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Maridith Dressler

Commission: congressional

Zip: 81088

Submittted: July 13, 2021


I would like the rural congressional districts to be north and south instead of east and west. Huerfano and Las Animas counties should be in the same State Senate district!

Matthew Copland

Commission: congressional

Zip: 80212

Submittted: July 13, 2021


I have been reading the comments and came across the map from Jose Martinez-Lopez. I generally like his revisions as it fixes several common complaints about your draft map: adds a majority-minority district, makes both districts 3 and 8 more competitive, restores Western Boulder county to district 2, and annexes Greeley to district 8. However, I believe Wheat Ridge should not be included in district 1 so I have revised the map to put it in district 8. District 1 then takes the Four Square Mile and Cherry Creek and district 6 takes Federal Heights and Fort Lupton. Here is the revised map:

Corey Kirschner

Commission: both

Zip: 80455

Submittted: July 13, 2021


I just became aware of the attempt to redistrict my town of Jamestown, CO out of Joe Neguse's district with other Front Range communities and by drawing a ridiculous sliver, the redistricting commission intends to pull my town, our representation and our voices into Lauren Boebert's engorged Western district. Lauren Boebert's agenda is the antithesis of our morals and ideals. Boebert's perpetual insistence of casting doubt upon and not accepting the fully-scrutinized and repeatedly verified results of the free and fair 2020 presidential election with literally zero evidence of said fraud, is a national embarrassment and an affront to my intelligence and the predominantly liberal-minded population who live, vote, own homes and pay taxes in Boulder County! This redistrict plan is an unwarranted attempt to silence liberal voices in a majority Democratic “blue” state and diminish progressive influence through our representation. This plan is patently unfair and inherently un-American! My wife and I have lived and own our home in Jamestown, CO since 1996 and we have witnessed firsthand the undeniable shift of mindset in the population of Colorado over the past twenty-plus years to a more diverse and accepting majority who wish to pursue policies enhancing equality and equitability, sustainability and conservation. We are diametrically opposed to Boebert and all Republican Party's candidates whose dangerous agenda of hate and fear mongering is directly fueling anti-American domestic terrorist movements! Demonstrated by its current self-identity crisis and tragically fragmented condition, the Republican Party has literally become a domestic threat that doesn't represent patriots like me, my family or my neighbors whatsoever! At its current rate of decline the Republican Party seems not long for this world and I don't want my and my neighbors' votes to be literally robbed from us in this obvious and most undemocratic attempt at a Republican politically-motivated and pathetically desperate power-grab! This redistricting plan is flawed in principle and MUST NOT MOVE FORWARD in its current form! The Town of Jamestown Colorado must be left in the same district with the City of Boulder, Colorado. Anything less would be an egregious injustice and constitutes the definition of voter suppression! Our votes are essential to warding-off dishonesty, disenfranchisement and even authoritarian power grabs as we are currently witnessing play-out across our country! I truly believe the very existence of our democracy is at stake and we're heading in the direction of repeating the events that caused the downfall of Germany, Austria and Italy and induced World War Two under Nazi rule! Let's all do our part to protect this fragile democracy that we've been entrusted with and we all repeatedly pledge to protect! Thank you for the opportunity to express my concerns in this public forum.

richard jackson

Commission: congressional

Zip: 80534

Submittted: July 13, 2021


The preliminary congressional map divides too many counties. I see 9 divided counties including my county of Weld. The existing districts don’t divide that many counties. The preliminary map shows that I live within short walking distance of 3 different districts. Our community has various opinions on things but we don’t have that much of a split personality! I like how Weld is all in district 4 right now and would really prefer it be kept that way.

Cynthia Alonzo

Commission: both

Zip: 80526

Submittted: July 13, 2021


As shown by the will of Colorado voters - we need our legislative and congressional districts to be drawn in a non-political manner that reflect the population and demographics of our wonderful state. It is our privilege and right as citizens of the United States to have our voices heard through the selection of our representatives. If voting districts are not drawn to accurately reflect the demographics of the district, this right is denied to those who no longer have an equal voice. This is not just political maneuvering - it is a fundamental cornerstone of our democratic republic.

Mindy Mohr

Commission: both

Zip: 80004

Submittted: July 13, 2021


My name is Mindy Mohr, I live at 7030 Simms St unit 203 in Arvada. First, thank you for all the work you are doing on behalf of Colorado residents. I have one general comment tonight on the Congressional redistricting map, and then several comments on the state legislative maps. The proposed federal Congressional map places me, and most of Arvada, in the new CD8 – along with cities in Adams and Weld County including those east of I-25. This separates Arvada from the rest of Jefferson County which is still in CD7. We in Jefferson County are one community, with shared public policy concerns in transportation, growth, open space, waste, and more. I urge the commission to please re-evaluate keeping all of Arvada in CD7 with the rest of Jefferson County. Regarding the proposed state senate district map, I have to question such significant changes to the compact, contiguous and competitive district we had before. I live in the current SD 19, whose borders follow county and city boundaries. It appears that the city of Arvada is proposed to be subdivided into the new SD27 and SD28, instead of being kept whole as a single community. Also, the southern portion of Westminster that is within Jefferson County, and currently is part of my SD19, is also kept out of this new SD27 where I would be. As I mentioned earlier, Jefferson County is one community – with important local public policy interests. These include the Jeffco Public Library System, the Jeffco School District, and our Jeffco Public Health Department, for example. I urge the commission to please keep Arvada whole and continue to include it with the Jefferson County portion of Westminster into a single district, perhaps somewhat similar to the current SD19. Thank you for your consideration.


Commission: both

Zip: 80466

Submittted: July 13, 2021


A resident of Nederland and Boulder County for 30 years, it makes little sense to me to split Boulder County with the new districting proposal. Boulder County is very well represented in CD 2, Joe Neguse is a champion. The current values represented on the other side of the divide are not representative of those of Boulder County and truly not even close to the values of those in Nederland. While it doesn’t make sense to split a county into this newly proposed congressional district, it also doesn’t make much sense to have a district that bridges the continental divide. We are opposed to the newly proposed district.

Mayors Marc Williams, Laura Keegan, Laura Weinberg, Adam Paul, Herb Atchison, and Bud Starker

Commission: congressional

Zip: 80228

Submittted: July 13, 2021


We are Democrats, Republicans, and Unaffiliateds proud to have served as Mayors of Arvada, Edgewater, Golden, Lakewood, Westminster, and Wheat Ridge. Please find attached our joint letter urging you to keep our cities together as you draw our congressional districts for the next decade.

Henry Larchmon

Commission: congressional

Zip: 80639

Submittted: July 12, 2021


As a resident of Greeley, I am writing to ask that we be taken out of district 4 and included in either district 2 or 8. District 4 is mostly made up of rural communities but Greeley is really a mid-size city (and is in fact the 11th largest city in Colorado and one of the fastest growing). We have much more in common with other cities in Weld and Larimer counties and are intimately connected with these communities. Some residents of Greeley even commute to Fort Collins, Loveland, and Longmont for work, shopping, and recreation. Additionally, many residents of the smaller cities and towns in Weld and Larimer such as Milliken, Evans, Johnstown, Mead, Frederick, and Firestone commute to Greeley for these purposes. However, almost no one goes back and forth between Greeley and the more rural parts of western Weld in their day to day, much less the distant rural counties in the San Juan mountains. I appreciate you reading my comment and hope you will take this into account when revising the final map.

Michael Montez

Commission: congressional

Zip: 80022

Submittted: July 12, 2021


Please keep Commerce City in a single district! Do not split us into two. Our predominantly Latino community deserves to be kept together and united with other Latino communities in the the Denver area. We have nothing in common with the rural communities included in District 4. Please put us in one of the urban or suburban districts that have many other Latinos. I am not happy with your current proposal and am glad that you still have time to fix this mess. Please correct this issue! Latinos deserve representation in Colorado.