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Bernadette Mills

Commission: both

Zip: 81506

Submittted: June 24, 2021


Dear members of the committee, thank you for giving me the opportunity to give input to redistricting. I recently learned that there has been discussions on redrawing the lines of the districts. Specifically, reshaping the third district to exclude Pueblo County and include Boulder and/or Breckenridge, and Vail counties. The traditional political leanings of Mesa and Pueblo counties are far different than counties such as Summit, Boulder, and Eagle that include the cities of Boulder, Breckenridge and Vail. I believe the motivation for redistricting is to dilute conservative votes in all districts. I am hopeful that an independent commission will honestly and thoughtfully discuss and consider all sides and respect wishes of the people in said counties. Voters in the current third district have made it clear that they wish to be represented by individuals that have common ideals and will best represent them. Sincerely, Bernadette Mills

Gina R Roybal

Commission: both

Zip: 81503

Submittted: June 24, 2021


Dear members of the Committee: Thank you for the opportunity to provide comments on redistricting. As a lifelong resident of Western Colorado, I am very aware that the Western Slope thinks very differently from the Eastern slope on many issues as well as the differences between city thinking and rural ideas. Our state is an amazing place and is a melting pot of different ideas and as well as political, moral and ethical values. Recent events across the state from immunizations and voter integrity reveal a major difference in opinions between our counties. When I recently learned about talk of redrawing our third district by redrawing districting lines to exclude Pueblo County and replacing it with Boulder, and/or Breckenridge and Vail Counties I am very alarmed. The political leanings of these counties versus Mesa County where I reside is quite different with obvious reason. I respectfully ask that as an independent commission, you have an honest and thoughtful discussion when considering redistricting and take into consideration the people's wishes to be represented by individuals that have our best interests in mind. Sincerely, Gina R. Roybal

Andrew E Yarosh

Commission: congressional

Zip: 80498

Submittted: June 24, 2021


The preliminary map for 2021 removes exurban, densely populated Summit County from CD-2, where it has historically been represented and places it in CD-3, presumably based on the idea that simply having ski areas gives it “a community of interest” with rural, sparsely populated counties. The impacts on Summit County communities, and the ski towns of Eagle County, also formerly included in CD-2 will be immense. For example, a representative living in Moffatt or Rio Blanco or Jackson County and elected by the rural majority in CD-3 will have no understanding of the Denver-Avon I-70 corridor that is lifeline of prosperity for Summit and the ski areas of Eagle County. This corridor, creates “a community of interest” with Clear Creek and the urban counties to the east should supersede the glib, condescending and antiquated view that Summit, Eagle, Garfield, and even Lake County are “rural and agricultural.” They are no longer, and will result in poorer, rather than improved representation. For these communities. The Map should be changed.

Erin M Hatter

Commission: both

Zip: 81527

Submittted: June 24, 2021


Dear members of the Committee: Thank you for giving the public an opportunity to give input to redistricting. I am a lifetime resident of Western Colorado, but have traveled & temporarily lived in Denver, Aurora, Florida, Louisiana, Hawaii & Costa Rica. I have seen in my travels how redistricting can have a profound effect on representation at the state & national levels. It is imperative that like-minded communities are given representation that fits with their political, moral, and ethical values. The state of Colorado is a special place as the Rockies have become a natural buffer between rural and urban areas of the state. Recent happenings across the state from immunizations to voter integrity have revealed that there is a definite split in opinions on many fronts between several counties in Colorado - I recently learned that there are discussions of trying to redraw the 3rd district by redrawing districting lines to exclude Pueblo county, replacing it with Boulder, and or Breckenridge, and Vail counties. I do not have to point out the political leanings of said counties- and the dis-service this would be to each of the counties for obvious reasons. I Respectfully hope, that as an independent commission, an honest and thoughtful discussion will be forth coming when considering the redistricting and the peoples wishes to be represented by individuals that have their best interests in mind. If we want to pursue "redistricting" I think we should split the state into 2 states & let those urban counties become the State of Central Colorado & the Rural counties be just Colorado ( or East Colorado & West- or however they best divided it up) and then we can get on with the business of governing & living in a productive manner that fits best for our very different & divided lifestyles - but that's just my opinion. Thanks in advance for your time & consideration. Sincerely, Erin Hatter RN, BSN Whitewater, Colorado

Renee Olmstead

Commission: both

Zip: 80921

Submittted: June 24, 2021


I oppose redistricting of the third district. No, no no.

Frances Lorenzi

Commission: both

Zip: 80220

Submittted: June 24, 2021


As a state we've shifted solidly Democratic in the last 6-10 years and our population has grown significantly. Creating a map that with likely go 4-4 republican-democrat is no appropriate, it's gerrymandering.

Edie Edmondson

Commission: congressional

Zip: 80919

Submittted: June 24, 2021


Dear members of the Committee: Thank you for giving the public an opportunity to give input to redistricting. As you are well aware, redistricting has a profound effect on representation at the state and national levels. It is imperative that like-minded communities be given representation that fits with their political, moral, and ethical values. The state of Colorado is a special place, as the Rockies have become a natural buffer between rural and urban areas of the state. Recent happenings across the state—from immunizations to voter integrity—have revealed that there is a definite split in opinions on many fronts between several counties in Colorado. I recently learned about talks of trying to change the 3rd district by redrawing district lines to exclude Pueblo County and replace it with Boulder County and/or the county that includes Breckenridge and/or Vail. I do not have to point out the political leanings of said proposed additions and that this would be a disservice to each of the counties for obvious reasons. Your website states that districts must “[p]reserve whole communities of interest and whole political subdivisions, such as counties, cities, and towns.” If that is the case, why would you propose changing the 3rd district, which would diminish representation for Pueblo County? Please tell me how does that benefit the constituents?? If your intent as a committee is to change the "color" of the 3rd district, then you as a committee are usurping the power of the people of the 3rd district in a fascist manner and against your MANDATE to "preserve whole communities of interest and whole political subdivisions." I expect that the wishes of the people will be protected so that they are represented by individuals who have their best interests in mind. Sincerely, Edie Edmondson, Lt Col, USAF (ret.)

Tom Westfall

Commission: congressional

Zip: 80751

Submittted: June 24, 2021


I have lived in eastern Colorado virtually my entire life. I believe that it is imperative for rural/ag folk to have a voice. I appreciate the work of the Commission and hope the final map doesn't change substantively from the proposal.

Nathan Hayes

Commission: both

Zip: 80918

Submittted: June 24, 2021


Dear members of the Committee: Thank you for giving the public an opportunity to give input to redistricting. I recently learned about talks of trying to change the third district, by redrawing districting lines to exclude Pueblo county, replacing it with Boulder, and or Breckenridge, and Vail counties. I do not have to point out the political leanings of said counties, and that this would be a disservice to each of the counties for obvious reasons. Your website states that districts must: “Preserve whole communities of interest and whole political subdivisions, such as counties, cities, and towns.” If that is the case, why would you propose changing the third district, which would diminish representation for Pueblo County? Please tell me how does that benefit the constituents?? I expect that the wishes of the People will be protected and represented by individuals who have their best interests in mind.

Lynda Zamora Wilson

Commission: both

Zip: 80840

Submittted: June 24, 2021


Dear members of the Committee: Thank you for giving the public an opportunity to give input to redistricting. I know from experience that redistricting can have a profound effect on representation at the state and national level. It is imperative that like-minded communities are given representation that fits with their political, moral, and ethical values. The state of Colorado is a special place as the Rockies have become a natural buffer between rural and urban areas of the state. Recent happenings across the state from immunizations to voter integrity have revealed that there is a definite split in opinions on many fronts between several counties in Colorado. I recently learned about talks of trying to change the third district, by redrawing districting lines to exclude Pueblo county, replacing it with Boulder, and or Breckenridge, and Vail counties. I do not have to point out the political leanings of said counties, and that this would be a disservice to each of the counties for obvious reasons. Your website states that districts must: “Preserve whole communities of interest and whole political subdivisions, such as counties, cities, and towns.” If that is the case, why would you propose changing the third district, which would diminish representation for Pueblo County? Please tell me how does that benefit the constituents?? I expect that the wishes of the People will be protected and represented by individuals who have their best interests in mind. Respectfully, Dr Lynda Zamora Wilson, LtCol (Ret)