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Jeanette McQuade

Commission: congressional

Zip: 80442

Submittted: September 08, 2021


I want to thank the Colorado Independent Redistricting Commissions for the latest revision of the Congressional redistricting map, which includes Grand County remaining in Colorado District 2 with our neighboring counties across the Continental Divide. The former idea of "keeping rural counties together" only serves to divide Colorado as a Western Slope verse Front Range state, when in reality there are public policy concerns that span geographically across the Divide. Issues such as the diversion of Western Slope water to Front Range communities require our communities work together on shared interest instead of in opposition. With shared topography (and wildfires, such as the East Troublesome Fire that jumped the Divide), and a shared National Park, it is simply the most sound, nonpartisan way to move forward. According to the Secretary of State in March 2021, there were 2,455 Democratic, 4,029 Republican and 5,016 unaffiliated active voters in Grand County. Please do not let the Grand County Board of County Commissioners' redistricting recommendations, which perpetuate partisan politics (neither serving all of its constituents, nor the best interest of Grand County and the State of Colorado) drive your decisions. Thank you for your hard work and considerations as an independent commission. Jeanette McQuade Fraser Resident, CO-2

Devon M Stavrowsky

Commission: congressional

Zip: 81137

Submittted: September 08, 2021


I strongly support the original "preliminary" redistricting map..... NOT the one released September 5th. Rural Colorado makes up a major portion of the state and has very different concerns from those of the large urban areas. And the Western Slope is different from the Eastern slope as well.... particularly when it comes to dealing with such things as grazing and water rights. Unfortunately the needs of Rural Colorado have been subjugated all too often to those of the larger Colorado urban areas. We REALLY need representatives who will have our rural needs as primary concern.

Mindy musser

Commission: both

Zip: 81641

Submittted: September 08, 2021


It’s not in the best interest of rule Colorado community’s to be held with other communities that are against rule towns of farmers ranchers and producers like mine I don’t want to completely have my voice watered down by some city folk that has no clue on farming ranchers and producers like us it’s hard enough for us to be heard ! As it is now let’s not make it harder !

Kevin P Roberts

Commission: congressional

Zip: 81647-9753

Submittted: September 08, 2021


Your current redistricting map is totally unacceptable to me as a resident of Garfield county. Including Latimer and Boulder counties in the same district as all of northwest and north central Colorado makes no sense. Those 2 counties have totally different concerns than the other rural counties. With their dense population base, they would essentially be electing representation for those of us in the rural part of the district with a completely different community of interest. This map is unacceptable.

Tara Cerny

Commission: both

Zip: 81503

Submittted: September 08, 2021


Rural Colorado (agriculture specifically in our area) should not be controlled by Urban Colorado, what works in cities, would be disastrous for agriculture and farming and ranching. Allow rural Colorado to have a say in important legislation that affects us greatly. Don’t let the entire state be watered down by being controlled by urban areas that have no clue how rural Colorado is ran. No on this redistricting map.

Julie Hendrickson

Commission: congressional

Zip: 80537

Submittted: September 08, 2021


Please leave the districts alone. Our rural communities need to have a voice in what is going on. This does not divide our state into liked interests.

Noel Wheeler

Commission: congressional

Zip: 80435-0823

Submittted: September 08, 2021


Splitting up rural counties seems divisive to our community. Summit County should be in 1 district. If it is being split the constituents in the county deserve an explanation with the map.

Carol Kunz

Commission: congressional

Zip: 80631

Submittted: September 08, 2021


Do not water down the voice of rural Colorado. Keep the districts the same with representatives that know support our rural communities and farmers. We do not want big cities making decisions for farming and agriculture lifestyle.

Andrea Camp

Commission: both

Zip: 81625

Submittted: September 08, 2021


Communities that share similar values and economies need to be in the same district so that those representing these areas can really have a voice when it comes to the decisions being made at the state level. Hunting and agriculture are a large part of the economy on the Western Slope of Colorado. These communities that share public policy concerns of regional significance deserve to have representatives that can join together to support these important economic issues on behalf of their constituents. If these rural communities are placed in districts with large populations that have no understanding of the challenges faced by the local economies that rural voice is lost. Moffat, Rio Blanco, Garfield, Mesa, Delta, Montrose, San Miguel, Ouray, and San Juan are communities of interest and should remain in a district to further those interests. Routt, Jackson, Grand, Eagle, Pitkin, Gunnison, Summit, Lake and Chaffee are communities of interest with shared ski and tourism economies. All of the redistricting decisions need to decided based solely the standards of the communities of interest and not to create further political divide across the state.

Sharon Petty

Commission: both

Zip: 80525

Submittted: September 08, 2021


As a Fort Collins resident, the new re-districting would basically silence my vote. By being included with voters with different social and economic concerns, my concerns will not be fully addressed since the population of district 4 is primarily rural. Living in a growing city, my concerns are around open space, environment, city growth. Including my vote with Weld county, I would be overshadowed by ranchers and farmers living a more rural lifestyle. Please re-consider these boundaries to allow my vote and concerns to be addressed by our legislative system.