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Sherry Dolce

Commission: congressional

Zip: 81089

Submittted: September 15, 2021


Southern Colorado interests (economic growth, social programs, water concerns, infrastructure, etc.) have been poorly represented by the previous congressional mapping; and, the proposed Tafoya map will unite this area in a solid geographic concept not possible with inclusion of most of the eastern or western parts of the state. The Tafoya map will (additionally) meet the political need of the majority of this population since we are historically a working class citizenry. The southern part of Colorado one finds good paying jobs are usually employer based and manufacturing is highly needed. The other proposed map will place our area's needs in direct competition with more Northern parts of the proposed district. I urge this Committee to adopt the Tafoya Map!!! Thank you for your time and energy in serving on the committee. Sincerely, Sherry Dolce

C Stevens

Commission: both

Zip: 80020

Submittted: September 15, 2021


For most of Broomfield’s history we were divided by being in several different counties. Finally this was addressed by the creation of Broomfield County and now, after years of disjointed government and an inability to have our voices heard as a cohesive community we can speak as one voice. Please, I emplore you, do not take us back to the past by separating Broomfield county into two separate congressional or legislative districts. We’ve already experienced what it means to split our representation across disparate government organizations. It just doesn’t work for our community. Please keep Broomfiled as one community so that we may speak with one voice and enjoy the same coherent representative voice we finally have after so many years of not being heard. Thank You.

Abigail Jensen

Commission: congressional

Zip: 80487

Submittted: September 15, 2021


Thank you for allowing public comments. I live in Routt county. The current suggested redistricting takes 6 very rural counties and places them with Larimer and Boulder counties. Both have large universities and have large populations that do not depend on farming and ranching as one of the important economic drivers. The total population of all 6 rural counties (124,494) does not even come close to the population of either Larimer or Boulder. Our needs are different and it would be difficult for one representative to successfully address rural versus larger populous needs.

Jim and Connie Starr

Commission: both

Zip: 80863

Submittted: September 15, 2021


We had a minister who lived in Colorado Springs and we live in Woodland Park. He knew almost nothing about the problems and success we have had in Woodland Park and therefore could not effectively respond to our needs as a Church. I also have been in Denver several times this year and it is like a foreign country to me! The people cannot relate to my family's and my needs or interests. It is of utmost importance that here in America we take into account every individuals needs. To be a representative government rural folks must have equal standing with urban and city folks. It is a matter of political justice. Thank you for listening. Mr and Mrs Jim and Connie Starr

Suzanne Patterson

Commission: both

Zip: 80816

Submittted: September 15, 2021


I oppose the new congressional redistributing. There should not be a change to the west and south slopes of Colorado. I am against that these areas become part of Denver metro.


Commission: congressional

Zip: 80860

Submittted: September 15, 2021


Why? I do not understand the purpose of lumping Teller County in with Denver counties. Is it for votes? Because I left Arvada, in Jefferson County, to move to a more responsible, less hypocritical, more constituent decision based county such as Teller. Where residents are LISTENED to and our votes actually matter. Our local politicians LISTEN, and do what they said they would do!! I can assure you from 30 years experience in Jefferson County, it's not the same. We are on the Highway 24 Corridor from Colorado Springs to the western slope. What does that have to do with Denver counties? I feel like this is once again, just a vote stealing situation. I know my opinion won't matter to the Denver Politicians in cahoots with this scheme. But it matters in Teller County. It's why I moved here. This is just another greedy, underhanded pack of lies from this state. YOU Politicians work for us!! It's not your place to impose your "will" on our Constitutional Rights. I DO NOT AGREE with this "redistricting".

Lauren James

Commission: both

Zip: 80829

Submittted: September 15, 2021


I am opposed to the new congressional redistricting. There should not be a change to the West and South slopes of Colorado. I am against that these areas become a part of Denver Metro area!

Carl Andersen

Commission: congressional

Zip: 80863

Submittted: September 15, 2021


I am a resident of teller county. I believe we are a more rural county with a lot of public space and need to be paired with more western and southern Colorado counties. Not urban city areas! Thank you for your time and efforts! Carl Andersen

Marina Young

Commission: congressional

Zip: 81505

Submittted: September 15, 2021


The First Staff Plan of Colorado Congressional District 2 groups Moffat County, Rio Blanco County and Garfield County with Boulder County. There could hardly be more dissimilar groupings. The population density, views on private property ownership, views on hunting and gun rights, per capita spending and income, views on water rights, types of occupation, and services available to the residents of these counties are completely opposite. Boulder County, with population of 330,758, in comparison with the combined population of Moffat (13,292), Rio Blanco (6,529), and Garfield Counties (61,685) of 81,506 would result in the people of these counties having little to no voice. This grouping would appear to be done by design to effectively silence the voters of these counties, which would be disruptive to peaceful cooperation within our state. Please consider the recommendations of CLUB 20 when planning the districts.

Alexandra Hitchcock

Commission: congressional

Zip: 80807

Submittted: September 15, 2021


1. Rural Colorado is a “Community of Interest” and the First Staff Plan map for Congressional redistricting does not take that into consideration. – This is the most important point you can make because the commission has been specifically charged with taking “communities of interest” into account. A “community of interest” is basically a group of people or an area with common interests that differ from other area’s or group’s interests. 2. The proposed map does not take into account the notable differences between Eastern & Western Colorado. 3. Revert back to the preliminary congressional map and go from there