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John Hamrick

Commission: congressional

Zip: 81212

Submittted: September 16, 2021


Combining rural voters with urban and suburban voters will guarantee that rural voices and interests will be overwhelmed and underrepresented in the election process. Rural voter’s interests in agriculture, public lands, natural resource utilization are not the same and, for the most part, entirely different than our urban and suburban counterparts. The second staff plan for CD7 must be redrawn as it is entirely unacceptable.

Matthew Wyatt

Commission: both

Zip: 81631

Submittted: September 16, 2021


Please keep our county in CD3 with the Western Slope. Eagle County is NOT a part of Boulder or the Front Range. Thank you

Sam Rushing

Commission: both

Zip: 81327

Submittted: September 16, 2021


I live in Ouray County. I have lived here for over 30 years having moved from Mississippi in 1990. This area was red when I arrived, but was going in the right direction. The 10% GOP advantage is very disturbing. I can't see why we can't find a way to give our district an even playing field. Being represented by unqualified people such as Boebart is both embarrassing and counter to the progressive agenda that other areas of our state enjoys. Having grown up in a very conservative and backward state, this districting plan will stop our area's of the state progress. We do not need a "Mississippi" district in Colorado. Please allow our area to achieve a more equitable percentage of progress parts of our great state to balance our area. This is unfair to the many progressives in our area to have to endure and overcome. Lauren Boebart is a good example of what happens when the district is stacked to allow a totally unqualified person to represent our people. Please save us from future knuckleheads such as Boebart. Sincerely, Sam Rushing, Ouray, Colorado,

Myles Baker

Commission: congressional

Zip: 80550

Submittted: September 16, 2021


First, thank you for volunteering to serve on the redistricting commission. It is a big responsibility and I appreciate you taking the time to do this. I live in Windsor and I am writing about including part of Larimer County in CD4. Below are a few reasons: 1) As you may know, Windsor is split in two counties (Larimer & Weld), served by 3 school districts, and two library districts. I live in the Larimer portion of Windsor. My kids attend Poudre School District and we are part of the Poudre Library District. Both of these are based out of Fort Collins and predominately serve Fort Collins families and this is where a lot of our property taxes go. 2) I-25 Corridor - I live within the I-25 Corridor. This is vastly different than the rural make-up of the district. If your intent was to make this a competitive district, I would completely understand our inclusion. However, based on party registration, that is not the intent with CD4. 3) Ten years ago we were moved from CD4 to CD2. Now it is proposed we move back from CD2 to CD4. I don't think it is fair that we are used as the "swing" area and are constantly moving back and forth between Congressional Districts. I hope you consider keeping Larimer County together. If you must keep Windsor in one district, please consider moving the entire town to CD2. Again, thank you for your time.

Nicholas Bailey

Commission: both

Zip: 81212

Submittted: September 16, 2021


This is blatant gerrymandering that is so ridiculous that it should be outlawed. There is no justifiable means whereby anyone could place the citizens of a small town like Canon City in Fremont County to be of the same mind, the same needs, and the same purpose as a metropolitan area like Denver. Whoever came up with this idea and drew up this these plans should be fired!

Ron McGraw

Commission: both

Zip: 80651

Submittted: September 16, 2021


The proposed district 8 should not include the county seat of a county that is predominately agriculture and petroleum energy production. By placing Greeley, the weld county seat, among representation with north Denver metro areas, will alienate the county from its county seat, as far as representation goes. There are larger populations slightly west that would be better served within this proposed district 8 without putting rural weld county residents at political odds with metro areas.

Ron McGraw

Commission: both

Zip: 80651

Submittted: September 16, 2021


The eastern line of the proposed district 8 needs to be moved to the west side of highway 85 and made up by the western side of the proposed district 8. There is far too much ag property included with north Denver metro areas…this proposed district will encompass some of the most productive farm land in weld county which will be at odds with the metro north Denver population….we all need fair representation.

Sandi Harris

Commission: both

Zip: 80863

Submittted: September 16, 2021


Teller County is a Mountain Rural Community that shares similar concerns with the Western Slope & Southern Portions of our state much more so than the Urban Denver/Boulder areas. 1--More difficult access to essential items of daily living when harsh weather conditions occur 2--Requires different preplanning measures and stocking up of essential items for when access to urban areas is hindered 3--Have smaller number of resources when problems occur 4--Have longer "wait" times to get resources delivered, broken items repaired 5--Can't leave livestock/farms left unattended when harsh conditions occur 6--We share communities of interests with El Paso County for employment 7--Our federal public land use, land use, and mining/extraction industries connects us more with counties of the Western slope and Southern region 8--Teller County shares communities of interests with Fremont and El Paso Counties for Commerce 9--Teller County's wildlife management shares communities of interests with the Western slopes and Southern mountainous regions 10--Highway 24 connects us to multiple Western Slope Counties with similar geography 11--The Palmer Divide separates Teller County into a Rural Mountainous Southern Region Please preserve our Rural Voice and Concerns! Thank You, Sandi Harris

Lana Parks

Commission: both

Zip: 81212

Submittted: September 16, 2021


As a resident of Fremont County, I totally oppose the redistricting of Fremont County by adding it to the Jefferson County district. This county wants nothing to do with anything related to the Denver area and suburbs. We don’t even like any Jefferson County residents moving here or vacationing here. Their liberal values destroy everything they touch. They do NOT represent our small town, rural values. This is an excellent County. Being added into Jefferson County would ruin our representation. Leave them isolated and separated from all that makes Colorado an excellent state. Better yet, send them all to California with those weirdos.

Judy Crook

Commission: congressional

Zip: Rifle

Submittted: September 16, 2021


I live in Rifle, Colorado. I have visited Pueblo, Colorado twice. It is a long drive from here, and I have little in common with people in Pueblo, Colorado. I was excited by an earlier map which removed my county of Garfield from Pueblo, although depressed about being in a district without Eagle and Pitkin counties. Garfield county does not belong with Pueblo county. It has more in common with other mountain resort communities, including Routt county. The latest whacky map not only removes us from our neighbor Pitkin county, but it places us back with Pueblo. I want to be with my neighbors in Eagle and Pitkin. The idea of putting us with Boulder and Larimer counties was more palatable because it maintains a union with other resort/mountain communities. While part of Garfield county is on the Colorado Plateau, a large part is wilderness area and tourist/resort areas. We belong in a district with Eagle, Routt, and Pitkin counties. To balance out those more liberal populations, you can add in Moffat and Rio Blanco counties as well. But we do NOT belong with the county of Pueblo. We are northwestern Colorado, not southwestern Colorado. Northwestern mountain communities have more in common with northeastern than with southern. Please don't adopt the most recent second congressional plan.