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Cathleen m Craviotto

Commission: congressional

Zip: 80466

Submittted: July 11, 2021


I live in Nederland Co. and am concerned that the proposed plan would place us in a different district than the city of Boulder. A sizable population of Nederland work in the city of Boulder (I for instance teach at Boulder HS), and this unites Nederland and the city of Boulder. Similarly many people in Boulder utilize the open space and outdoor areas in Nederland, which also unites these communities. I request that Nederland be kept in the same district as the city of Boulder since we have may shared interests with them.

Hollace Widdowfield

Commission: both

Zip: 80466

Submittted: July 11, 2021


Why would you not use The Continental Divide as a boundary? Why would you split up Boulder County? And, for God’s sake, why would you put Western Boulder County into a district that goes all the way to the Utah border? What exactly are you trying to do? Does it honestly make sense to you or is this strictly a political move? Why would you do this to us?

Greg Holm

Commission: both

Zip: 80210

Submittted: July 11, 2021


My comment is general in nature. It is essential that the redistricting map includes majority - minority districts that ensure that voters belonging to Indigenous, Black, Latinx, Asian and other BIPOC communities have the ability to elect both Congressional and Legislative representatives that will reflect and represent these communities that have historically been represented by primarily white and, most frequently, male representatives. The redistricting process should focus on remedying the historic inequities of representation which BIPOC communities have endured for the entire history of the State of Colorado. It is past time that these inequities are addressed. It is your duty as commissioners to ensure those whose voices have been silenced in the past are heard loudly and clearly in the future.

Debra Griego

Commission: both

Zip: 81001

Submittted: July 11, 2021


This is another ploy for Republicans to take over Democratic districts. Stop the madness. This is not democracy it's heading toward autocracy! No to redistricting!!

Shelley Olds

Commission: congressional

Zip: 80466

Submittted: July 11, 2021


I live in western Boulder County, which is currently in the 2nd Congressional District. Comparing the new draft Congressional Maps with the current one, there are significant changes that do not serve the communities within those districts and potentially creates more inequalities. Because the maps don't include the small towns, particularly near the borders between districts, it is unclear from the maps whether I personally would be in the 2nd District or the 3rd District; from the map it appears that the towns of Nederland and Ward would be part of the 3rd, while their neighbors might be in the 2nd District. For myself, I am strongly opposed to the suggestion of splitting off western Boulder county into the 3rd District for many reasons: 1) As the Criteria for Drawing Congressional District Map state: "Preserve whole communities of interest and whole political subdivisions, such as counties, cities, and towns;" the carving off the western portion of Boulder County fails to meet this criteria. 2) Western Boulder county would likely be ignored by the 3rd District Representative as we are literally divided from the rest of 3rd District by a MOUNTAIN RANGE. You can't even drive from Boulder County to Grand County directly. Proposals on ballots for the 3rd district would likely not to be of interest or pertain to citizens of Western Boulder County; 3) We could become orphaned from the rest of Boulder county and our neighbors congressionally (failing the Criteria); 4) Culturally, western Boulder County has no connection with the 3rd district, again there is a mountain range splitting us apart with no roads connecting the two without huge detours; 5) This looks like a land-grab and an attempt to dilute the voting power of citizens of western Boulder County. Elsewhere on the draft map, there is a similar odd redistricting. I encourage the Redistricting Commissioners to remember there are people impact as they closely look at the maps and apply the Criteria for Drawing Congressional District Map.

Jason Ellis

Commission: both

Zip: 81082

Submittted: July 11, 2021


I hope this first map is a joke? Independent commissions are not designed to give Republicans a huge advantage, especially when the entire state as whole has been voting for Democrats for years. Please throw this map away and start over.

Patty DeLorenzo

Commission: both

Zip: 80002

Submittted: July 11, 2021


Your time and commitment to ensure appropriate and fair redistricting boundaries is appreciated. I have been an Arvada resident for the past 37 years. When looking at the redistricting maps, I noticed that Coal Creek Canyon was added to District 13. I would like to advocate that the Coal Creek area needs to be in House District 25. This small community would be better aligned and have more in common with the Leydon and Candelas area. It just does not make sense to align Coal Creek with Urban Arvada. I would appreciate it if you would relook at this area and make the appropriate changes. Thank you for your time and commitment to ensuring appropriate boundary lines. Patty DeLorenzo

Anne Barounos

Commission: both

Zip: 80487

Submittted: July 10, 2021


As an active community member and resident of Steamboat Springs in Routt County, I would like to stress the need for residents of Colorado’s mountain ski towns to be represented at the state and national level. Unlike many of our nearby counties, ski town economies often rely primarily on outdoors-related tourism. As such, climate change, ecology and protection of natural resources and areas are of key importance to us. These towns also tend to attract more socially progressive voters, whose concerns are not represented when districts are drawn to heavily favor conservative representatives. I believe Steamboat and Routt County’s interests, as a Community of Interest, would best be represented by forming state and US Congressional districts that combine multiple ski town populations, including ours.

Janet Kariya

Commission: congressional

Zip: 80026

Submittted: July 10, 2021


Please keep Boulder County in the same congressional district 2 under Joe Neguse. I think he is doing a great job and has the knows what is best for the citizens of Boulder County. I have been a resident of Boulder County for about 25 years mainly in the city of Boulder but have also lived in Nederland and currently have lived in Lafayette for about 6 months. Boulder and Nederland are the places I consider home. The communities are very similar in that the citizens are peaceful, diverse, environmentally conscious and very much want to protect the mountains, water and air. It is frightening to think what could happen to the wonderful and unique town of Nederland if it were under the control of Lauren Boebert in the 3rd district. She does not share the values of the people of Nederland or Joe Neguse. Please keep Boulder County safe, strong and together in the 2nd district. Thank you.

Thomas E Pace

Commission: congressional

Zip: 80746

Submittted: July 10, 2021


Congratulations to the western slope! At least you all got a tiny bit of representation on this board. Provided this first draft map stays relatively the same. The only commissioner who will live in the new 4th CD will be Commissioner Kelly in Alamosa. Only fellow 3rd CD Commissioner Lori Smith Schell lives farther West. No member of this body lives east of DIA. Commissioner Hare, who moved into the 4th CD in April 2020 after living in Westminster, would be in the new 8th CD. Commissioner Espinoza, from Roxborough Park in far northwestern Douglas County, would be in the new 7th CD. Even our 4th CD representative Samuel Greenidge on the Legislative Commission would be part of the new 8th CD. Kudos for representing the entire western slope go to Lori Smith Schell of Durango! Tom E Pace