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Tye Zasacky

Commission: both

Zip: 81611

Submittted: June 25, 2021


I appreciate you putting the ski areas together in the new district 3 map. However I think district 1 should be broken up. I understand the intent to keep counties together where possible but competitiveness of districts should be a higher priority.

Ralph Wilson

Commission: both

Zip: 80840

Submittted: June 25, 2021


Dear members of the Committee: Thank you for giving the public an opportunity to give input to redistricting. I know from experience that redistricting can have a profound effect on representation at the state and national level. It is imperative that like-minded communities are given representation that fits with their political, moral, and ethical values. The state of Colorado is a special place as the Rockies have become a natural buffer between rural and urban areas of the state. Recent happenings across the state from immunizations to voter integrity have revealed that there is a definite split in opinions on many fronts between several counties in Colorado. I recently learned about talks of trying to change the third district, by redrawing district lines to exclude Pueblo county, replacing it with Boulder, and or Breckenridge, and Vail counties. I do not have to point out the political leanings of said counties, and that this would be a disservice to each of the counties for obvious reasons. Your website states that districts must: “Preserve whole communities of interest and whole political subdivisions, such as counties, cities, and towns.” If that is the case, why would you propose changing the third district, which would diminish representation for Pueblo County? Please tell me how does that benefit the constituents?? I expect that the wishes of the People will be protected and represented by individuals who have their best interests in mind. Sincerely, Ralph Wilson

Janelle Donley

Commission: both

Zip: 81005

Submittted: June 25, 2021


Dear members of the Committee: Thank you for giving the public an opportunity to give input to redistricting. I know from experience that redistricting can have a profound effect on representation at the state and national level. It is imperative that like-minded communities are given representation that fits with their political, moral, and ethical values. The state of Colorado is a special place as the Rockies have become a natural buffer between rural and urban areas of the state. Recent happenings across the state from immunizations to voter integrity have revealed that there is a definite split in opinions on many fronts between several counties in Colorado. I recently learned about talks of trying to change the third district, by redrawing districting lines to exclude Pueblo county, replacing it with Boulder, and or Breckenridge, and Vail counties. I do not have to point out the political leanings of said counties, and that this would be a disservice to each of the counties for obvious reasons. Your website states that districts must: “Preserve whole communities of interest and whole political subdivisions, such as counties, cities, and towns.” If that is the case, why would you propose changing the third district, which would diminish representation for Pueblo County? Please tell me how does that benefit the constituents?? I expect that the wishes of the People will be protected and represented by individuals who have their best interests in mind. Sincerely Janelle Donley

William F Hineser

Commission: both

Zip: 80004

Submittted: June 25, 2021


Dear Members, your redistricting creates a national election split of 5-3, it should be 4-4. Not difficult to consider, really.

Maryann Dey

Commission: both

Zip: 81005

Submittted: June 25, 2021


Dear members of the Committee: Thank you for giving the public an opportunity to give input to redistricting. I know from experience that redistricting can have a profound effect on representation at the state and national level. It is imperative that like-minded communities are given representation that fits with their political, moral, and ethical values. The state of Colorado is a special place as the Rockies have become a natural buffer between rural and urban areas of the state. Recent happenings across the state from immunizations to voter integrity have revealed that there is a definite split in opinions on many fronts between several counties in Colorado. I recently learned about talks of trying to change the third district, by redrawing districting lines to exclude Pueblo county, replacing it with Boulder, and or Breckenridge, and Vail counties. I do not have to point out the political leanings of said counties, and that this would be a disservice to each of the counties for obvious reasons. Your website states that districts must: “Preserve whole communities of interest and whole political subdivisions, such as counties, cities, and towns.” If that is the case, why would you propose changing the third district, which would diminish representation for Pueblo County? Please tell me how does that benefit the constituents?? I expect that the wishes of the People will be protected and represented by individuals who have their best interests in mind. Sincerely”

Tonya Huspen

Commission: congressional

Zip: 81410

Submittted: June 25, 2021


I looked over the proposed Congressional redistricting map. As a life-long resident of District 3, I can assure you we have nothing in common with Boulder County and I can see absolutely no reason in the world to include them in with the Western Slope. The Eastern Slope and Western Slope might as well be two separate worlds. We do not share the same concerns, economic drivers or watershed, (this is a big one to us!) The Western Slope has always been vigilant to protect our water from those on the Eastern Slope who wish to redirect it. Putting us in the same district as Boulder County would be like putting a fox in the hen house and then asking the fox what's for dinner! Put Southern Colorado and Pueblo back in District 3. We share many of the same values, culture and concerns. Congressional representation is so important, especially to those of us in the rural areas who feel we are often forgotten. Please reconsider. Respectfully, Tonya Huspen Delta County

Xavier Warren

Commission: congressional

Zip: 80022

Submittted: June 25, 2021


I was very disappointed at the lack of a majority-minority/Latino access seat in the new Congressional map. Under this new map, the Latino communities of Denver would be separated between three Congressional districts (1, 6, and 8). It is very simple to create a new majority-minority district in the Denver area and leave the partisan balance/competitiveness of the districts at the same level as the new map proposes. I have attached said map below.

Rochelle Foland

Commission: congressional

Zip: 80403

Submittted: June 24, 2021


Voters voted to have an Independent Congressional Redistricting committee. To me, that means there should be a 4-4 split in the congressional districts rather than 5-3 as it stands right now for the Presidential vote. Please balance the districts to provide a 4-4 split. Thank you


Commission: both

Zip: 81007

Submittted: June 24, 2021


Dear members of the Committee: Thank you for giving the public an opportunity to give input to redistricting. I know from experience that redistricting can have a profound effect on representation at the state and national level. It is imperative that like-minded communities are given representation that fits with their political, moral, and ethical values. The state of Colorado is a special place as the Rockies have become a natural buffer between rural and urban areas of the state. Recent happenings across the state from immunizations to voter integrity have revealed that there is a definite split in opinions on many fronts between several counties in Colorado. I recently learned about talks of trying to change the third district, by redrawing districting lines to exclude Pueblo county, replacing it with Boulder, and or Breckenridge, and Vail counties. I do not have to point out the political leanings of said counties, and that this would be a disservice to each of the counties for obvious reasons. Your website states that districts must: “Preserve whole communities of interest and whole political subdivisions, such as counties, cities, and towns.” If that is the case, why would you propose changing the third district, which would diminish representation for Pueblo County? Please tell me how does that benefit the constituents?? I expect that the wishes of the People will be protected and represented by individuals who have their best interests in mind.

Randy Linnen

Commission: both

Zip: 81007

Submittted: June 24, 2021


“Dear members of the Committee: Thank you for giving the public an opportunity to give input to redistricting. I know from experience that redistricting can have a profound effect on representation at the state and national level. It is imperative that like-minded communities are given representation that fits with their political, moral, and ethical values. The state of Colorado is a special place as the Rockies have become a natural buffer between rural and urban areas of the state. Recent happenings across the state from immunizations to voter integrity have revealed that there is a definite split in opinions on many fronts between several counties in Colorado. I recently learned about talks of trying to change the third district, by redrawing districting lines to exclude Pueblo county, replacing it with Boulder, and or Breckenridge, and Vail counties. I do not have to point out the political leanings of said counties, and that this would be a disservice to each of the counties for obvious reasons. Your website states that districts must: “Preserve whole communities of interest and whole political subdivisions, such as counties, cities, and towns.” If that is the case, why would you propose changing the third district, which would diminish representation for Pueblo County? Please tell me how does that benefit the constituents?? I expect that the wishes of the People will be protected and represented by individuals who have their best interests in mind. Sincerely” Randy Linnen