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Susie Scott

Commission: congressional

Zip: 80104

Submittted: September 08, 2021


We have lived in Castle Rock for over 30 years. Over that time we have seen it grow and become more than Town of and into City of Castle Rock. More people, more housing, more commerce. It is time to put us back into CD6 where we were until being gerrymandered into CD4. As our area continues to grow, we have even less in common with places like Cheyenne Wells, Las Animas and Haxtun - and need representation in the US Congress that actually addresses and embraces our changing diversity rather than ignoring it. This is a great opportunity to bring Castle Rock back to the urban corridor rather than the agriculture area all along Colorado's eastern border.

Nancy Student

Commission: congressional

Zip: 80124

Submittted: September 08, 2021


I am extremely disappointed in the where Douglas County is falling in the efforts of the redistricting commission. I demand that Douglas County be represented with the Front Range.

Bob MIlton

Commission: both

Zip: 80106

Submittted: September 08, 2021


It appears, according to the latest map, that there is "packing" going on. This process MUST make it equal. Isn't "equity" a buzz word now? If you can't make it equal to ALL interests, then what good is the panel and the process? When I was in school and they taught civics, I thought it was call gerrymandering. DO YOUR JOBS regardless of your personal bias'.

Michael Dubrovich

Commission: congressional

Zip: 80138

Submittted: September 08, 2021


As a thirty-six year resident of Douglas County, I am not in favor of the redistricting map as it is currently drawn, keeping us in Congressional District 4. Douglas County is an important part of suburban Denver, not the sleepy, rural county of horse properties that it once was. As such, I would like to see it included in a district that reflects suburban, rather than primarily rural interests. The map in its current form is out of balance.

Wendy Lamm

Commission: both

Zip: 80104

Submittted: September 08, 2021


I do not want Douglas county lumped in w Elbert Co and the eastern plains! We are a diverse county of voters and gave more of city/front range feel. Why are y’all always trying to redraw the lines??? Yea we know why 🙄

Eddie Shelton

Commission: both

Zip: 80134

Submittted: September 08, 2021


Please don’t include Douglas County in the same district as Limon, Kiowa and Sterling. Douglas County should remain as it is currently.

Jennifer Andrews

Commission: congressional

Zip: 80138

Submittted: September 08, 2021


I live in what used to be rural Douglas county but has not been for some time. Douglas county is NOT rural and does not belong lumped into Kiowa, Elbert and western Kansas. Our concerns are similar to Aurora and northern suburbs like Broomfield, and I have been more than ably represented by Jason Crow. There are indeed parts of Douglas county, like larkspur that think they have more in commune with the eastern plains but I think as development destroys these parts of the county they’ll find their concerns are like the majority of the population of the county. We surely don’t belong with the rural agricultural plains, we are an urban county.

Thomas Bailey

Commission: congressional

Zip: 80921

Submittted: September 08, 2021


I was disappointed to see the Colorado Independent Congressional Redistricting Commission's first staff plan map. As we've come to expect from Colorado's politicians, this map puts the interests of the urban Front Range first and dilutes the voices of rural Colorado. Further, it marks a significant change from the earlier preliminary Congressional map released in June ( The earlier efforts that created that map were the subject of several hearings and public input that argued against much of what's in this latest staff plan map. For one thing, the latest map ignores the clear consensus that the unique communities of the Western Slope should not be represented by people who live along the Front Range. As with most things in Colorado politics, this map prioritizes the interests of the Denver metro area and mutes, if not silences, the voices of rural Coloradans. Splitting up the Western Slope by including Larimer and Boulder counties in the proposed 2nd district looks like a blatantly political move to guarantee another Democrat-leaning seat that would ignore the needs of the Coloradans in the western half of the state. By grouping people who live west of the divide with the many more people east of it (whose interests and needs more closely match those of the people in the greater Denver area who live and work and think much more like they do), this plan ignores the great diversity of the state. Winter Park may be only 25 miles or so from Boulder, but their public policy concerns are a world apart from those of the Denver suburbs. Hardly a "community of interest." The Commission was supposed to keep politics out of the process, so I urge you to uphold that charter and return to a plan the more closely aligns with the preliminary map to preserve the identities and serve the needs of rural Coloradans.

Victor Buffetti

Commission: both

Zip: 80108

Submittted: September 08, 2021


Douglas County is a metro area county of approximately 351,000 residents and is not part of Kansas. I demand to be represented with the Front Range. Thank you

Dawn L Fondy

Commission: both

Zip: 81416

Submittted: September 08, 2021


Dear Fellow Coloradans, It seems to me the June preliminary redistricting allows our rural communities to still have a voice and not be drowned out by a mayor and the community in Denver which has become the loudest voice in our state. I would like to utilize the preliminary redistricting from June, which represents a voice for all the people. We have minorities from Myanmar who are now citizens and other minorities as well and their voices should not be silenced because they are conservative and live in rural areas. Respectfully, Dawn Fondy 970-23-6612