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Jim Ferry

Commission: congressional

Zip: 80134

Submittted: September 08, 2021


Continuing to include primarily suburban Douglas County in predominately rural congressional district is nothing more than gerrymandering in its worst sense. Parker has little to do with Limon, but everything to do with Littleton, along with Highlands Ranch, Greenwood Village, and Centennial.

Jim Ferry

Commission: congressional

Zip: 80134

Submittted: September 08, 2021


Continuing to include primarily suburban Douglas County in predominately rural congressional district is nothing more than gerrymandering in its worst sense. Parker ha little to do with Limon, but everything to do with Littleton, along with Highlands Ranch, Greenwood Village, and Centennial.

Sandra Breeden

Commission: both

Zip: 80921

Submittted: September 08, 2021


The overgrowth in pristine areas not only takes away the beauty, but also our natural resources. Although Colorado is growing in population, growth must be well thought out to include the public and not just padding developers’ wallets!

Sherry Lehman

Commission: both

Zip: 80127-5100

Submittted: September 08, 2021


I m not in favor of redistricting as it doesn't fairly represent rural interests.

Eric Levine

Commission: both

Zip: 80026

Submittted: September 08, 2021


I am surprised and disappointed to see that Boulder and Larimer counties are being lumped together with the Northwestern counties of Colorado. These are most definitely different communities. Boulder and Larimer counties are home to thriving tech industries, the state's flagship universities with several Nobel Laureates, and a progressive political mindset. While I am sure there are "many fine people" in the Northwest counties, this is also the region that elected Lauren Boebert, a QAnon conspiracy nut, right-wing extremist, and possible traitor who encouraged and participated in a violent right-wing mob that tried to overthrow the US Government at the US Capitol last January. Politically, these two regions could not be more different. Boulder and Larimer counties are much more aligned with other communities along the northern Front Range. We share public policy concerns with the greater Denver - Ft. Collins area such as water use, pollution control, traffic management, and access to health care. We contribute to a broad range of cultural activities in the Denver area, including music, theater, science, and the arts. I strongly urge the Commission to keep Boulder and Larimer counties separate from the Northwest region in the new Congressional and Legislative districts.

Tanya Ashworth

Commission: both

Zip: 80439

Submittted: September 08, 2021


Please do not set up redistricting areas. It is imperative to a democratic society to maintain a balance of parties - NOT a dominate party. This is all about winning votes and everyone knows that.

Melissa Hampton

Commission: congressional

Zip: 80487

Submittted: September 08, 2021


My comments address the recently published first draft map, putting Routt County in CD2 with Grand, Larimer and Boulder. I am a member of the Colorado Business Committee for the Arts consortium; a board member for Opera Steamboat and former board member for Steamboat Creates, a certified creative district. Grand, Summit , Routt and Larimer counties have certified creative districts. Boulder county has BCAA, the Boulder County Arts Alliance. I support this configuration of Routt, Larimer, Boulder, Grand and Summit. Having a district-wide voice representing this power sector is essential for the continued growth and economic impart of a vital industry. Here are a few stats to support my point: The creative industries contribute 4.5% of the GDP (of Colorado). The arts and culture sector was an engine of growth following the last recession - the employment in creative industries grew by 25%, or 38.1 thousand jobs, from 2010 to 2019. Apart from economic benefits — Arts improve academic performance. Producing higher GPAs, and lower drop-out rates. Arts Strengthen Mental Health. Effective in reducing depression and anxiety Arts improve healthcare. Nationwide, Nearly 50% one-half of the nation’s healthcare institutions provide arts programming for patients and families which the healing benefits leading to —shorter hospital stays, better pain management, and less medication. Colorado’s creative industries are responsible for 31.6 billion in sales of goods and services, more than mining or transportation. We rank in the top ten of all US states in the number of people performing and creating art and attending cultural events. And yet… Colorado ranks 47th out of 50 states, in per capita spending for the arts. - THIS IS LAST STAT IS WHAT WE CAN CHANGE WITH DISTRICT-WIDE LEADERSHIP! Please keep the preliminary map as drawn. And it would make sense to add in Eagle Co. to CD 2 since they also have a strong arts district and are contiguous with Routt Co. Warm regards, Melissa Hampton, Steamboat Springs

Mary Lynch

Commission: both

Zip: 80138

Submittted: September 08, 2021


Why would you make Douglas County, the wealthiest county in the state, part of the eastern plains and not part of the front range? You are essentially depriving the significant urban-suburban populations of Douglas county a voice. See like Gerrymandering to me!

Richard Nicholson

Commission: congressional

Zip: 80108

Submittted: September 08, 2021


I am opposed to the current proposal that includes Douglas County in congressional district 4. First, Douglas County is no longer a rural county. It is a suburban county that has little in common economically and socially with the other eastern Colorado counties currently in district 4 and has more in common with Denver metro counties like Jefferson and Arapahoe. Second, the current proposal would perpetuate a highly non-competitive and non-bipartisan district. The Cook Political Report's PVI score for district 4 is R+12 which means that it is virtually impossible for a democrat to get elected. By combining at least part of Douglas County in a district with either Jefferson or Arapahoe county you would create a much more competitive district. As a registered democrat I would very much like my vote to count instead of being wasted.

Sharon Johnson

Commission: congressional

Zip: 80526-1858

Submittted: September 08, 2021


obviously pulling Fort Collins out of Larimer county and placing Fort Collins with Weld violates tlhe folllowing guidance Section 44(3)(b), Article V outlined below (II) Such interests include but are not limited to matters reflecting: (A) Shared public policy concerns of urban, rural, agricultural, industrial, or trade areas; and (B) Shared public policy concerns such as education, employment, environment, public health, transportation, water needs and supplies, and issues of demonstrable regional significance.