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Steven Iverson

Commission: both

Zip: 80537

Submittted: September 08, 2021


We cannot let the front range districts overpower the western slope and other rural areas. The districts need to be drawn to give these rural areas a viable voice. The front range has become a very liberal voice, and has taken our state from a conservative background to a left wing thinking populace.

Kelly L

Commission: both

Zip: 80504

Submittted: September 08, 2021


The current proposed redistricting map does not seem to group shared interests together. I fear that in this proposal the rural communities in CO will have no voice. Boulder will totally out weigh and therefore be making decisions for rural northwestern CO communities. The same for our eastern plains rural communities...they will loose thier voice to Fort Collins and South Denver areas. This isn't right! Rural communities should be grouped together without urban areas out numbering them so they have a voice!

Mary Beth Corsentino

Commission: congressional

Zip: 81005

Submittted: September 08, 2021


Many thanks to the Independent Redistricting Commission for hearing the concerns of southern Colorado by drawing maps that reflect our history, culture, and communities of interest. Thank you for recognizing that Colorado does not end at the El Paso County Line. Mary Beth Corsentino Pueblo, Colorado native and resident

David Voell

Commission: both

Zip: 80126

Submittted: September 08, 2021


Honestly I don't know where to begin. Am I writing to appeal to the sense of fairness to the (commissioners?) people that are overtly trying to cancel the conservative voice in the state of Colorado? The answer 2 basic questions that I am haunted by are; A) Who is it that is decided to redistrict Colorado's vote? Am I wrong socialist democrats? And B) Why? There is no plausible reason for redistricting other than to influence the electorate for the political gain of the socialist democrat party. Change in population is an empty deceptive misleading reason that only ties its self for doing away with our nation's constitutional Electoral College which is plain wrong and works to dismantle the US Constitution. This self described complicated exercise for change is nothing more than a cloak of UnAmerican, shameful, dishonesty. This entire charade should be terminated and left alone. David Voell

Lynda Wyer

Commission: both

Zip: 80832

Submittted: September 08, 2021


This new staff Plan map Is a non-starter for rural Colorado; it ignores agriculture and rural Colorado's unique community of interest by combining it with urban and suburban populations; it fails to reflect the differences in water administration, ag industry makeup, and social landscape between eastern and western parts of the state; it ignores testimony from around the state regarding desired district lines. Finally, I insist that the Commissioners recognize rural Colorado as a distinct community of interest with the same public policy concerns based on agriculture, employment, and water needs and supplies, which are different from urban and suburban communities, and captured in the "Preliminary plan." I signed up to give public testimony at 9 pm on Sept 7 but did not receive a call. Thank you all for your hard work, but our rural community is not bring considered. Thank you.

Sarah Hensley

Commission: both

Zip: 81101

Submittted: September 08, 2021


The biggest industries in Colorado are beef and beer, which are produced in rural areas. Why would the legislature do something so foolish as to make certain that the most valuable producers in this state have their voices silenced by including urban areas with different priorities and values? This system should be laid out in a manner that gives equal weight to both rural and urban areas, not a manner that silences one for the benefit of the other. Please redraw these districts in a manner that gives equal weight and voice to both rural and urban voices and values.

Ray Huffaker

Commission: both

Zip: 80537

Submittted: September 08, 2021


I completely disagree with the redistricting of Colorado. There is no need to change the current districts unless you feel you need to water down the rural votes and think the urban groups know better what the needs are for the rural areas. Keep the rural areas together and the urban groups together.

Kathy Bergman

Commission: both

Zip: 81403

Submittted: September 08, 2021


I am disturbed that there appears to be a concerted effort to disturb Lauren Boebert's district map, disrupting what we, the people voted for. This happened to me the last time when we lived in Loveland -- where we were grouped with Boulder in an effort to cancel out our vote. Now you are doing this to the Western Slope. This is simply not fair, nor is it reasonable. The Western Slope, which Lauren faithfully represents, has NOTHING to do with the Front Range. We do not share the same issues as Boulder, yet you put some of our part of the state with Boulder? Since when does Boulder understand ranches and farms? Small towns? Honest values? Honestly? This is very poor judgment on the part of the committee, who obviously doesn't understand the importance of allowing Western Colorado to maintain our identity. Please let us retain our voice. You give voice to Hispanics -- to various declarations of self-identity, etc. Our voice deserves to be represented and you just cancelled it. Very disappointed in this committee for not having the foresight to protect our voice.

Gregory S. Hinds

Commission: both

Zip: 80107

Submittted: September 08, 2021


Painfully obvious what is being attempted here by including Boulder with the Western slope. We're at a time when the vast majority of citizens have lost faith in their government at both the Federal and State levels regardless of political affiliation. You, as the Redistricting Commission, had a chance to restore some of that faith by putting forth a plan that is equitable to the people of Colorado and would provide districts that would primarily elect officials who share the political beliefs of the vast majority of the district. Instead, you laid them out to promote a specific party affiliation and diminish the other, thereby greatly reducing the voice of your opposition. This is what is wrong with our country and state and leads to more polarization between citizens regardless of political affiliation. Please reconsider the layout of the districts and put the interests of all citizens of Colorado before your personal political desires.

McKenna Heldenbrand

Commission: both

Zip: 80734

Submittted: September 08, 2021


I believe there are good people in the major hub areas. However they do not represent, understand, or have knowledge on how the rural communities work and live. Do not allow the major cities control the voice of rural CO.