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Erica Lynes

Commission: both

Zip: 80228

Submittted: June 14, 2021


I feel strongly that Lakewood should remain part of Jefferson County. We are a community that is more similar to that of our neighbors in Arvada and Wheatridge, and feel that Jefferson county’s representatives, decisions, and views align better with my own views and experiences than that of Douglas County. In addition, the center of Douglas county is so far away from where I live in Lakewood, so it seems unfair that a group far away and unfamiliar with the people and town of Lakewood to be making decisions and legislation on their behalf.

Kimberly Lewis

Commission: both

Zip: 80214

Submittted: June 14, 2021


Lakewood has nothing in common with Douglas County, politically or geographically. It should remain districted with Wheat Ridge and Arvada, where it has a stronger geographic and sociopolitical connection. The entire demographic is off; Douglas county is more rural, while Lakewood is more urban. Keep it where it belongs—with Wheat Ridge and Arvada.

Glenn Jacoves

Commission: both

Zip: 81211

Submittted: June 14, 2021


We have much more common with other mountain communities, then with the urban front range area we are grouped with. I think we should be in the same district as Summit County, Eagle County or Gunnison Co. I think we should not be in the district with Colorado Springs or any of El Paso County. Our county relies on tourism & recreation as the main drivers of the economy. So protecting the environment is a key concern.

anna obrien

Commission: both

Zip: 80214

Submittted: June 14, 2021


I strongly disapprove of putting Lakewood in same district as Douglas county. Lakewood shares little in common with Douglas County, and should stay in a district with Arvada+Wheat Ridge.

Casey Hensley

Commission: both

Zip: 80228

Submittted: June 14, 2021


I do not support being lumped into the same congressional district as Douglas County. The city of lakewood did not share the same values as other cities in Douglas County. Our values are more closely aligned with cities such as Arvada, wheat ridge, and golden. Please maintain our current borders. But above all, keep it simple. The simplest answer is usually the right one.

Scott Huerena

Commission: both

Zip: 80214

Submittted: June 14, 2021


Lakewood should stay in Jefferson County. Lakewood has very little in common with Douglas county. Thank you for your consideration.


Commission: both

Zip: 80228

Submittted: June 14, 2021


Please keep Lakewood with Arvada and Wheat Ridge! Douglas County has a dismal record in supporting public education and we do not share their values.

Wendy Campbell

Commission: both

Zip: 80228

Submittted: June 14, 2021


I echo the comments of a friend: "Lakewood is connected by a community of interest, geography, and history to other municipalities in Jefferson County, such as Arvada and Wheat Ridge. We are part of the gateway to the mountain communities and beyond in the west metro area. We have a long and rich history of diversity. We share common concerns about development and redevelopment, public transportation, and many other infrastructure issues. We are part of the service area of Denver Water and, along with many other Jeffco municipalities, are served by distributor agreements with Denver Water. The numerous municipal boundaries between Jeffco municipalities encourage and require intergovernmental cooperation, so there are numerous intergovernmental agreements in place between and among those municipalities. We all have common benefits and concerns stemming from a significant federal government presence in this part of Jefferson County. It's inconceivable that we would have anything in common with Douglas County on any of these or other issues. Pulling Lakewood away from its Jeffco municipal partners would dilute Lakewood's ability to have its community concerns heard, and Lakewood's concerns and priorities are NOT congruent with those of Douglas County."

Christina Naranjo

Commission: congressional

Zip: 80228

Submittted: June 14, 2021


I think becoming part of Douglas county is just what Lakewood needs. Then our schools can have a better structure and our business will have more support so in the end we all will have a voice heard! I support becoming part of Douglas county 💯

Allison Gottsch

Commission: both

Zip: 80232

Submittted: June 14, 2021


I am opposed to the proposal to include Lakewood as part of Douglas County. As an 11 year resident of Lakewood and a lifetime resident of Jefferson County, I do not feel that the values of Lakewood and Jeffco are aligned with Douglas County. Furthermore, my son attends school in Jefferson County and I do not want him to be enrolled in a different school district.