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Jennifer DeLaurant

Commission: both

Zip: 80466

Submittted: July 09, 2021


I cannot believe you would cut off our community of Nederland from the district we have been a part of forever!!! 90% of us work in Boulder or somewhere "down below" in Boulder County. We are 15 miles from Boulder and now you want our representative to be from a place we do not associate? How completely ridiculous! Talk about alienating voters!! Keep us with our county! Why would you even consider doing this to our town????

Nick Landrum

Commission: both

Zip: 81507

Submittted: July 09, 2021


My focus is on recreation being the driving force emerging in our economy. Agriculture and extractive industries are losing value and also are very dependent on water resources that are diminishing. I am concerned that climate change is affecting this area at a rate that no one expected, and depending on water intensive industries is the wrong direction. Recreation and tourism is a smarter way to go as an economy.

Pamela Hill

Commission: both

Zip: 80466

Submittted: July 09, 2021


I live in Nederland. Please do not change the lines. I do not wish to be represented by that lunatic on the Western Slope. She is an absolute shameful embarrassment to this great state.

David Smuin

Commission: legislative

Zip: 81419

Submittted: July 09, 2021


As a citizen of Delta County, I urge the Commission to reconsider the proposed redistricting that splits Delta County. The people of Delta County are one political entity and the individual communities (towns) are very interdependent. It goes against this shared dependence to divide our County and thus split our representation in the State legislature. Please also consider that the people of Delta, Montrose, and Mesa Counties form a cohesive group both politically and culturally within Western Colorado. Our economies are more diverse than many of the other areas of Western Colorado and it would make more logical sense to group us together for representation at the State level. Thank you, David Smuin

Karen Auvinen

Commission: congressional

Zip: 80422

Submittted: July 09, 2021


The 2nd District is well represented by Joe Neguse. We're interested in climate change, equity, preserving our wild places, helping people get a leg up, truth, and fairness. People are united by trying to make life better for all segments of the population--at least I hope they are.

John Stulp

Commission: both

Zip: 81052

Submittted: July 09, 2021


Will attend and speak at Lamar public meeting. Priority of redistricting for SE Colo 1) political competitive district 2) Agriculture/ag business is substantial economic driver 2) Renewable energy is a fairly new and increasing economic driver especially wind development

David hardy

Commission: congressional

Zip: 80466

Submittted: July 09, 2021


Please do not change our congressional district! We in Nederland have far more in common with the economic, social and political needs of the Boulder area than we do with those of the Western Slope.


Commission: congressional

Zip: 80466

Submittted: July 09, 2021


We are NOT the city of Boulder. Please take us out of District #2. Something on the Western Slope would be more appropriate. That's why I like this plan.

Sara Sandstrom-Kobi

Commission: both

Zip: 80422

Submittted: July 09, 2021


Keep Gilpin and Boulder Counties in Congressional District #2! We belong there for more reason than I can count. It is a mindset. It is the way the roads are, the school district lines, where we go grocery shopping, doctor is where our lives are. You can not just draw lines all crazy and for the interest of certain politicians. You need to think about the people voting. What a concept! Think about the voters!!

Leslie Roche

Commission: legislative

Zip: 80466

Submittted: July 09, 2021


I believe our community is culturally and physically more connected to Boulder than the Western Slope.