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Susan Eckert

Commission: congressional

Zip: 80125

Submittted: September 08, 2021


As a long time resident of Douglas County and Roxborough Park, I am respectfully requesting that you place Douglas County in a Front Range District. Most people living in Douglas County these days are not rural farm owners, but people who work in Denver, Golden, the Tech Center, Highlands Ranch or even Boulder. We are suburban or ex-urban in our culture - recreating in Denver for sports, concerts and restaurants. We care about the commute time and congestion in Denver, the air pollution from living near an urban environment, solar energy and electric cars - not managing feed lots and oil and gas production. Thus, Douglas County residents should be in a district with residents from more similar counties such as Jefferson County or Arapahoe County. Currently, Ken Buck represents us, but his background has little in common with my neighborhood. I would love to be represented by Jason Crow who represents my neighbors who live just a few miles away from us and whose children attend the same schools, play on the same soccer teams, etc . That would make much more sense. His website literally says Ken Buck: livestock, agriculture, energy. No one I know owns livestock (other than a dog or cat), engages in agriculture (except for a few tomato plants on our patio) or has a gas well on their property (we have solar panels and electric cars as do most of our neighbors). Please reconsider any plans to keep us in Congressional District #4 and let us be part of Congressional District #6 with our friends and neighbors in Highlands Ranch and Littleton. (Our mailing address is even Littleton) Thank you for your consideration of my comments. Susan Eckert 7050 Puma Trail Littleton, CO 80125

Ian Yarberry

Commission: congressional

Zip: 80123

Submittted: September 08, 2021


While I am personally glad to be in the Jefferson county district (7) and out of the Denver district 1, it makes no sense that Boulder is in the same district as any county west of Larimer and Grand. I did hear a comment about how this was necessary to put Colorado Springs as it's own district but that still does not change. Maybe put Boulder, Grand, Summit and possibly Pitkin together. They seem more aligned than Boulder and Moffat.

John Williams

Commission: both

Zip: 80924

Submittted: September 08, 2021


I'm sorry, but the way the districts are drawn on this map will completely remove rural colorados voice. Boulder should not be included in district 2 on this map, they should be part of district 8 and move the northern cities of district 8 over to district 2. That makes more sense.

Veronica Bergeron

Commission: both

Zip: 80134

Submittted: September 08, 2021


Having lived in the Pinery in Douglas County, Congressional District 4, for 25 years, I have been very unhappy and frustrated with the way this district is drawn. This is NOT A COMPETITIVE DISTRICT in its current configuration and DOES NOT reflect the fact that Douglas County is a METRO AREA COUNTY. Douglas County should be represented with THE FRONT RANGE, not Kansas, not farming/ranching country. I am very politically active and aware and find each election infuriating because we have no chance of electing a more moderate candidate. Again, I urge the Commission to draw new district lines including Douglas county as part of the Front Range, making it COMPETITIVE and reflective of the URBAN character of the area. After 25 years, I would like to have more of a choice in representation.

Joel W Marx

Commission: congressional

Zip: 80134

Submittted: September 08, 2021


I live in Parker, CO within Douglas County. Douglas County is a front range metro county and should not be part of mostly rural Congressional District 4. Like Arahahoe County it should be represented by a front range metro district, not an eastern plains district!

Guy Turenne

Commission: congressional

Zip: 80528

Submittted: September 08, 2021


I was very upset to see the recent Congressional Redistricting map that puts Fort Collins in District 4. I am upset for a variety of reasons. As the County seat of a county with a large urban population Fort Collins as the seat of County Government has needs vastly different than the mostly rural residents of Congressional District 4. The Congress person representing District 4 will have a very different agenda in Congress representing the rural residents that form the majority of the district than the agenda of a Congressperson representing the concerns of a predominantly urban population. Maintaining and promoting community continuity will not be served by splitting Larimer County between two Congressional Districts that deal with different problems and that have very different views regarding the purpose of government. Here are a just a couple of examples: Larimer County residents myself included expressed their desire that higher protections than the State has promulgated were needed to protect the health of residents from the harmful effects of gas and oil development standards that the County Commision ultimately approved. While Weld County took the exact opposite view and has made it clear they will not even enforce the new State Required Standards. A few years back Weld County made it clear that it's views regarding the purpose and function of government was very different from that of the majority of Coloradoans and joined other northeast Plains Counties in exploring the possibility of seceding from Colorado again a view point radically different from the residents of Fort Collins, Larimer County and most of Colorado. Putting Fort Collins in District 4 will effectively eliminate the representation of it's needs and views in Congress. Fort Collins needs to remain in District 2.

Mike Cowan

Commission: congressional

Zip: 81149

Submittted: September 08, 2021


It seems obvious that targeting Congresswoman Boebert could be a priority of this commission. She has served her district well and is very popular among her constituents. It appears that planners went out of their way to make sure her constituents are no longer represented by her powerful voice in Congress which has in turn resonated across the nation. If this commission truly wants us to believe that it has any bi-partisan integrity, at least make an attempt to enable District 2 to have a chance at a competitive race. I believe this commission is well off the mark with this plan.

Lori Meier

Commission: both

Zip: 80828

Submittted: September 08, 2021


Please don't let the urban cities make decisions about our rural practices. People in the cities are out of touch with the agricultural communities and should not be making decisions that don't understand how it effects agriculture and energy. Please reconsider drawing up a new redistring map where agriculture communities can prosper without the influence of large populations!

Sheryl Monroe

Commission: congressional

Zip: 80104

Submittted: September 08, 2021


I am a resident of Douglas County and request the county be part of the front range, not with Kiowa, Limon,etc. Douglas County is much more like counties such as Jefferson or Arapahoe rather than Elbert. Many residents work in Denver. Douglas is becoming much more urban than rural, our needs differ greatly from the smaller rural counties. We are part of the urban corridor and as such should be moved. Please reconsider your redistricting map and move Douglas County from the rural district to the more urban districts.

Rose Legge

Commission: congressional

Zip: 80104

Submittted: September 08, 2021


We are no longer a rural county. We include Highlands Ranch, Parker, and Castle Rock, a rapidly growing community. As a resident of Castle Rock, I do NOT want to be grouped in with Kiowa, or Limon, etc. Please redistrict us as a Front Range metropolitan county. It makes a lot more sense! Thank you, Rose Legge