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Kyle Weber

Commission: both

Zip: 81632

Submittted: September 16, 2021


Keep Eagle County in CD3

Valerie Weber

Commission: both

Zip: 81632

Submittted: September 16, 2021


Keep Eagle County in CD3

Barbara DeLuca

Commission: both

Zip: 81632

Submittted: September 16, 2021


Dear Commissioners, I was very upset to realize that you are now putting Eagle,County into district 2, along with Boulder which is a complete and incompatible mismatch. I know that our place is in district 3 in order to remain included with other western slope ski and recreational communities. This is essential to reach our greatest potential and thus be a better contributor to the state of Colorado, financially as well as developmental. It is my understanding that our communities have expressed a majority decision to remain in district 3, however, in spite of that, it still makes the most sense to respect the obvious many advantages we will enjoy by remaining in district 3. I implore you to leave Eagle County in district 3. Very strongly felt, Barbara De Luca

Teller County Commissioner Dan Williams

Commission: congressional

Zip: 80813

Submittted: September 16, 2021


The latest map we have seen makes absolutely no sense at its best and at its worst is a classic example of gerrymandering. Teller county is a rural county in southern Colorado. Our relationship with El Paso County is incredibly important. 45% of our residents commute there for work daily. 25% of our residents are Veterans and use VA facilities in El Paso. Any plan that attempts to pair our county to the greater Denver Metro area will be the end of true representation of rural Colorado. Colorado residents live for the most part where they want to live, its a choice. They demand representation from the political leaders, nearly all of them coming from the communities they represent. This latest map insures that the divisiveness that currently exists in our country and state will get worse. The redistricting commission is sworn to be non-partisan...that is not what all of us are watching and is certainly not the feedback we have been providing in the multiple meetings and hearings you have had for our input. Cities belong in their counties and some grouping of counties, with common interests, lifestyles and economic realities are what is needed for the new congressional district. Please listen to us and please fullfill your mandate. As it now stands all we see is an attempt to have the greater Denver Metro area have undue influence in our political environment

Robert Carter

Commission: both

Zip: 81620

Submittted: September 16, 2021


Eagle County should remain in the 3rd district. We have nothing in common with Boulder or Larimer counties.

Lois Hogan

Commission: congressional

Zip: 81403

Submittted: September 16, 2021


I prefer the original proposed CD 3 map as submitted by Club 20. I believe the interests of rural Colorado are best served by that map. That being said, the Second Staff Plan Map dated 9/15/2021 is also acceptable. I believe it groups communities of like interests and concerns together and will give us more cohesive representation at the federal level. I live and work in Montrose, and our community is very concerned about being fairly represented in Washington DC. We have NOTHING in common with counties on the Front Range and would really like to stress that including any of those counties with high population density runs contrary to the stated goals of the redistricting effort and the phrase "community of interest". I do support the Second Staff Plan map dated 9/15/2021. Thank you.

Carl Luppens

Commission: congressional

Zip: 81631

Submittted: September 16, 2021


Why does the Commission seem incapable of drawing a map that doesn’t include some part of the I-25 corridor in almost every CD? We do not have anything in common with the I-25 Corridor or Boulder. Colorado is a lot more than the I-25 corridor. This Violates the most fundamental principle of congressional redistricting: that communities of interest have representation in our Congress. Give those areas on the Front Range their Congressional voices, and give a voice to the Western Slope by keeping all of the Western Slope in CD3. The Western Slope’s vital relationship with water alone is enough to designate it as a community of interest bound by the shared responsibility of stewardship. However, the Western Slope also has commonalities regarding how the region uses water. The Western Slope’s agricultural, industrial, and recreation economies rely on well-informed local representatives to protect the community’s water at the state and federal levels. To split the Western Slope in any way would compromise the unity required to properly represent water interests in the region. There is also a clear divide between the Western Slope and front range communities, clearly designating western Colorado as a community with unique federal interests. Though many of our communities do not have the tax base of their front range counterparts, they still must provide the essential services of government: safe roads and bridges, law enforcement, public schools, and critical infrastructure with minimal resources. These challenges are not experienced by front range communities where virtually no federally owned lands exist. While federal lands are preserved for the benefit of all Americans, the day-to-day responsibilities of preservation fall upon those who live closest to those lands. These lands are managed for multiple uses – from livestock grazing to energy extraction to outdoor recreation. Over generations, communities on the Western Slope have worked with federal agencies to develop and demonstrate best practices for multi-use lands for the country and these uses are limited to county border. The Western Slope must be maintained as a result. Colorado has more than 24.4 million acres of forestland and many of these forests include the headwaters of rivers that provide reliable, affordable water supplies which are foundational to the environment, economy, and quality of life in rural Colorado. In fact, rangeland and forest are the predominant land uses in the Colorado Basin (85%), with forested land present throughout many parts of the basin. A substantial portion of the basin is comprised of federally owned land, with livestock, grazing, recreation, and timber harvesting as the predominant uses on those lands. A Colorado Statewide Forest Resource Assessment identified 642 watersheds susceptible to damaging wildfire, and 371 forested watersheds with high to very high risk from post-fire erosion, many of these watersheds, encompassing about 9.4 million acres of spruce-fir, aspen and pine forests that contain critical infrastructure for municipal drinking water supplies., ALL of these forests reside west of the continental divide. The San Luis Valley has unique agriculture interests and should not be divided. This region should be kept whole and united with other communities of interest. All of these above needs are best accomplished through the map released with the preliminary plan in June. I ask the Commission to adopt a map that closely resembles that initial plan. Residents of rural Colorado have unique interests and need representation in Congress whose constituency does not have divided priorities. Our voices deserve to be heard, undiluted by inclusion in a district with suburban and urban residents. Whether agriculture or energy production, public lands, water, natural resources, or cooperative businesses, most of our issues and needs in Congress differ from those of our Front Range urban and suburban friends and fellow Coloradans. We all care about education and transportation, but no rural county has (or will have) light rail, and no urban county will understand the needs of a small ranch operation. We deserve representation in Congress that isn’t forced to choose between our needs and the issues that matter to suburbia. The June preliminarily plan contains the best map for rural America and will ensure that our voice is heard through two distinct rural districts. Furthermore, if Teller, Park, Chaffee and Fremont counties are no longer going to be in the Fifth Congressional District, then then should be in the Third Congressional District with other communities of interest not lumped in with Jefferson County and other suburban counties with which they have nothing in common. Unfortunately, the first Staff Plan map released on September 3rd ignores the needs of rural America by removing rural counties in the current Third Congressional District that include Moffat, Rio Blanco, Routt, Garfield, Jackson and Grand counties and lumping them in with Boulder and Larimer, two counties with which they have little to nothing in common. This drastic departure from the current Congressional Districts is a disservice to both the residents of the Second and Third Congressional Districts. CD3, as drawn in the preliminarily plan released in June, made great improvements that unified communities of interest and shared public policy concerns. Tourism, education, public health, education, transportation, water and other mutual issues of concern for our residents were well represented on that map. I was excited about the possibility of a district that ensured the people of the Third District were well represented and connected. Unfortunately, the first staff plan released September 3rd decimates the rural voice in northwest Colorado and disregards the critical communities of interest that make up the fabric of western Colorado. These recent changes to the map ensure that residents on the other side of the mountains and in Denver who share little in common with us are responsible for making decisions on behalf of rural Coloradans. Whether you are living in Craig, Durango, or Yuma - these changes to the map do not allow our voice to be heard or our interests to be fairly represented. The Rocky Mountains create a natural boundary between the eastern and western parts of the state. The Western Slope has unique infrastructure, outdoor recreation and tourism challenges that unify our counties and communities of interest. Our infrastructure is not mainly centered around growing populations as it is in the front range, but around the mountain passes, rivers, and lands that make up the Western Slope. The heavy snow and other similar weather patterns in the west also connect the similar kinds of needs for roads, which vary from the eastern and front range part of the state. The economy, with regard to tourism and outdoor recreation, of the western slope contains almost all of the ski areas and encompasses what people think of when they think of Colorado: hiking, mountain biking, hunting, camping, fishing, skiing and snowmobiling. It is because of these reasons that I support the preliminary plan for CD-03 released in June. Whether we are speaking regarding shared interests such as our energy grid on the Western Slope, or our values at home, rural Coloradans on the Western Slope cannot be fairly represented without the region being kept intact. Keep the West Slope whole. The preliminarily plan released on June 23rd is the fairest map that is consistent with the Congressional Constitutional language approved by voters. The Rocky Mountains provide the obvious divider between the western slope and front range communities. However, once Colorado’s water basins and federal lands are taken into consideration, the east-west configuration seems to be the only way to accurately represent Colorado’s population across the state. The Western Slope is responsible for the roughly 80% of water that leaves Colorado; this means that those of us who live in the Western Slope are responsible for maintaining the water basins. Water is often a major issue and it is important that we have one Congressman who is able to represent ALL of the water on the Western Slope. Additionally, federal lands comprise more than 55% of the land in western Colorado, which is in stark contrast to the front range. This necessitates the need for a single Congressman , and points to the reality that the daily responsibilities of upkeep for our federal lands are taken on by locals all across the Western Slope; we must be united to tackle these tasks. Please keep the Western Slope intact. As a long-term resident of western Colorado, I always wonder how redistricting will affect our part of the state. The map released with the June 23 preliminarily plan respected our way of life and the geographical areas connected to that. The Western Slope is united in many ways, the large amount of federal lands and tourism being some of the top ways. The front range communities steward different types of lands and engage in different kinds of economic activities than we do on the West Slope, both of which need accurate representation. The preliminary plan serves the West Slope best. I urge the Commission to adopt a map that mirrors than plan. The Western Slope is home to a majority of the state's forests and with the multitude of forest fires in the west slope over the last three decades, it is of utmost importance to keep the western portion of the state together so our representative can most effectively address this issue. Just over 55% of the western land in Colorado is federally-owned, so in order to get the management solutions we need for our forests on a federal level, we must keep the West Slope together. Two rural districts currently make up a large portion of the state, representing various issues, industries and communities that require specific representation. The eastern plains and San Luis Valley are the home to many people that work in agriculture. We need to make sure the agriculture industry maintains a strong voice for these communities of interest at the federal level. Meanwhile, the Western slope is home to significant energy, tourism and public land communities. Ensuring two rural districts that include all communities of interest, as drawn in the map for the June preliminarily plan, will ensure Colorado’s urban and rural communities are best served by all of our Representatives. The ski industry is one of the driving forces for tourism in Colorado and unites the western part of our state, as almost all ski resorts are west of the Continental Divide. It makes the most sense to keep all ski areas together in one district. Additionally, the mountainous area in the West that allows for such great skiing also creates unique challenges for infrastructure. While the front range can align infrastructure changes with growing populations, we in the West have to consider geography and weather in addition to population density. Keeping the Western Slope whole will put a Congressman in the best position to improve our infrastructure and best serve our ski communities. Colorado generates over 95-million-acre feet of water annually, and about 10-million-acre feet leave the state through its borders. Of the 10-million-acre feet that leave Colorado, 81%, or 8.1-million-acre feet, exit through the Western Slope. This means that the Western Slope is responsible for stewarding a large portion of Colorado’s water, which will be made far more difficult if the Western Slope is split up. Communities like Moffat, Rio Blanco and Garfield will be ignored by their Representative and not receive the attention they deserve, particularly when it comes to water, if they are lumped into the Second Congressional District and removed from the Third. Please keep the Western Slope whole so our water-related issues can best be addressed in Congress.

Kelly Hegarty

Commission: congressional

Zip: 81301

Submittted: September 15, 2021


Dear Redistricting Commission: The Residents of rural Colorado voices deserve to be heard without being lumped into suburban and urban areas. If rural Colorado is represented in with suburban and urban districts our message and our needs are watered down. Whether agriculture or energy production, public lands, water, natural resources, or cooperative businesses, most of our issues and needs in Congress differ from those of our Front Range urban and suburban areas. We all care about education and transportation, but no rural county has (or will have) light rail, and no urban county will understand the needs of a small ranch or farm. We deserve representation in Congress that isn’t forced to choose between our needs and the issues that matter to big cities. The June 23rd preliminarily plan contains the best map for rural Colorado and will ensure that our voice is heard through two distinct rural districts. This preliminarily plan made great improvements that unified communities of interest and shared public policy concerns. To assure all of Colorado equal and fair representation, please consider revisiting the June 23rd redistricting map.

Mark Vodopich

Commission: both

Zip: 81637

Submittted: September 15, 2021


It makes no sense to group Eagle County with Boulder. We are in entirely different areas and have very different interests. Boulder is notoriously left leaning and has a much larger population than Eagle County. Grouping Eagle County with Boulder County guarantees that the residents of Eagle County will have little say in whatever happens after this combination, if it occurs. DO NOT COMBINE EAGLE COUNTY WITH BOULDER COUNTY! Is that simple enough?

Jennifer Ogden

Commission: both

Zip: 80538

Submittted: September 15, 2021


There is absolutely no reason why people residing in Denver should be grouped together with those in Teller county. This “redistricting” is only to further Democrat policy and silence Conservative voices.