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Jerry Amaro

Commission: both

Zip: 80455

Submittted: June 26, 2021


Jamestown should NOT belong to district 3...we’re in boulder county and to randomly split it off with other mountain towns make no sense!!!

Richard Ware

Commission: congressional

Zip: 80907

Submittted: June 26, 2021


Ladies and Gentlemen: I am enclosing below some figures which summarize the Colorado voter registration totals (per your suggested 8-district map) that you published on 2021-06-23. R D * Totals * Unaffiliated and Minor parties 1st 48,000 212,000 199,000 460,000 2nd 107,000 176,000 238,000 522,000 3rd 167,000 112,000 228,000 506,000 4th 164,000 113,000 190,000 467,000 5th 159,000 93,000 217,000 470,000 6th 102,000 147,000 205,000 454,000 7th 154,000 136,000 244,000 534,000 8th 107,000 140,000 217,000 465,000 --------- --------- --------- --------- 1,008,000 1,129,000 1,738,000 3,878,000 Totals 26.0% 29.1% 44.8% I particularly want to draw your attention to the proportions of Republican, Democratic and Unaffiliated voters in Colorado. Based on the respective percentages, 26.0%, 29.1%, and 44.8%, I believe the fairest redistricting would create 2 "safe" districts for Republican candidates, 2 "safe" districts for Democratic candidates, and 4 districts in which the electoral outcome will be quite unpredictable. I don't believe your present suggested map does this. Thanks for your attention.

Barbara Hardt

Commission: congressional

Zip: 80422

Submittted: June 26, 2021


Please do not redistrict Nederland and Gilpin into two different districts. We work hand in hand as mountain communities and need to keep our lines clearly drawn on who represents us. Please keep the districts set at the Continental Divide, instead of right through the middle of the town we all work in (Nederland). We are a well united community.

chris treese

Commission: congressional

Zip: 81601

Submittted: June 25, 2021


First, my compliments on the initial draft. It does a masterful job of balancing the many and conflicting mandates of the Colorado constitution, with amendments. However, I suggest it could be improved. I appreciate restoring the entire West Slope as a contiguous community of interest. I encourage its maintenance. When I consider the elements that constitute the West Slope's "community of interest," I wish to suggest water is central. Accordingly, I believe restoration of the San Luis Valley into the 3rd CD is more appropriate than western Boulder County or even Teller, Freemont and Park Counties. I can support the inclusion of Lake, Chaffee and Clear Creek Counties as headwater counties, albeit of different river basins, but being true headwater counties means they have much in common with the headwaters of the Colorado River (and Rio Grande River), less so Teller, Freemont and Park Counties.

Debbi Belvill

Commission: congressional

Zip: 80021

Submittted: June 25, 2021


I am all for not drawing districts unfairly. However these new districts seem to be heavily in favor of the Republican party, when they seem to be in the minority in Colorado. I particularly don't like that more of Douglas County is being incorporated into the district that covers my area, which is Jefferson County. Please reconsider this map.

Becky Close

Commission: congressional

Zip: 81637

Submittted: June 25, 2021


The Western Slope has unique challenges and opportunities, distinct rural, urban and rural resort cultural differences, and an abundance of federal concerns around land and water that clearly define the region as a community of interest. We deserve our own voice, as one united congressional district. The Town of Gypsum urges you to make the Western Slope whole in one congressional district during this redistricting process.

Arthur Onweller

Commission: congressional

Zip: 00000

Submittted: June 25, 2021


From the data obtained from the Commission, it is my understanding that the result of the 2020 Presidential Election results do not show an even 4-4 distribution (Democrat – Republican) . This is not fair Please adjust the boundaries so that the results of the 2020 election shows that the State would likely have four Democrat and Four Republican Representatives in the 2022 election. Regards Art Onweller (submitted by email 6/23/2021)

Shawn Snow

Commission: congressional

Zip: 00000

Submittted: June 25, 2021


To Whom It May Concern: Diana Degette was quoted as saying that your proposed map at least keeps CD #1 coterminous with Denver County's boundaries. However, my perusal of the map shows that you have removed Green Meadows, Glenbrook, Park West and Grant Ranch neighborhoods from the First District and ceded them to Jefferson County and CD #7. I can't tell, but some of the Denver County census tracts along W. Hampden Avenue may also now be proposed for CD #7. I am writing to oppose this arrangement as I believe Denver County should remain coterminous with CD #1. This is further complicated on your proposed map as it appears that you keep both Glendale and Holly Hills areas (of Arapahoe County) in CD #1 instead of areas that you propose to cede to CD #7. Sense of place in SW Denver is already difficult enough since much of the area has a Littleton mailing address. By moving these neighborhoods to CD #7, it will further alienate these residents from the rest of the City and County of Denver at least when it comes to Federal representation. Interestingly enough, Denver City Councilman Kevin Flynn lives in Glenbrook, so if this map stands he would presumably look to both CD #1 and CD #7 for any Federal lobbying/interaction/support since his district at the local level (District #2) would be split between two Federal House seats. I think that is a poor arrangement indeed. I think Denver County should remain unified with only one Congressional representative. Thank you. Shawn Snow Denver (submitted by email 6/23/2021)


Commission: both

Zip: 80023

Submittted: June 25, 2021


The current map is not divided equally between the 2 parties and the independents. Fix this mess.

Erin Fossett

Commission: congressional

Zip: 80122

Submittted: June 25, 2021


I am very dismayed by the results of the redistricting. It now appears that this process gifts the GOP with another safe seat. Yet Colorado is significantly trending blue. The population growth that resulted in Colorado earning another seat has been to the urban areas, which are also trending blue. Democrat registration far outpaces Republican registration in the state. This hardly seems like an effort to create a balanced outcome. This also increasingly disenfranchises people who live in more urban and concentrated population areas, such as the front range in favor of giving an outsized voice to rural communities. This hardly seems an equitable or fair outcome.