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Commission: both

Zip: 81403

Submittted: September 15, 2021


DISTRICT 3 REDISTRICTING If you change the boundaries of District 3 to include populous cities, we in the western counties will absolutely have no true and strong representation in Congress. We need like minded representatives that understand and support rural ideology . We already are struggling to have a voice in our State and Congress with the populous I-25 corridor in Colorado. The rural western counties have a different economic basis that includes small businesses, ranches, farms, forest management, and natural resources, of which water is a major concern. All of these entities rely on one another and have different concerns to face than the major cities, on the front range that elect our 2 Senators. Redistricting is not a political decision; it is a moral decision that takes inconsideration the needs of the people of District 3 and western Colorado . Western and Eastern Colorado have been side stepped for too many years when it comes to their representation. It all boils down to what is right is RIGHT and what is wrong is WRONG!! WE NEED TRUE REPRESENTATION

Michelle Morgan

Commission: congressional

Zip: 81631

Submittted: September 15, 2021


I can't imagine what in the world has led ya'll to propose a redistricting of Eagle County into CD-2. Eagle County is the western slope of Colorado. It is a completely different lifestyle than the front range and other eastern slope districts. Here on the western slope, we value conservative values including western heritage, minerals and natural resources. We should not be lumped in with the values of the eastern districts which include heavily populated areas and city-minded folks and all that they value. Please do not change this!!

John gottlieb

Commission: congressional

Zip: 81657

Submittted: September 15, 2021


To include Eagle County with Boulder is ludicrous. In the first place they are not remotely near each other. Only contiguous counties should be in the same district. Another cogent point is that people of Boulder have about as much in common with the people of Eagle County as oil has with water. There are many other good reasons why they should not be in the same district, but reasonable facts are irrelevant when the decision is being made strictly for political reasons.

Susan Rychel

Commission: both

Zip: 80524-3179

Submittted: September 15, 2021


Leave Eagle County in CD3. Keep the Western Slope remaining in one CD. Thank you!

Heather Lemon

Commission: both

Zip: 81658

Submittted: September 15, 2021


Eagle County should stay with the Western communities in CD 2 with out being outvoted by cities who have very little in common with us. We have ranches that have specific issues that big cities don't face. Putting us with Boulder takes away any influence we may have and weakens our positions. This past few years have been great since we have ranches etc that make us more similar to towns in the West than cities in the East. Please keep us with our brothers and sisters that need our support

Rita Woods

Commission: congressional

Zip: 81631

Submittted: September 15, 2021


Please listen to our pleas to be kept in CD3. The westernslope should not be cut up. We have so much more in common. We share the same geographic needs and water concerns than with those communites along the I-25 corridor. If redisticting splits up the westerlope, you will be intentially diluting our voice. Day to day life and community needs are very different, our voices will not be heard among the larger communites in the front range. Please do not break up the western slope.

sharon malloy

Commission: legislative

Zip: 80501

Submittted: September 15, 2021


September 15, 2021 submitted by Sharon Malloy 2113 Rangeview Lane Longmont 80501 I am writing with input about HD 13 new map which includes NW Longmont. This neighborhood belongs in St. Vrain Valley School District and has been part of Longmont city boundaries for a very long time. Please keep this area in HD 11 where they're/our interests will be better represented. If the HD 11 map needs to be extended to include Longmont, it makes much more sense to include the southwest section of Longmont. This section is not only closer to Boulder/HD 12, it is relatively new with less time/ties to Longmont proper. Similarly, this southwest section would have both the middle and high school w/in the newly-drawn HD 13 boundaries. (This would NOT be the case should northwest Longmont be included in HD 13). Longmont has been well represented by being represented by 2 house districts. While HD 12 extends into Louisville/Lafayette, these municipalities are similar to Longmont as all are in east Boulder County and have similar issues regarding transportation, proximity to Weld (oil and gas operations/impacts on air etc.) Please redraw the map to take out northwest Longmont and include southwest Longmont. Thank you for your time and consideration, Sharon Malloy Retired special ed teacher w/SVVSD teacher (Silver Creek HS) and resident of Longmont since 1986

Jesse Cornish

Commission: both

Zip: 81631

Submittted: September 15, 2021


Residents of rural Colorado have unique interests and need representation in Congress whose constituency does not have divided priorities. Our voices deserve to be heard, undiluted by inclusion in a district with suburban and urban residents. Whether agriculture or energy production, public lands, water, natural resources, or cooperative businesses, most of our issues and needs in Congress differ from those of our Front Range urban and suburban friends and fellow Coloradans. We all care about education and transportation, but no rural county has (or will have) light rail, and no urban county will understand the needs of a small ranch operation. We deserve representation in Congress that isn’t forced to choose between our needs and the issues that matter to suburbia. The June preliminarily plan contains the best map for rural America and will ensure that our voice is heard through two distinct rural districts. Furthermore, if Teller, Park, Chaffee and Fremont counties are no longer going to be in the Fifth Congressional District, then then should be in the Third Congressional District with other communities of interest not lumped in with Jefferson County and other suburban counties with which they have nothing in common.

Marcos Magana

Commission: both

Zip: 81501

Submittted: September 15, 2021


The Congressional Map doesn't make any sense. I don't understand how Boulder County can be placed in the same district as North West counties. They are just different in many many many ways. From Agriculture to water we see things differently. Water is one of the biggest, if not the most important aspect of the west. Not to mention that western Colorado provides water for 18 states and Mexico. The point that I am trying to make is that proper representation is key when it comes to elected officials. If we elect someone who we think is going to properly represent us but the opposite end of the district (who prioritizes different issues) thinks the same way, how is anything going to get done? Bottom line, we don't have the same community interests. The Legislative Map has the same issue. I live in Grand Junction and I realize that Delta and Grand Junction have similar interests like Agriculture. Delta, just like Grand Junction, rely on the Colorado and Gunnison river for water and recreational reasons. Delta needs the recreation industry and splitting Delta County to have two seats representing them just doesn't make sense. Splits priorities. Thank you for your efforts and please reconsider.

Rick Castor

Commission: congressional

Zip: 81212

Submittted: September 15, 2021


We live in Fremont County and should never be lumped in with Metro Denver county. We have nothing in common with these urban counties. We are a rural county and should be in with Custer, Huerfano, and Park counties.