Module cascaded throughout the Enumerator FDC Tool, removing the APARTMENT COMPLEX NAME and ADDRESS from the daily CASE LIST provided to Enumerators? ●Was Management aware the absence of the APARTMENT COMPLEX NAME and ADDRESS resulted in the RANDOM presentation of the CASE LIST, rather than an industry standard of Alpha/Alpha Numeric SORT’ing? ●Was Management aware the absence of the APARTMENT COMPLEX NAME and ADDRESS resulted in the Enumerators being required to “Scroll the CASE LIST” every time to select a new Apartment Unit Address? Explanation Each completed CASE LIST search returned the Enumerator to the TOP of a new RANDOM CASE LIST, rather than the industry standard of the ‘NEXT’ Apartment Unit Address. Other CENSUS BUREAU contact information DIVISION OR OFFICE 26 ADSD Applications Development & Services Division David J. Peters 763-9359 21 CSvD Computer Services Division Kenneth R. Boyd BCC 763-2364 29 CTO Chief Technology Office VACANT ** ** Toyia Shirelle Jones 763-2364 2017 Previous CTO Nitin Naik 57 FLD Field Division Dale C. Kelly 763-6937 24 ITSMO IT Services Management Office Zachary H. Schwartz 763-6238 28 OIS Office of Information Security Beau Houser (A) 763-5032 45 SDB Systems, Data Analysis & Business Solutions VACANT 763-5680 Rochelle A. Weems 763-2495 85 SEHSD Social, Economic & Housing Statistics David G. Waddington 763-3195 45 SDB Systems, Data Analysis & Business Solutions VACANT Rochelle A. Weems 763-2495


Commission: congressional

Zip: 80620

Submittted: April 20, 2021


What shared interests unite your community? A lot of people in Weld County like guns. I don't though. Rural lifestyle would be another uniting interest. What are your community’s public policy concerns? Affordable housing, attracting large employers, and funding education. What geographic areas or features are important to your community? Not much. Poudre Ponds and the Cache La Poudre River. South Platte River. What else should the commissions know about your community? Weld County is very diverse in its ethnic makeup with many new Americans, immigrants and refugees.

Michael B.

Commission: legislative

Zip: 80113

Submittted: April 19, 2021


Friends, Please find attached a 35-district proposal for redistricting the Colorado State Senate. The map's districts were drawn using the existing map as a basis, and then shifting with the intent to increase compactness while bringing population totals for each district in line with one-another. Most noticeably you will find that the 16th has been adjusted to be completely within Jefferson County, and no longer snakes into Denver, Boulder, and Gilpin counties. Thank you for keeping politics out of the process and maintaining the dignity of the service for which you've been selected.