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jay k Holt

Commission: congressional

Zip: 80015

Submittted: September 08, 2021


I am unhappy with the current congressional map. Boulder shares nothing in common with the western slope and does not belong with the western slope counties. Move the southern boundaries of the western slope south. Make it include the all counties in the North Platte and Colorado River water sheds. Make the southern district include the Dolores, riogrande and Arkansas water sheds. Those 2 parts of the state have similar needs and constituents. then you can split the rest of the state as needed. try to keep the rural eastern parts of Colorado together they have different needs than the urban corridor from Colorado springs north. The western slope should not be split unless you are willing to split Denver county. I am a property owner in the western slope

Richard Opler

Commission: congressional

Zip: 80138

Submittted: September 08, 2021


Douglas County has grown, is distinctly suburban, increasingly independent AND HAS LITTLE IN COMMON WITH THE CURRENT OR PROPOSED 4th CD. Please get us OUT.

Rachel Spory-Leek

Commission: both

Zip: 80129

Submittted: September 08, 2021


I'm writing to express my concern that Douglas county has been grouped together with Limon, Kiowa, and Sterling. Given the demographics, I believe that Douglas county is more similar to the Front-range metro counties of Arapahoe, Jefferson, than the largely rural counties with which it's been grouped. The concerns of a suburban county are vastly different than the rural counties, and if Douglas is grouped with such different counties, it is unlikely my concerns will be adequately addressed by any elected representative--congressional or legislative. I urge the commission to consider the voices of suburban voters in Douglas County whose voices will be silenced if they are not represented by someone dedicated to working for all constituents, not just the rural voices.

John Poulos

Commission: both

Zip: 81428

Submittted: September 08, 2021


I would like to voice my complete disgust with the flagrant gerrymandering these maps represent. The commission has blatantly drawn district lines to silence the voice of those of us who live , work and raise families on the western slope. Our voice will be lost among those of the front range. The latest maps need to be redrawn to provide rural Colorado a voice in our state legislature. The commission has not done their job. There is no way that Moffat, Routt, Rio Blanco counties have any voice at all when rolled into the same district as Boulder and Larimer Counties!!!! The same could be said of the House District Map. In Delta County the Surface Creek communities are split into two different districts. Heaven only knows what the commission was thinking when the towns along I-70 were divided into separate districts. The obvious attempt to silence the voices of Rural Western Colorado needs to be rectified.

Haley Samuelson

Commission: congressional

Zip: 80109

Submittted: September 08, 2021


Douglas County is a growing suburban/metropolitan community. It may share some of the same conservative values as eastern Colorado, but our needs as a community in terms of infrastructure and natural resources vary greatly. To place us in a largely agricultural district is unfair to both us and the Eastern plains counties, whose population is not as dense. Voting power would be skewed and ultimately everyone would be hurt by misrepresentation at the highest level of government. Please don’t do this.


Commission: both

Zip: 80106

Submittted: September 08, 2021


This proposed redistricting map does not give fair representation to the rural and agricultural communities of Colorado. It instead gives the voice to suburban communities that do not understand the value of agriculture or their dependence on this valuable industry. This is a step towards destroying the rural way of life that will effect every citizen in the state.

Chris Romer

Commission: both

Zip: 81632

Submittted: September 08, 2021


Vail Valley Partnership is the regional chamber of commerce, with 900 members throughout Eagle County who collectively represent over 80% of the local workforce. We are dedicated to the economic vitality of the valley, and as such our board of governors – which includes residents & business operators throughout Eagle County – has a vested interest in the redistricting process. We encourage the commission to try to keep the Eagle River Valley portion of Eagle County together in the same congressional, state house, and state senate districts. We have worked hard over the past 15+ years to collaborate and work together as one community and move past the community division that has historically existed. Splitting the Eagle River Valley into different districts does not make sense as we share a watershed, are one economic unit, and deserve appropriate representation at the state and federal level. We believe the current "north/south" congressional map is a vast improvement over the initial "east/west" map and believe that Eagle County could fall into either district and do not have a preference as long as we remain together. For the state legislative maps, we offer no additional comments other than the expressed urge to keep our community together in the same district and not to split us apart. Thank you, Chris Romer President & CEO Vail Valley Partnership

Nancy Hendryx

Commission: both

Zip: 80108

Submittted: September 08, 2021


I’m extremely concerned that Douglas county will be grouped with eastern plains counties, when the majority of Douglas county is front range and heavily populated. Please reconsider this placement. It is extremely incorrect!!!

larry mcintyre

Commission: both

Zip: 81022-9781

Submittted: September 08, 2021


I don't think it is a prudent idea to have big urban areas like Boulder or Denver in the same district as smaller rural areas. It makes it totally unfair for the smaller rural area. You need to redraw your map. Thank you Larry McIntyre Pueblo County Farm Bureau President

Gary D Phillips

Commission: both

Zip: 80123

Submittted: September 08, 2021


The front range has taken the voice away from the remaining 80% of the land area of the state. Don’t mix those people voice with the front range of Colorado. It a crime to take away their voice. Yes we all know it don’t matter but what the front range wants has little with what the rest of the state deals with each day. We know what the objective is you want Colorado to be a blue state but you have it without taking this voice away.